# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from anki import version as _version import getpass import sys import optparse import tempfile import builtins import locale import gettext from aqt.qt import * import anki.lang from anki.consts import HELP_SITE from anki.lang import langDir from anki.utils import isMac, isLin appVersion=_version appWebsite="http://ankisrs.net/" appChanges="http://ankisrs.net/docs/changes.html" appDonate="http://ankisrs.net/support/" appShared="https://ankiweb.net/shared/" appUpdate="https://ankiweb.net/update/desktop" appHelpSite=HELP_SITE mw = None # set on init moduleDir = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))[0] try: import aqt.forms except ImportError as e: if "forms" in str(e): print("If you're running from git, did you run build_ui.sh?") print() raise from anki.utils import checksum # Dialog manager ########################################################################## # ensures only one copy of the window is open at once, and provides # a way for dialogs to clean up asynchronously when collection closes # to integrate a new window: # - add it to _dialogs # - define close behaviour, by either: # -- setting silentlyClose=True to have it close immediately # -- define a closeWithCallback() method # - have the window opened via aqt.dialogs.open(, self) #- make preferences modal? cmd+q does wrong thing from aqt import addcards, browser, editcurrent, stats, about, \ preferences class DialogManager: _dialogs = { "AddCards": [addcards.AddCards, None], "Browser": [browser.Browser, None], "EditCurrent": [editcurrent.EditCurrent, None], "DeckStats": [stats.DeckStats, None], "About": [about.show, None], "Preferences": [preferences.Preferences, None], } def open(self, name, *args): (creator, instance) = self._dialogs[name] if instance: if instance.windowState() & Qt.WindowMinimized: instance.setWindowState(instance.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized) instance.activateWindow() instance.raise_() return instance else: instance = creator(*args) self._dialogs[name][1] = instance return instance def markClosed(self, name): self._dialogs[name] = [self._dialogs[name][0], None] def allClosed(self): return not any(x[1] for x in self._dialogs.values()) def closeAll(self, onsuccess): # can we close immediately? if self.allClosed(): onsuccess() return # ask all windows to close and await a reply for (name, (creator, instance)) in self._dialogs.items(): if not instance: continue def callback(): if self.allClosed(): onsuccess() else: # still waiting for others to close pass if getattr(instance, "silentlyClose", False): instance.close() callback() else: instance.closeWithCallback(callback) return True dialogs = DialogManager() # Language handling ########################################################################## # Qt requires its translator to be installed before any GUI widgets are # loaded, and we need the Qt language to match the gettext language or # translated shortcuts will not work. _gtrans = None _qtrans = None def setupLang(pm, app, force=None): global _gtrans, _qtrans try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: pass lang = force or pm.meta["defaultLang"] dir = langDir() # gettext _gtrans = gettext.translation( 'anki', dir, languages=[lang], fallback=True) builtins.__dict__['_'] = _gtrans.gettext builtins.__dict__['ngettext'] = _gtrans.ngettext anki.lang.setLang(lang, local=False) if lang in ("he","ar","fa"): app.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) else: app.setLayoutDirection(Qt.LeftToRight) # qt _qtrans = QTranslator() if _qtrans.load("qt_" + lang, dir): app.installTranslator(_qtrans) # App initialisation ########################################################################## class AnkiApp(QApplication): # Single instance support on Win32/Linux ################################################## appMsg = pyqtSignal(str) KEY = "anki"+checksum(getpass.getuser()) TMOUT = 5000 def __init__(self, argv): QApplication.