importing-failed-debug-info = Import failed. Debugging info: importing-aborted = Aborted: { $val } importing-added-duplicate-with-first-field = Added duplicate with first field: { $val } importing-all-supported-formats = All supported formats { $val } importing-allow-html-in-fields = Allow HTML in fields importing-anki-files-are-from-a-very = .anki files are from a very old version of Anki. You can import them with add-on 175027074 or with Anki 2.0, available on the Anki website. importing-anki2-files-are-not-directly-importable = .anki2 files are not directly importable - please import the .apkg or .zip file you have received instead. importing-appeared-twice-in-file = Appeared twice in file: { $val } importing-by-default-anki-will-detect-the = By default, Anki will detect the character between fields, such as a tab, comma, and so on. If Anki is detecting the character incorrectly, you can enter it here. Use \t to represent tab. importing-change = Change importing-colon = Colon importing-comma = Comma importing-empty-first-field = Empty first field: { $val } importing-field-separator = Field separator importing-field-mapping = Field mapping importing-field-of-file-is = Field { $val } of file is: importing-fields-separated-by = Fields separated by: { $val } importing-file-must-contain-field-column = File must contain at least one column that can be mapped to a note field. importing-file-version-unknown-trying-import-anyway = File version unknown, trying import anyway. importing-first-field-matched = First field matched: { $val } importing-identical = Identical importing-ignore-field = Ignore field importing-ignore-lines-where-first-field-matches = Ignore lines where first field matches existing note importing-ignored = importing-import-even-if-existing-note-has = Import even if existing note has same first field importing-import-options = Import options importing-importing-complete = Importing complete. importing-invalid-file-please-restore-from-backup = Invalid file. Please restore from backup. importing-map-to = Map to { $val } importing-map-to-tags = Map to Tags importing-mapped-to = mapped to { $val } importing-mapped-to-tags = mapped to Tags importing-mnemosyne-20-deck-db = Mnemosyne 2.0 Deck (*.db) importing-multicharacter-separators-are-not-supported-please = Multi-character separators are not supported. Please enter one character only. importing-notes-added-from-file = Notes added from file: { $val } importing-notes-found-in-file = Notes found in file: { $val } importing-notes-skipped-as-theyre-already-in = Notes skipped, as they're already in your collection: { $val } importing-notes-that-could-not-be-imported = Notes that could not be imported as note type has changed: { $val } importing-notes-updated-as-file-had-newer = Notes updated, as file had newer version: { $val } importing-packaged-anki-deckcollection-apkg-colpkg-zip = Packaged Anki Deck/Collection (*.apkg *.colpkg *.zip) importing-pauker-18-lesson-paugz = Pauker 1.8 Lesson (*.pau.gz) # the '|' character importing-pipe = Pipe importing-rows-had-num1d-fields-expected-num2d = '{ $row }' had { $found } fields, expected { $expected } importing-selected-file-was-not-in-utf8 = Selected file was not in UTF-8 format. Please see the importing section of the manual. importing-semicolon = Semicolon importing-skipped = Skipped importing-supermemo-xml-export-xml = Supermemo XML export (*.xml) importing-tab = Tab importing-tag-modified-notes = Tag modified notes: importing-text-separated-by-tabs-or-semicolons = Text separated by tabs or semicolons (*) importing-the-first-field-of-the-note = The first field of the note type must be mapped. importing-the-provided-file-is-not-a = The provided file is not a valid .apkg file. importing-this-file-does-not-appear-to = This file does not appear to be a valid .apkg file. If you're getting this error from a file downloaded from AnkiWeb, chances are that your download failed. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please try again with a different browser. importing-this-will-delete-your-existing-collection = This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data in the file you're importing. Are you sure? importing-unable-to-import-from-a-readonly = Unable to import from a read-only file. importing-unknown-file-format = Unknown file format. importing-update-existing-notes-when-first-field = Update existing notes when first field matches importing-updated = Updated importing-note-added = { $count -> [one] { $count } note added *[other] { $count } notes added } importing-note-imported = { $count -> [one] { $count } note imported. *[other] { $count } notes imported. } importing-note-unchanged = { $count -> [one] { $count } note unchanged *[other] { $count } notes unchanged } importing-note-updated = { $count -> [one] { $count } note updated *[other] { $count } notes updated } importing-processed-media-file = { $count -> [one] Imported { $count } media file *[other] Imported { $count } media files } importing-importing-file = Importing file... importing-extracting = Extracting data... importing-gathering = Gathering data... importing-failed-to-import-media-file = Failed to import media file: { $debugInfo } importing-processed-notes = { $count -> [one] Processed { $count } note... *[other] Processed { $count } notes... } importing-processed-cards = { $count -> [one] Processed { $count } card... *[other] Processed { $count } cards... } importing-existing-notes = Existing notes # "Existing notes: Duplicate" (verb) importing-duplicate = Duplicate # "Existing notes: Preserve" (verb) importing-preserve = Preserve # "Existing notes: Update" (verb) importing-update = Update importing-tag-all-notes = Tag all notes importing-tag-updated-notes = Tag updated notes importing-file = File ## NO NEED TO TRANSLATE. This text is no longer used by Anki, and will be removed in the future. importing-importing-collection = Importing collection... importing-unable-to-import-filename = Unable to import { $filename }: file type not supported