# Copyright: Damien Elmes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import sys from anki.hooks import runHook from aqt.qt import * from aqt.utils import openLink from anki.utils import isMac, isWin import anki.js # Page for debug messages ########################################################################## class AnkiWebPage(QWebEnginePage): def __init__(self, onBridgeCmd): QWebEnginePage.__init__(self) self._onBridgeCmd = onBridgeCmd self._setupBridge() def _setupBridge(self): class Bridge(QObject): @pyqtSlot(str) def cmd(self, str): self.onCmd(str) self._bridge = Bridge() self._bridge.onCmd = self._onCmd self._channel = QWebChannel(self) self._channel.registerObject("py", self._bridge) self.setWebChannel(self._channel) js = QFile(':/qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js') assert js.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly) js = bytes(js.readAll()).decode('utf-8') script = QWebEngineScript() script.setSourceCode(js + ''' var pycmd; new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { pycmd = channel.objects.py.cmd; pycmd("domDone"); }); ''') script.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript.MainWorld) script.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady) script.setRunsOnSubFrames(False) self.profile().scripts().insert(script) def javaScriptConsoleMessage(self, lvl, msg, line, srcID): sys.stdout.write( (_("JS error on line %(a)d: %(b)s") % dict(a=line, b=msg+"\n"))) def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url, navType, isMainFrame): # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False def _onCmd(self, str): self._onBridgeCmd(str) # Main web view ########################################################################## class AnkiWebView(QWebEngineView): def __init__(self, canFocus=True): QWebEngineView.__init__(self) self.title = "default" self._page = AnkiWebPage(self._onBridgeCmd) self._loadFinishedCB = None self.setPage(self._page) self.resetHandlers() self.allowDrops = False self.setCanFocus(canFocus) self.installEventFilter(self) def eventFilter(self, obj, evt): if not isinstance(evt, QKeyEvent) or obj != self: return False if evt.matches(QKeySequence.Copy) and isMac: self.onCopy() return True if evt.matches(QKeySequence.Cut) and isMac: self.onCut() return True if evt.matches(QKeySequence.Paste) and isMac: self.onPaste() return True if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: # cheap hack to work around webengine swallowing escape key that # usually closes dialogs w = self.parent() while w: if isinstance(w, QDialog) or isinstance(w, QMainWindow): from aqt import mw if w != mw: w.close() break w = w.parent() return True return False def onCopy(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Copy) def onCut(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Cut) def onPaste(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Paste) def contextMenuEvent(self, evt): if not self._canFocus: return m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction(_("Copy")) a.triggered.connect(lambda: self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Copy)) runHook("AnkiWebView.contextMenuEvent", self, m) m.popup(QCursor.pos()) def dropEvent(self, evt): pass def setHtml(self, html): app = QApplication.instance() oldFocus = app.focusWidget() self._page.setHtml(html) # work around webengine stealing focus on setHtml() if oldFocus: oldFocus.setFocus() def zoomFactor(self): screen = QApplication.desktop().screen() dpi = screen.logicalDpiX() return max(1, dpi / 96.0) def stdHtml(self, body, css="", bodyClass="", js=None, head=""): self.setHtml(""" %s %s %s""" % ( self.title, self.zoomFactor(), css, js or anki.js.jquery+anki.js.browserSel, head, bodyClass, body)) def setCanFocus(self, canFocus=False): self._canFocus = canFocus if self._canFocus: self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus) else: self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) def eval(self, js): self.page().runJavaScript(js) def evalWithCallback(self, js, cb): self.page().runJavaScript(js, cb) def _openLinksExternally(self, url): openLink(url) def _onBridgeCmd(self, cmd): if cmd == "domDone": self.onLoadFinished() else: self.onBridgeCmd(cmd) def defaultOnBridgeCmd(self, cmd): print("unhandled bridge cmd:", cmd) def defaultOnLoadFinished(self): pass def resetHandlers(self): self.onBridgeCmd = self.defaultOnBridgeCmd self.onLoadFinished = self.defaultOnLoadFinished