// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: "off", */ import { filterHTML } from "html-filter"; import { updateActiveButtons } from "./toolbar"; import { setupI18n, ModuleName } from "lib/i18n"; import { isApplePlatform } from "lib/platform"; import { registerShortcut } from "lib/shortcuts"; import { bridgeCommand } from "lib/bridgecommand"; import "./fields.css"; import { saveField } from "./change-timer"; import { EditorField } from "./editor-field"; import { LabelContainer } from "./label-container"; import { EditingArea } from "./editing-area"; import { Editable } from "./editable"; import { Codable } from "./codable"; import { initToolbar, fieldFocused } from "./toolbar"; export { setNoteId, getNoteId } from "./note-id"; export { saveNow } from "./change-timer"; export { wrap, wrapIntoText } from "./wrap"; export { editorToolbar } from "./toolbar"; export { components } from "./Components.svelte"; declare global { interface Selection { modify(s: string, t: string, u: string): void; addRange(r: Range): void; removeAllRanges(): void; getRangeAt(n: number): Range; } } customElements.define("anki-editable", Editable); customElements.define("anki-codable", Codable, { extends: "textarea" }); customElements.define("anki-editing-area", EditingArea, { extends: "div" }); customElements.define("anki-label-container", LabelContainer, { extends: "div" }); customElements.define("anki-editor-field", EditorField, { extends: "div" }); if (isApplePlatform()) { registerShortcut(() => bridgeCommand("paste"), "Control+Shift+V"); } export function getCurrentField(): EditingArea | null { return document.activeElement instanceof EditingArea ? document.activeElement : null; } export function focusField(n: number): void { const field = getEditorField(n); if (field) { field.editingArea.focus(); field.editingArea.caretToEnd(); updateActiveButtons(new Event("manualfocus")); } } export function focusIfField(x: number, y: number): boolean { const elements = document.elementsFromPoint(x, y); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { const elem = elements[i] as EditingArea; if (elem instanceof EditingArea) { elem.focus(); return true; } } return false; } export function pasteHTML( html: string, internal: boolean, extendedMode: boolean ): void { html = filterHTML(html, internal, extendedMode); if (html !== "") { setFormat("inserthtml", html); } } function adjustFieldAmount(amount: number): void { const fieldsContainer = document.getElementById("fields")!; while (fieldsContainer.childElementCount < amount) { const newField = document.createElement("div", { is: "anki-editor-field", }) as EditorField; newField.ord = fieldsContainer.childElementCount; fieldsContainer.appendChild(newField); } while (fieldsContainer.childElementCount > amount) { fieldsContainer.removeChild(fieldsContainer.lastElementChild as Node); } } export function getEditorField(n: number): EditorField | null { const fields = document.getElementById("fields")!.children; return (fields[n] as EditorField) ?? null; } /// forEachEditorFieldAndProvidedValue: /// Values should be a list with the same length as the /// number of fields. Func will be called with each field and /// value in turn. export function forEditorField( values: T[], func: (field: EditorField, value: T) => void ): void { const fields = document.getElementById("fields")!.children; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const field = fields[i] as EditorField; func(field, values[i]); } } export function setFields(fields: [string, string][]): void { // webengine will include the variable after enter+backspace // if we don't convert it to a literal colour const color = window .getComputedStyle(document.documentElement) .getPropertyValue("--text-fg"); adjustFieldAmount(fields.length); forEditorField( fields, (field: EditorField, [name, fieldContent]: [string, string]): void => field.initialize(name, color, fieldContent) ); if (!getCurrentField()) { // when initial focus of the window is not on editor (e.g. browser) fieldFocused.set(false); } } export function setBackgrounds(cols: ("dupe" | "")[]): void { forEditorField(cols, (field: EditorField, value: "dupe" | "") => field.editingArea.classList.toggle("dupe", value === "dupe") ); document .getElementById("dupes")! .classList.toggle("is-inactive", !cols.includes("dupe")); } export function setClozeHint(cloze_hint: string): void { document.getElementById("cloze-hint")!.innerHTML = cloze_hint; } export function setFonts(fonts: [string, number, boolean][]): void { forEditorField( fonts, ( field: EditorField, [fontFamily, fontSize, isRtl]: [string, number, boolean] ) => { field.setBaseStyling(fontFamily, `${fontSize}px`, isRtl ? "rtl" : "ltr"); } ); } export function setSticky(stickies: boolean[]): void { forEditorField(stickies, (field: EditorField, isSticky: boolean) => { field.labelContainer.activateSticky(isSticky); }); } export function setFormat(cmd: string, arg?: string, nosave = false): void { document.execCommand(cmd, false, arg); if (!nosave) { saveField(getCurrentField() as EditingArea, "key"); updateActiveButtons(new Event(cmd)); } } const i18n = setupI18n({ modules: [ ModuleName.EDITING, ModuleName.KEYBOARD, ModuleName.ACTIONS, ModuleName.BROWSING, ], }); import type EditorToolbar from "./EditorToolbar.svelte"; export const $editorToolbar: Promise = initToolbar(i18n);