// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import { cloneDeep, isEqual } from "lodash-es"; import { get, Readable, readable, Writable, writable } from "svelte/store"; import { localeCompare } from "../lib/i18n"; import { DeckConfig, deckConfig } from "../lib/proto"; import type { DynamicSvelteComponent } from "../sveltelib/dynamicComponent"; export type DeckOptionsId = number; export interface ConfigWithCount { config: DeckConfig.DeckConfig; useCount: number; } export interface ParentLimits { newCards: number; reviews: number; } /// Info for showing the top selector export interface ConfigListEntry { idx: number; name: string; useCount: number; current: boolean; } export class DeckOptionsState { readonly currentConfig: Writable; readonly currentAuxData: Writable>; readonly configList: Readable; readonly parentLimits: Readable; readonly cardStateCustomizer: Writable; readonly currentDeck: DeckConfig.DeckConfigsForUpdate.CurrentDeck; readonly deckLimits: Writable; readonly defaults: DeckConfig.DeckConfig.Config; readonly addonComponents: Writable; readonly v3Scheduler: boolean; private targetDeckId: number; private configs: ConfigWithCount[]; private selectedIdx: number; private configListSetter!: (val: ConfigListEntry[]) => void; private parentLimitsSetter!: (val: ParentLimits) => void; private modifiedConfigs: Set = new Set(); private removedConfigs: DeckOptionsId[] = []; private schemaModified: boolean; constructor(targetDeckId: number, data: DeckConfig.DeckConfigsForUpdate) { this.targetDeckId = targetDeckId; this.currentDeck = data.currentDeck!; this.defaults = data.defaults!.config!; this.configs = data.allConfig.map((config) => { const configInner = config.config!; return { config: configInner, useCount: config.useCount!, }; }); this.selectedIdx = Math.max( 0, this.configs.findIndex((c) => c.config.id === this.currentDeck.configId), ); this.sortConfigs(); this.v3Scheduler = data.v3Scheduler; this.cardStateCustomizer = writable(data.cardStateCustomizer); this.deckLimits = writable(data.currentDeck?.limits ?? createLimits()); // decrement the use count of the starting item, as we'll apply +1 to currently // selected one at display time this.configs[this.selectedIdx].useCount -= 1; this.currentConfig = writable(this.getCurrentConfig()); this.currentAuxData = writable(this.getCurrentAuxData()); this.configList = readable(this.getConfigList(), (set) => { this.configListSetter = set; return; }); this.parentLimits = readable(this.getParentLimits(), (set) => { this.parentLimitsSetter = set; return; }); this.schemaModified = data.schemaModified; this.addonComponents = writable([]); // create a temporary subscription to force our setters to be set immediately, // so unit tests don't get stale results get(this.configList); get(this.parentLimits); // update our state when the current config is changed this.currentConfig.subscribe((val) => this.onCurrentConfigChanged(val)); this.currentAuxData.subscribe((val) => this.onCurrentAuxDataChanged(val)); } setCurrentIndex(index: number): void { this.selectedIdx = index; this.updateCurrentConfig(); // use counts have changed this.updateConfigList(); } getCurrentName(): string { return this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.name; } setCurrentName(name: string): void { if (this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.name === name) { return; } const uniqueName = this.ensureNewNameUnique(name); const config = this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config; config.name = uniqueName; if (config.id) { this.modifiedConfigs.add(config.id); } this.sortConfigs(); this.updateConfigList(); } /// Adds a new config, making it current. addConfig(name: string): void { this.addConfigFrom(name, this.defaults); } /// Clone the current config, making it current. cloneConfig(name: string): void { this.addConfigFrom(name, this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.config!); } /// Clone the current config, making it current. private addConfigFrom(name: string, source: DeckConfig.DeckConfig.IConfig): void { const uniqueName = this.ensureNewNameUnique(name); const config = DeckConfig.DeckConfig.create({ id: 0, name: uniqueName, config: DeckConfig.DeckConfig.Config.create(cloneDeep(source)), }); const configWithCount = { config, useCount: 0 }; this.configs.push(configWithCount); this.selectedIdx = this.configs.length - 1; this.sortConfigs(); this.updateCurrentConfig(); this.updateConfigList(); } removalWilLForceFullSync(): boolean { return !this.schemaModified && this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.id !== 0; } defaultConfigSelected(): boolean { return this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.id === 1; } /// Will throw if the default deck is selected. removeCurrentConfig(): void { const currentId = this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.id; if (currentId === 1) { throw Error("can't remove default config"); } if (currentId !