# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html # Profile handling ########################################################################## # - Saves in pickles rather than json to easily store Qt window state. # - Saves in sqlite rather than a flat file so the config can't be corrupted import io import locale import pickle import random import shutil import traceback from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from send2trash import send2trash import anki.lang import aqt.forms import aqt.sound from anki import Collection from anki.db import DB from anki.lang import _, without_unicode_isolation from anki.rsbackend import SyncAuth from anki.utils import intTime, isMac, isWin from aqt import appHelpSite from aqt.qt import * from aqt.utils import TR, locale_dir, showWarning, tr metaConf = dict( ver=0, updates=True, created=intTime(), id=random.randrange(0, 2 ** 63), lastMsg=-1, suppressUpdate=False, firstRun=True, defaultLang=None, ) profileConf: Dict[str, Any] = dict( # profile mainWindowGeom=None, mainWindowState=None, numBackups=50, lastOptimize=intTime(), # editing fullSearch=False, searchHistory=[], lastColour="#00f", stripHTML=True, pastePNG=False, # not exposed in gui deleteMedia=False, preserveKeyboard=True, # syncing syncKey=None, syncMedia=True, autoSync=True, # importing allowHTML=False, importMode=1, ) class LoadMetaResult: firstTime: bool loadError: bool class AnkiRestart(SystemExit): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.exitcode = kwargs.pop("exitcode", 0) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ProfileManager: def __init__(self, base=None): ## Settings which should be forgotten each Anki restart self.session = {} self.name = None self.db = None self.profile: Optional[Dict] = None # instantiate base folder self._setBaseFolder(base) def setupMeta(self) -> LoadMetaResult: # load metadata res = self._loadMeta() self.firstRun = res.firstTime return res # profile load on startup def openProfile(self, profile): if profile: if profile not in self.profiles(): QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error", "Requested profile does not exist.") sys.exit(1) try: self.load(profile) except TypeError: raise Exception("Provided profile does not exist.") # Base creation ###################################################################### def ensureBaseExists(self): self._ensureExists(self.base) # Folder migration ###################################################################### def _oldFolderLocation(self): if isMac: return os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Anki") elif isWin: from aqt.winpaths import get_personal return os.path.join(get_personal(), "Anki") else: p = os.path.expanduser("~/Anki") if os.path.isdir(p): return p return os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Anki") def maybeMigrateFolder(self): newBase = self.base oldBase = self._oldFolderLocation() if oldBase and not os.path.exists(self.base) and os.path.isdir(oldBase): try: # if anything goes wrong with UI, reset to the old behavior of always migrating self._tryToMigrateFolder(oldBase) except AnkiRestart: raise except: print("migration failed") self.base = newBase shutil.move(oldBase, self.base) def _tryToMigrateFolder(self, oldBase): from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap(":/icons/anki.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off, ) window_title = "Data Folder Migration" migration_directories = f"\n\n {oldBase}\n\nto\n\n {self.base}" confirmation = QMessageBox() confirmation.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) confirmation.setWindowIcon(icon) confirmation.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) confirmation.setWindowTitle(window_title) confirmation.setText( "Anki needs to move its data folder from Documents/Anki to a new location. Proceed?" ) retval = confirmation.exec() if retval == QMessageBox.Ok: progress = QMessageBox() progress.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) progress.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.NoButton) progress.setWindowIcon(icon) progress.setWindowTitle(window_title) progress.setText("Please wait...") progress.show() app.processEvents() shutil.move(oldBase, self.base) progress.hide() completion = QMessageBox() completion.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) completion.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) completion.setWindowIcon(icon) completion.setWindowTitle(window_title) completion.setText("Migration complete. Please start Anki again.") completion.show() completion.exec() else: diag = QMessageBox() diag.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) diag.setWindowIcon(icon) diag.