#!/bin/bash # # Anki bundles sip 5 generated typings that allow type checking Qt code when # installed next to the original modules. Attempting to use them as a separate # stubs distribution with MYPYPATH yielded a bunch of errors which I was not # able to resolve. A solution that doesn't require modifying the python install # would be welcome! set -eo pipefail TOOLS="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"; pwd)" modDir=$(python -c 'import PyQt5, sys, os; sys.stdout.write(os.path.dirname(sys.modules["PyQt5"].__file__))') unameOut="$(uname -s)" case "${unameOut}" in CYGWIN*) modDir="$(cygpath -u "${modDir}")" ;; esac if [[ "w${OS}" == "wWindows_NT" ]]; then rsync -a "${TOOLS}/stubs/PyQt5/" "${modDir}/" else rsync -a "${TOOLS}/stubs/PyQt5/" "${modDir}/" || sudo rsync -a "${TOOLS}/stubs/PyQt5/" "${modDir}/" fi