__init__(self, argv) self._argv = argv def secondInstance(self): # we accept only one command line argument. if it's missing, send # a blank screen to just raise the existing window opts, args = parseArgs(self._argv) buf = "raise" if args and args[0]: buf = os.path.abspath(args[0]) if self.sendMsg(buf): print("Already running; reusing existing instance.") return True else: # send failed, so we're the first instance or the # previous instance died QLocalServer.removeServer(self.KEY) self._srv = QLocalServer(self) self._srv.newConnection.connect(self.onRecv) self._srv.listen(self.KEY) return False def sendMsg(self, txt): sock = QLocalSocket(self) sock.connectToServer(self.KEY, QIODevice.WriteOnly) if not sock.waitForConnected(self.TMOUT): # first instance or previous instance dead return False sock.write(txt.encode("utf8")) if not sock.waitForBytesWritten(self.TMOUT): # existing instance running but hung return False sock.disconnectFromServer() return True def onRecv(self): sock = self._srv.nextPendingConnection() if not sock.waitForReadyRead(self.TMOUT): sys.stderr.write(sock.errorString()) return path = bytes(sock.readAll()).decode("utf8") self.appMsg.emit(path) sock.disconnectFromServer() # OS X file/url handler ################################################## def event(self, evt): if evt.type() == QEvent.FileOpen: self.appMsg.emit(evt.file() or "raise") return True return QApplication.event(self, evt) def parseArgs(argv): "Returns (opts, args)." # py2app fails to strip this in some instances, then anki dies # as there's no such profile if isMac and len(argv) > 1 and argv[1].startswith("-psn"): argv = [argv[0]] parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog " + appVersion) parser.usage = "%prog [OPTIONS] [file to import]" parser.add_option("-b", "--base", help="path to base folder") parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", help="profile name to load") parser.add_option("-l", "--lang", help="interface language (en, de, etc)") return parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) def setupGL(pm): if isMac: return mode = pm.glMode() # work around pyqt loading wrong GL library if isLin: import ctypes ctypes.CDLL('libGL.so.1', ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL) # catch opengl errors def msgHandler(type, ctx, msg): if "Failed to create OpenGL context" in msg: QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error", "Error loading '%s' graphics driver. Please start Anki again to try next driver." % mode) pm.nextGlMode() return else: print("qt:", msg) qInstallMessageHandler(msgHandler) if mode == "auto": return elif isLin: os.environ["QT_XCB_FORCE_SOFTWARE_OPENGL"] = "1" else: os.environ["QT_OPENGL"] = mode def run(): try: _run() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() QMessageBox.critical(None, "Startup Error", "Please notify support of this error:\n\n"+ traceback.format_exc()) def _run(argv=None, exec=True): """Start AnkiQt application or reuse an existing instance if one exists. If the function is invoked with exec=False, the AnkiQt will not enter the main event loop - instead the application object will be returned. The 'exec' and 'argv' arguments will be useful for testing purposes. If no 'argv' is supplied then 'sys.argv' will be used. """ global mw if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # parse args opts, args = parseArgs(argv) opts.base = opts.base or "" opts.profile = opts.profile or "" # profile manager from aqt.profiles import ProfileManager pm = ProfileManager(opts.base) # gl workarounds setupGL(pm) # opt in to full hidpi support? if not os.environ.get("ANKI_NOHIGHDPI"): QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) # create the app app = AnkiApp(argv) QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("Anki") if app.secondInstance(): # we've signaled the primary instance, so we should close return # disable icons on mac; this must be done before window created if isMac: app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontShowIconsInMenus) # proxy configured? from urllib.request import proxy_bypass, getproxies if 'http' in getproxies(): # if it's not set up to bypass localhost, we'll # need to disable proxies in the webviews if not proxy_bypass(""): print("webview proxy use disabled") proxy = QNetworkProxy() proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy.NoProxy) QNetworkProxy.setApplicationProxy(proxy) # we must have a usable temp dir try: tempfile.gettempdir() except: QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error", """\ No usable temporary folder found. Make sure C:\\temp exists or TEMP in your \ environment points to a valid, writable folder.""") return pm.setupMeta() if opts.profile: pm.openProfile(opts.profile) # i18n setupLang(pm, app, opts.lang) # remaining pm init pm.ensureProfile() # load the main window import aqt.main mw = aqt.main.AnkiQt(app, pm, opts, args) if exec: app.exec() else: return app