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) diag.setWindowTitle(window_title) diag.setText( "Migration aborted. If you would like to keep the old folder location, please " "see the Startup Options section of the manual. Anki will now quit." ) diag.exec() raise AnkiRestart(exitcode=0) # Profile load/save ###################################################################### def profiles(self): def names(): return self.db.list("select name from profiles where name != '_global'") n = names() if not n: self._ensureProfile() n = names() return n def _unpickle(self, data): class Unpickler(pickle.Unpickler): def find_class(self, module, name): if module == "PyQt5.sip": try: import PyQt5.sip # pylint: disable=unused-import except: # use old sip location module = "sip" fn = super().find_class(module, name) if module == "sip" and name == "_unpickle_type": def wrapper(mod, obj, args): if mod.startswith("PyQt4") and obj == "QByteArray": # can't trust str objects from python 2 return QByteArray() return fn(mod, obj, args) return wrapper else: return fn up = Unpickler(io.BytesIO(data), errors="ignore") return up.load() def _pickle(self, obj): return pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=0) def load(self, name): assert name != "_global" data = self.db.scalar( "select cast(data as blob) from profiles where name = ?", name ) self.name = name try: self.profile = self._unpickle(data) except: QMessageBox.warning( None, _("Profile Corrupt"), _( """\ Anki could not read your profile data. Window sizes and your sync login \ details have been forgotten.""" ), ) traceback.print_stack() print("resetting corrupt profile") self.profile = profileConf.copy() self.save() return True def save(self): sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, self._pickle(self.profile), self.name) self.db.execute(sql, self._pickle(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit() def create(self, name): prof = profileConf.copy() self.db.execute( "insert or ignore into profiles values (?, ?)", name, self._pickle(prof) ) self.db.commit() def remove(self, name): p = self.profileFolder() if os.path.exists(p): send2trash(p) self.db.execute("delete from profiles where name = ?", name) self.db.commit() def trashCollection(self): p = self.collectionPath() if os.path.exists(p): send2trash(p) def rename(self, name): oldName = self.name oldFolder = self.profileFolder() self.name = name newFolder = self.profileFolder(create=False) if os.path.exists(newFolder): if (oldFolder != newFolder) and (oldFolder.lower() == newFolder.lower()): # OS is telling us the folder exists because it does not take # case into account; use a temporary folder location midFolder = "".join([oldFolder, "-temp"]) if not os.path.exists(midFolder): os.rename(oldFolder, midFolder) oldFolder = midFolder else: showWarning( _("Please remove the folder %s and try again.") % midFolder ) self.name = oldName return else: showWarning(_("Folder already exists.")) self.name = oldName return # update name self.db.execute("update profiles set name = ? where name = ?", name, oldName) # rename folder try: os.rename(oldFolder, newFolder) except Exception as e: self.db.rollback() if "WinError 5" in str(e): showWarning( _( """\ Anki could not rename your profile because it could not rename the profile \ folder on disk. Please ensure you have permission to write to Documents/Anki \ and no other programs are accessing your profile folders, then try again.""" ) ) else: raise except: self.db.rollback() raise else: self.db.commit() # Folder handling ###################################################################### def profileFolder(self, create=True): path = os.path.join(self.base, self.name) if create: self._ensureExists(path) return path def addonFolder(self): return self._ensureExists(os.path.join(self.base, "addons21")) def backupFolder(self): return self._ensureExists(os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "backups")) def collectionPath(self): return os.path.join(self.profileFolder(), "collection.anki2") # Downgrade ###################################################################### def downgrade(self, profiles=List[str]) -> List[str]: "Downgrade all profiles. Return a list of profiles that couldn't be opened." problem_profiles = [] for name in profiles: path = os.path.join(self.base, name, "collection.anki2") if not os.path.exists(path): continue with DB(path) as db: if db.scalar("select ver from col") == 11: # nothing to do continue try: c = Collection(path) c.close(save=False, downgrade=True) except Exception as e: print(e) problem_profiles.append(name) return problem_profiles # Helpers ###################################################################### def _ensureExists(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def _setBaseFolder(self, cmdlineBase): if cmdlineBase: self.base = os.path.abspath(cmdlineBase) elif os.environ.get("ANKI_BASE"): self.base = os.path.abspath(os.environ["ANKI_BASE"]) else: self.base = self._defaultBase() self.maybeMigrateFolder() self.ensureBaseExists() def _defaultBase(self): if isWin: from aqt.winpaths import get_appdata return os.path.join(get_appdata(), "Anki2") elif isMac: return os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Anki2") else: dataDir = os.environ.get( "XDG_DATA_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share") ) if not os.path.exists(dataDir): os.makedirs(dataDir) return os.path.join(dataDir, "Anki2") def _loadMeta(self, retrying=False) -> LoadMetaResult: result = LoadMetaResult() result.firstTime = False result.loadError = retrying opath = os.path.join(self.base, "prefs.db") path = os.path.join(self.base, "prefs21.db") if not retrying and os.path.exists(opath) and not os.path.exists(path): shutil.copy(opath, path) result.firstTime = not os.path.exists(path) def recover(): # if we can't load profile, start with a new one if self.db: try: self.db.close() except: pass for suffix in ("", "-journal"): fpath = path + suffix if os.path.exists(fpath): os.unlink(fpath) # open DB file and read data try: self.db = DB(path) assert self.db.scalar("pragma