// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import { fabric } from "fabric"; import type { PanZoom } from "panzoom"; import { emitChangeSignal } from "../MaskEditor.svelte"; import { BORDER_COLOR, disableRotation, SHAPE_MASK_COLOR } from "./lib"; import { undoStack } from "./tool-undo-redo"; let activeLine; let activeShape; let linesList: fabric.Line = []; let pointsList: fabric.Circle = []; let drawMode = false; let zoomValue = 1; export const drawPolygon = (canvas: fabric.Canvas, panzoom: PanZoom): void => { canvas.selectionColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; canvas.on("mouse:down", function(options) { try { if (options.target && options.target.id === pointsList[0].id) { generatePolygon(canvas, pointsList); } else { addPoint(canvas, options, panzoom); } } catch (e) { // Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id') } }); canvas.on("mouse:move", function(options) { if (activeLine && activeLine.class === "line") { const pointer = canvas.getPointer(options.e); activeLine.set({ x2: pointer.x, y2: pointer.y, }); const points = activeShape.get("points"); points[pointsList.length] = { x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y, }; activeShape.set({ points }); } canvas.renderAll(); }); }; const toggleDrawPolygon = (canvas: fabric.Canvas): void => { drawMode = !drawMode; if (drawMode) { activeLine = null; activeShape = null; linesList = []; pointsList = []; drawMode = false; canvas.selection = true; } else { drawMode = true; canvas.selection = false; } }; const addPoint = (canvas: fabric.Canvas, options, panzoom): void => { zoomValue = panzoom.getTransform().scale; const canvasContainer = document.querySelector(".canvas-container")!.getBoundingClientRect()!; let clientX = options.e.touches ? options.e.touches[0].clientX : options.e.clientX; let clientY = options.e.touches ? options.e.touches[0].clientY : options.e.clientY; clientX = (clientX - canvasContainer.left) / zoomValue; clientY = (clientY - canvasContainer.top) / zoomValue; const point = new fabric.Circle({ radius: 5, fill: "#ffffff", stroke: "#333333", strokeWidth: 0.5, originX: "left", originY: "top", left: clientX, top: clientY, selectable: false, hasBorders: false, hasControls: false, objectCaching: false, }); if (pointsList.length === 0) { point.set({ fill: "red", }); } const linePoints = [clientX, clientY, clientX, clientY]; const line = new fabric.Line(linePoints, { strokeWidth: 2, fill: "#999999", stroke: "#999999", originX: "left", originY: "top", selectable: false, hasBorders: false, hasControls: false, evented: false, objectCaching: false, }); line.class = "line"; if (activeShape) { const pointer = canvas.getPointer(options.e); const points = activeShape.get("points"); points.push({ x: pointer.x, y: pointer.y, }); const polygon = new fabric.Polygon(points, { stroke: "#333333", strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#cccccc", opacity: 0.3, selectable: false, hasBorders: false, hasControls: false, evented: false, objectCaching: false, }); canvas.remove(activeShape); canvas.add(polygon); activeShape = polygon; canvas.renderAll(); } else { const polyPoint = [{ x: clientX, y: clientY }]; const polygon = new fabric.Polygon(polyPoint, { stroke: "#333333", strokeWidth: 1, fill: "#cccccc", opacity: 0.3, selectable: false, hasBorders: false, hasControls: false, evented: false, objectCaching: false, }); activeShape = polygon; canvas.add(polygon); } activeLine = line; pointsList.push(point); linesList.push(line); canvas.add(line); canvas.add(point); }; const generatePolygon = (canvas: fabric.Canvas, pointsList): void => { const points: { x: number; y: number }[] = []; pointsList.forEach((point) => { points.push({ x: point.left, y: point.top, }); canvas.remove(point); }); linesList.forEach((line) => { canvas.remove(line); }); canvas.remove(activeShape).remove(activeLine); const polygon = new fabric.Polygon(points, { id: "polygon-" + new Date().getTime(), fill: SHAPE_MASK_COLOR, objectCaching: false, stroke: BORDER_COLOR, strokeWidth: 1, strokeUniform: true, noScaleCache: false, }); if (polygon.width > 5 && polygon.height > 5) { disableRotation(polygon); canvas.add(polygon); canvas.setActiveObject(polygon); // view undo redo tools undoStack.onObjectAdded(polygon.id); emitChangeSignal(); } polygon.on("modified", () => { modifiedPolygon(canvas, polygon); undoStack.onObjectModified(); }); toggleDrawPolygon(canvas); }; const modifiedPolygon = (canvas: fabric.Canvas, polygon: fabric.Polygon): void => { const matrix = polygon.calcTransformMatrix(); const transformedPoints = polygon.get("points") .map(function(p) { return new fabric.Point(p.x - polygon.pathOffset.x, p.y - polygon.pathOffset.y); }) .map(function(p) { return fabric.util.transformPoint(p, matrix); }); const polygon1 = new fabric.Polygon(transformedPoints, { id: polygon.id, fill: SHAPE_MASK_COLOR, objectCaching: false, stroke: BORDER_COLOR, strokeWidth: 1, strokeUniform: true, noScaleCache: false, }); polygon1.on("modified", () => { modifiedPolygon(canvas, polygon1); undoStack.onObjectModified(); }); canvas.remove(polygon); canvas.add(polygon1); };