// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: "off", @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off", */ import pb from "anki/ts/lib/backend_proto"; import { interpolateBlues } from "d3-scale-chromatic"; import "d3-transition"; import { select, mouse } from "d3-selection"; import { scaleLinear, scaleBand, scaleSequential } from "d3-scale"; import { axisBottom, axisLeft, axisRight } from "d3-axis"; import { showTooltip, hideTooltip } from "./tooltip"; import { GraphBounds, setDataAvailable, GraphRange, millisecondCutoffForRange, } from "./graph-helpers"; import { area, curveBasis } from "d3-shape"; import type { I18n } from "anki/ts/lib/i18n"; type ButtonCounts = [number, number, number, number]; interface Hour { hour: number; totalCount: number; correctCount: number; } const ReviewKind = pb.BackendProto.RevlogEntry.ReviewKind; function gatherData(data: pb.BackendProto.GraphsOut, range: GraphRange): Hour[] { const hours = [...Array(24)].map((_n, idx: number) => { return { hour: idx, totalCount: 0, correctCount: 0 } as Hour; }); const cutoff = millisecondCutoffForRange(range, data.nextDayAtSecs); for (const review of data.revlog as pb.BackendProto.RevlogEntry[]) { if (review.reviewKind == ReviewKind.EARLY_REVIEW) { continue; } if (cutoff && (review.id as number) < cutoff) { continue; } const hour = Math.floor( (((review.id as number) / 1000 + data.localOffsetSecs) / 3600) % 24 ); hours[hour].totalCount += 1; if (review.buttonChosen != 1) { hours[hour].correctCount += 1; } } return hours; } export function renderHours( svgElem: SVGElement, bounds: GraphBounds, origData: pb.BackendProto.GraphsOut, i18n: I18n, range: GraphRange ): void { const data = gatherData(origData, range); const yMax = Math.max(...data.map((d) => d.totalCount)); const svg = select(svgElem); const trans = svg.transition().duration(600) as any; if (!yMax) { setDataAvailable(svg, false); return; } else { setDataAvailable(svg, true); } const x = scaleBand() .domain(data.map((d) => d.hour.toString())) .range([bounds.marginLeft, bounds.width - bounds.marginRight]) .paddingInner(0.1); svg.select(".x-ticks") .transition(trans) .call(axisBottom(x).tickSizeOuter(0)) .selectAll("text") .attr("class", (n: any) => { if (n % 2 != 0) { return "tick-odd"; } else { return ""; } }); const cappedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.1, 0.8]); const colour = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateBlues(cappedRange(n)!)).domain([ 0, yMax, ]); // y scale const y = scaleLinear() .range([bounds.height - bounds.marginBottom, bounds.marginTop]) .domain([0, yMax]) .nice(); svg.select(".y-ticks") .transition(trans) .call( axisLeft(y) .ticks(bounds.height / 50) .tickSizeOuter(0) ); const yArea = y.copy().domain([0, 1]); // x bars const updateBar = (sel: any): any => { return sel .attr("width", x.bandwidth()) .transition(trans) .attr("x", (d: Hour) => x(d.hour.toString())!) .attr("y", (d: Hour) => y(d.totalCount)!) .attr("height", (d: Hour) => y(0)! - y(d.totalCount)!) .attr("fill", (d: Hour) => colour(d.totalCount!)); }; svg.select("g.bars") .selectAll("rect") .data(data) .join( (enter) => enter .append("rect") .attr("rx", 1) .attr("x", (d: Hour) => x(d.hour.toString())!) .attr("y", y(0)!) .attr("height", 0) // .attr("opacity", 0.7) .call(updateBar), (update) => update.call(updateBar), (remove) => remove.call((remove) => remove.transition(trans).attr("height", 0).attr("y", y(0)!) ) ); svg.select(".y2-ticks") .transition(trans) .call( axisRight(yArea) .ticks(bounds.height / 50) .tickFormat((n: any) => `${Math.round(n * 100)}%`) .tickSizeOuter(0) ); svg.select("path.area") .datum(data) .attr( "d", area() .curve(curveBasis) .defined((d) => d.totalCount > 0) .x((d: Hour) => { return x(d.hour.toString())! + x.bandwidth() / 2; }) .y0(bounds.height - bounds.marginBottom) .y1((d: Hour) => { const correctRatio = d.correctCount! / d.totalCount!; return yArea(isNaN(correctRatio) ? 0 : correctRatio)!; }) ); function tooltipText(d: Hour): string { const hour = i18n.tr(i18n.TR.STATISTICS_HOURS_RANGE, { hourStart: d.hour, hourEnd: d.hour + 1, }); const correct = i18n.tr(i18n.TR.STATISTICS_HOURS_CORRECT, { correct: d.correctCount, total: d.totalCount, percent: d.totalCount ? (d.correctCount / d.totalCount) * 100 : 0, }); return `${hour}
${correct}`; } // hover/tooltip svg.select("g.hoverzone") .selectAll("rect") .data(data) .join("rect") .attr("x", (d: Hour) => x(d.hour.toString())!) .attr("y", () => y(yMax)!) .attr("width", x.bandwidth()) .attr("height", () => y(0)! - y(yMax!)!) .on("mousemove", function (this: any, d: Hour) { const [x, y] = mouse(document.body); showTooltip(tooltipText(d), x, y); }) .on("mouseout", hideTooltip); }