integrity_check") == "ok" self.db.execute( """ create table if not exists profiles (name text primary key, data text not null);""" ) data = self.db.scalar( "select cast(data as blob) from profiles where name = '_global'" ) except: traceback.print_stack() if result.loadError: # already failed, prevent infinite loop raise # delete files and try again recover() return self._loadMeta(retrying=True) # try to read data if not result.firstTime: try: self.meta = self._unpickle(data) return result except: traceback.print_stack() print("resetting corrupt _global") result.loadError = True result.firstTime = True # if new or read failed, create a default global profile self.meta = metaConf.copy() self.db.execute( "insert or replace into profiles values ('_global', ?)", self._pickle(metaConf), ) return result def _ensureProfile(self): "Create a new profile if none exists." self.create(_("User 1")) p = os.path.join(self.base, "README.txt") with open(p, "w", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write( without_unicode_isolation( tr(TR.PROFILES_FOLDER_README, link=appHelpSite + "#startupopts") ) ) # Default language ###################################################################### # On first run, allow the user to choose the default language def setDefaultLang(self): # create dialog class NoCloseDiag(QDialog): def reject(self): pass d = self.langDiag = NoCloseDiag() f = self.langForm = aqt.forms.setlang.Ui_Dialog() f.setupUi(d) qconnect(d.accepted, self._onLangSelected) qconnect(d.rejected, lambda: True) # default to the system language try: (lang, enc) = locale.getdefaultlocale() except: # fails on osx lang = "en_US" # find index idx = None en = None for c, (name, code) in enumerate(anki.lang.langs): if code == "en_US": en = c if code == lang: idx = c # if the system language isn't available, revert to english if idx is None: idx = en # update list f.lang.addItems([x[0] for x in anki.lang.langs]) f.lang.setCurrentRow(idx) d.exec_() def _onLangSelected(self): f = self.langForm obj = anki.lang.langs[f.lang.currentRow()] code = obj[1] name = obj[0] en = "Are you sure you wish to display Anki's interface in %s?" r = QMessageBox.question( None, "Anki", en % name, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No ) if r != QMessageBox.Yes: return self.setDefaultLang() self.setLang(code) def setLang(self, code): self.meta["defaultLang"] = code sql = "update profiles set data = ? where name = ?" self.db.execute(sql, self._pickle(self.meta), "_global") self.db.commit() anki.lang.set_lang(code, locale_dir()) # OpenGL ###################################################################### def _glPath(self): return os.path.join(self.base, "gldriver") def glMode(self): if isMac: return "auto" path = self._glPath() if not os.path.exists(path): return "software" with open(path, "r") as file: mode = file.read().strip() if mode == "angle" and isWin: return mode elif mode == "software": return mode return "auto" def setGlMode(self, mode): with open(self._glPath(), "w") as file: file.write(mode) def nextGlMode(self): mode = self.glMode() if mode == "software": self.setGlMode("auto") elif mode == "auto": if isWin: self.setGlMode("angle") else: self.setGlMode("software") elif mode == "angle": self.setGlMode("software") # Shared options ###################################################################### def uiScale(self) -> float: scale = self.meta.get("uiScale", 1.0) return max(scale, 1) def setUiScale(self, scale: float) -> None: self.meta["uiScale"] = scale def last_addon_update_check(self) -> int: return self.meta.get("last_addon_update_check", 0) def set_last_addon_update_check(self, secs): self.meta["last_addon_update_check"] = secs def night_mode(self) -> bool: return self.meta.get("night_mode", False) def set_night_mode(self, on: bool) -> None: self.meta["night_mode"] = on def dark_mode_widgets(self) -> bool: return self.meta.get("dark_mode_widgets", False) # Profile-specific ###################################################################### def interrupt_audio(self) -> bool: return self.profile.get("interrupt_audio", True) def set_interrupt_audio(self, val: bool) -> None: self.profile["interrupt_audio"] = val aqt.sound.av_player.interrupt_current_audio = val def set_sync_key(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: self.profile["syncKey"] = val def set_sync_username(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: self.profile["syncUser"] = val def set_host_number(self, val: Optional[int]) -> None: self.profile["hostNum"] = val or 0 def media_syncing_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.profile["syncMedia"] def auto_syncing_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.profile["autoSync"] def sync_auth(self) -> Optional[SyncAuth]: hkey = self.profile.get("syncKey") if not hkey: return None return SyncAuth(hkey=hkey, host_number=self.profile.get("hostNum", 0)) def clear_sync_auth(self) -> None: self.profile["syncKey"] = None self.profile["syncUser"] = None self.profile["hostNum"] = 0 def auto_sync_media_minutes(self) -> int: return self.profile.get("autoSyncMediaMinutes", 15) def set_auto_sync_media_minutes(self, val: int): self.profile["autoSyncMediaMinutes"] = val ###################################################################### def apply_profile_options(self) -> None: aqt.sound.av_player.interrupt_current_audio = self.interrupt_audio()