== 0) { this.removedConfigs.push(currentId); this.schemaModified = true; } this.configs.splice(this.selectedIdx, 1); this.selectedIdx = Math.max(0, this.selectedIdx - 1); this.updateCurrentConfig(); this.updateConfigList(); } dataForSaving( applyToChildren: boolean, ): NonNullable { const modifiedConfigsExcludingCurrent = this.configs .map((c) => c.config) .filter((c, idx) => { return ( idx !== this.selectedIdx && (c.id === 0 || this.modifiedConfigs.has(c.id)) ); }); const configs = [ ...modifiedConfigsExcludingCurrent, // current must come last, even if unmodified this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config, ]; return { targetDeckId: this.targetDeckId, removedConfigIds: this.removedConfigs, configs, applyToChildren, cardStateCustomizer: get(this.cardStateCustomizer), limits: get(this.deckLimits), }; } async save(applyToChildren: boolean): Promise { await deckConfig.updateDeckConfigs( DeckConfig.UpdateDeckConfigsRequest.create( this.dataForSaving(applyToChildren), ), ); } private onCurrentConfigChanged(config: DeckConfig.DeckConfig.Config): void { const configOuter = this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config; if (!isEqual(config, configOuter.config)) { configOuter.config = config; if (configOuter.id) { this.modifiedConfigs.add(configOuter.id); } } this.parentLimitsSetter?.(this.getParentLimits()); } private onCurrentAuxDataChanged(data: Record): void { const current = this.getCurrentAuxData(); if (!isEqual(current, data)) { this.currentConfig.update((config) => { const asBytes = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(data)); config.other = asBytes; return config; }); } } private ensureNewNameUnique(name: string): string { const idx = this.configs.findIndex((e) => e.config.name === name); if (idx !== -1) { return name + (new Date().getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0); } else { return name; } } private updateCurrentConfig(): void { this.currentConfig.set(this.getCurrentConfig()); this.currentAuxData.set(this.getCurrentAuxData()); this.parentLimitsSetter?.(this.getParentLimits()); } private updateConfigList(): void { this.configListSetter?.(this.getConfigList()); } /// Returns a copy of the currently selected config. private getCurrentConfig(): DeckConfig.DeckConfig.Config { return cloneDeep(this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.config!); } /// Extra data associated with current config (for add-ons) private getCurrentAuxData(): Record { const conf = this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.config!; return bytesToObject(conf.other); } private sortConfigs() { const currentConfigName = this.configs[this.selectedIdx].config.name; this.configs.sort((a, b) => localeCompare(a.config.name, b.config.name, { sensitivity: "base" }), ); this.selectedIdx = this.configs.findIndex( (c) => c.config.name == currentConfigName, ); } private getConfigList(): ConfigListEntry[] { const list: ConfigListEntry[] = this.configs.map((c, idx) => { const useCount = c.useCount + (idx === this.selectedIdx ? 1 : 0); return { name: c.config.name, current: idx === this.selectedIdx, idx, useCount, }; }); return list; } private getParentLimits(): ParentLimits { const parentConfigs = this.configs.filter((c) => this.currentDeck.parentConfigIds.includes(c.config.id), ); const newCards = parentConfigs.reduce( (previous, current) => Math.min(previous, current.config.config?.newPerDay ?? 0), 2 ** 31, ); const reviews = parentConfigs.reduce( (previous, current) => Math.min(previous, current.config.config?.reviewsPerDay ?? 0), 2 ** 31, ); return { newCards, reviews, }; } } function bytesToObject(bytes: Uint8Array): Record { if (!bytes.length) { return {}; } let obj: Record; try { obj = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(bytes)); } catch (err) { console.log(`invalid json in deck config`); return {}; } if (obj.constructor !== Object) { console.log(`invalid object in deck config`); return {}; } return obj; } export function createLimits(): DeckConfig.DeckConfigsForUpdate.CurrentDeck.Limits { return DeckConfig.DeckConfigsForUpdate.CurrentDeck.Limits.create({}); } export class ValueTab { readonly title: string; value: number | null; private setter: (value: number | null) => void; private disabledValue: number | null; private startValue: number | null; private initialValue: number | null; constructor( title: string, value: number | null, setter: (value: number | null) => void, disabledValue: number | null, startValue: number | null, ) { this.title = title; this.value = this.initialValue = value; this.setter = setter; this.disabledValue = disabledValue; this.startValue = startValue; } reset(): void { this.setter(this.initialValue); } disable(): void { this.setter(this.disabledValue); } enable(fallbackValue: number): void { this.value = this.value ?? this.startValue ?? fallbackValue; this.setter(this.value); } setValue(value: number): void { this.value = value; this.setter(value); } }