# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations import time from concurrent.futures import Future from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Union import aqt from anki import hooks from anki.lang import _ from anki.rsbackend import ( DBError, Interrupted, MediaSyncProgress, NetworkError, NetworkErrorKind, Progress, ProgressKind, SyncError, SyncErrorKind, ) from anki.types import assert_impossible from anki.utils import intTime from aqt import gui_hooks from aqt.qt import QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QPushButton from aqt.utils import showWarning LogEntry = Union[MediaSyncProgress, str] @dataclass class LogEntryWithTime: time: int entry: LogEntry class MediaSyncer: def __init__(self, mw: aqt.main.AnkiQt): self.mw = mw self._syncing: bool = False self._log: List[LogEntryWithTime] = [] self._want_stop = False hooks.bg_thread_progress_callback.append(self._on_rust_progress) gui_hooks.media_sync_did_start_or_stop.append(self._on_start_stop) def _on_rust_progress(self, proceed: bool, progress: Progress) -> bool: if progress.kind != ProgressKind.MediaSync: return proceed assert isinstance(progress.val, MediaSyncProgress) self._log_and_notify(progress.val) if self._want_stop: return False else: return proceed def start(self) -> None: "Start media syncing in the background, if it's not already running." if self._syncing: return hkey = self.mw.pm.sync_key() if hkey is None: return if not self.mw.pm.media_syncing_enabled(): self._log_and_notify(_("Media syncing disabled.")) return self._log_and_notify(_("Media sync starting...")) self._syncing = True self._want_stop = False gui_hooks.media_sync_did_start_or_stop(True) def run() -> None: self.mw.col.backend.sync_media(hkey, self._endpoint()) self.mw.taskman.run_in_background(run, self._on_finished) def _endpoint(self) -> str: shard = self.mw.pm.sync_shard() if shard is not None: shard_str = str(shard) else: shard_str = "" return f"https://sync{shard_str}.ankiweb.net/msync/" def _log_and_notify(self, entry: LogEntry) -> None: entry_with_time = LogEntryWithTime(time=intTime(), entry=entry) self._log.append(entry_with_time) self.mw.taskman.run_on_main( lambda: gui_hooks.media_sync_did_progress(entry_with_time) ) def _on_finished(self, future: Future) -> None: self._syncing = False gui_hooks.media_sync_did_start_or_stop(False) exc = future.exception() if exc is not None: self._handle_sync_error(exc) else: self._log_and_notify(_("Media sync complete.")) def _handle_sync_error(self, exc: BaseException): if isinstance(exc, Interrupted): self._log_and_notify(_("Media sync aborted.")) return self._log_and_notify(_("Media sync failed.")) if isinstance(exc, SyncError): kind = exc.kind() if kind == SyncErrorKind.AUTH_FAILED: self.mw.pm.set_sync_key(None) showWarning( _("AnkiWeb ID or password was incorrect; please try again.") ) elif kind == SyncErrorKind.SERVER_ERROR: showWarning( _( "AnkiWeb encountered a problem. Please try again in a few minutes." ) ) elif kind == SyncErrorKind.MEDIA_CHECK_REQUIRED: showWarning(_("Please use the Tools>Check Media menu option.")) elif kind == SyncErrorKind.RESYNC_REQUIRED: showWarning( _( "Please sync again, and post on the support forum if this message keeps appearing." ) ) else: showWarning(_("Unexpected error: {}").format(str(exc))) elif isinstance(exc, NetworkError): nkind = exc.kind() if nkind in (NetworkErrorKind.OFFLINE, NetworkErrorKind.TIMEOUT): showWarning( _("Syncing failed; please check your internet connection.") + "\n\n" + _("Detailed error: {}").format(str(exc)) ) else: showWarning(_("Unexpected error: {}").format(str(exc))) elif isinstance(exc, DBError): showWarning(_("Problem accessing the media database: {}").format(str(exc))) else: raise exc def entries(self) -> List[LogEntryWithTime]: return self._log def abort(self) -> None: if not self.is_syncing(): return self._log_and_notify(_("Media sync aborting...")) self._want_stop = True def is_syncing(self) -> bool: return self._syncing def _on_start_stop(self, running: bool): self.mw.toolbar.set_sync_active(running) # type: ignore def show_sync_log(self): aqt.dialogs.open("sync_log", self.mw, self) def show_diag_until_finished(self): # nothing to do if not syncing if not self.is_syncing(): return diag: MediaSyncDialog = aqt.dialogs.open("sync_log", self.mw, self, True) diag.exec_() def seconds_since_last_sync(self) -> int: if self.is_syncing(): return 0 if self._log: last = self._log[-1].time else: last = 0 return intTime() - last class MediaSyncDialog(QDialog): silentlyClose = True def __init__( self, mw: aqt.main.AnkiQt, syncer: MediaSyncer, close_when_done: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(mw) self.mw = mw self._syncer = syncer self._close_when_done = close_when_done self.form = aqt.forms.synclog.Ui_Dialog() self.form.setupUi(self) self.abort_button = QPushButton(_("Abort")) self.abort_button.clicked.connect(self._on_abort) # type: ignore self.abort_button.setAutoDefault(False) self.form.buttonBox.addButton(self.abort_button, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) gui_hooks.media_sync_did_progress.append(self._on_log_entry) gui_hooks.media_sync_did_start_or_stop.append(self._on_start_stop) self.form.plainTextEdit.setPlainText( "\n".join(self._entry_to_text(x) for x in syncer.entries()) ) self.show() def reject(self) -> None: if self._close_when_done and self._syncer.is_syncing(): # closing while syncing on close starts an abort self._on_abort() return aqt.dialogs.markClosed("sync_log") QDialog.reject(self) def reopen(self, mw, syncer, close_when_done: bool = False) -> None: self._close_when_done = close_when_done self.show() def _on_abort(self, *args) -> None: self._syncer.abort() self.abort_button.setHidden(True) def _time_and_text(self, stamp: int, text: str) -> str: asctime = time.asctime(time.localtime(stamp)) return f"{asctime}: {text}" def _entry_to_text(self, entry: LogEntryWithTime): if isinstance(entry.entry, str): txt = entry.entry elif isinstance(entry.entry, MediaSyncProgress): txt = self._logentry_to_text(entry.entry) else: assert_impossible(entry.entry) return self._time_and_text(entry.time, txt) def _logentry_to_text(self, e: MediaSyncProgress) -> str: return _( "Added: %(a_up)s↑ %(a_dwn)s↓, Removed: %(r_up)s↑ %(r_dwn)s↓, Checked: %(chk)s" ) % dict( a_up=e.uploaded_files, a_dwn=e.downloaded_files, r_up=e.uploaded_deletions, r_dwn=e.downloaded_deletions, chk=e.checked, ) def _on_log_entry(self, entry: LogEntryWithTime): self.form.plainTextEdit.appendPlainText(self._entry_to_text(entry)) if not self._syncer.is_syncing(): self.abort_button.setHidden(True) def _on_start_stop(self, running: bool) -> None: if not running and self._close_when_done: aqt.dialogs.markClosed("sync_log") self._close_when_done = False self.close()