// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off", */ import * as tr from "@tslib/ftl"; import { localizedNumber } from "@tslib/i18n"; import { Stats } from "@tslib/proto"; import { dayLabel, timeSpan } from "@tslib/time"; import type { Bin , ScaleSequential} from "d3"; import { area, axisBottom, axisLeft, axisRight, bin, cumsum, curveBasis, interpolateGreens, interpolateOranges, interpolatePurples, interpolateReds, max, min, pointer, scaleLinear, scaleSequential, select, sum, } from "d3"; import type { GraphBounds,TableDatum } from "./graph-helpers"; import { GraphRange, setDataAvailable } from "./graph-helpers"; import { hideTooltip, showTooltip } from "./tooltip"; interface Reviews { learn: number; relearn: number; young: number; mature: number; filtered: number; } export interface GraphData { // indexed by day, where day is relative to today reviewCount: Map; reviewTime: Map; } const ReviewKind = Stats.RevlogEntry.ReviewKind; type BinType = Bin, number>; export function gatherData(data: Stats.GraphsResponse): GraphData { const reviewCount = new Map(); const reviewTime = new Map(); const empty = { mature: 0, young: 0, learn: 0, relearn: 0, filtered: 0 }; for (const review of data.revlog as Stats.RevlogEntry[]) { if (review.reviewKind == ReviewKind.MANUAL) { // don't count days with only manual scheduling continue; } const day = Math.ceil( ((review.id as number) / 1000 - data.nextDayAtSecs) / 86400, ); const countEntry = reviewCount.get(day) ?? reviewCount.set(day, { ...empty }).get(day)!; const timeEntry = reviewTime.get(day) ?? reviewTime.set(day, { ...empty }).get(day)!; switch (review.reviewKind) { case ReviewKind.LEARNING: countEntry.learn += 1; timeEntry.learn += review.takenMillis; break; case ReviewKind.RELEARNING: countEntry.relearn += 1; timeEntry.relearn += review.takenMillis; break; case ReviewKind.REVIEW: if (review.lastInterval < 21) { countEntry.young += 1; timeEntry.young += review.takenMillis; } else { countEntry.mature += 1; timeEntry.mature += review.takenMillis; } break; case ReviewKind.FILTERED: countEntry.filtered += 1; timeEntry.filtered += review.takenMillis; break; } } return { reviewCount, reviewTime }; } enum BinIndex { Mature = 0, Young = 1, Relearn = 2, Learn = 3, Filtered = 4, } function totalsForBin(bin: BinType): number[] { const total = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (const entry of bin) { total[BinIndex.Mature] += entry[1].mature; total[BinIndex.Young] += entry[1].young; total[BinIndex.Relearn] += entry[1].relearn; total[BinIndex.Learn] += entry[1].learn; total[BinIndex.Filtered] += entry[1].filtered; } return total; } /// eg idx=0 is mature count, idx=1 is mature+young count, etc function cumulativeBinValue(bin: BinType, idx: number): number { return sum(totalsForBin(bin).slice(0, idx + 1)); } export function renderReviews( svgElem: SVGElement, bounds: GraphBounds, sourceData: GraphData, range: GraphRange, showTime: boolean, ): TableDatum[] { const svg = select(svgElem); const trans = svg.transition().duration(600) as any; const xMax = 1; let xMin = 0; // cap max to selected range switch (range) { case GraphRange.Month: xMin = -30; break; case GraphRange.ThreeMonths: xMin = -89; break; case GraphRange.Year: xMin = -364; break; case GraphRange.AllTime: xMin = min(sourceData.reviewCount.keys())!; break; } const desiredBars = Math.min(70, Math.abs(xMin!)); const x = scaleLinear().domain([xMin!, xMax]).nice(desiredBars); x.domain([x.domain()[0], xMax]); const sourceMap = showTime ? sourceData.reviewTime : sourceData.reviewCount; const bins = bin() .value((m) => { return m[0]; }) .domain(x.domain() as any) .thresholds(x.ticks(desiredBars))(sourceMap.entries() as any); // empty graph? const totalDays = sum(bins, (bin) => bin.length); if (!totalDays) { setDataAvailable(svg, false); return []; } else { setDataAvailable(svg, true); } x.range([bounds.marginLeft, bounds.width - bounds.marginRight]); svg.select(".x-ticks") .call((selection) => selection.transition(trans).call(axisBottom(x).ticks(7).tickSizeOuter(0))) .attr("direction", "ltr"); // y scale const yTickFormat = (n: number): string => { if (showTime) { return timeSpan(n / 1000, true); } else { if (Math.round(n) != n) { return ""; } else { return localizedNumber(n); } } }; const yMax = max(bins, (b: Bin) => cumulativeBinValue(b, 4))!; const y = scaleLinear() .range([bounds.height - bounds.marginBottom, bounds.marginTop]) .domain([0, yMax]) .nice(); svg.select(".y-ticks") .call((selection) => selection.transition(trans).call( axisLeft(y) .ticks(bounds.height / 50) .tickSizeOuter(0) .tickFormat(yTickFormat as any), ) ) .attr("direction", "ltr"); // x bars function barWidth(d: Bin): number { const width = Math.max(0, x(d.x1!) - x(d.x0!) - 1); return width ?? 0; } const cappedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.3, 0.5]); const shiftedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.4, 0.7]); const darkerGreens = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateGreens(shiftedRange(n)!)).domain(x.domain() as any); const lighterGreens = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateGreens(cappedRange(n)!)).domain(x.domain() as any); const reds = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateReds(cappedRange(n)!)).domain( x.domain() as any, ); const oranges = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateOranges(cappedRange(n)!)).domain( x.domain() as any, ); const purples = scaleSequential((n) => interpolatePurples(cappedRange(n)!)).domain( x.domain() as any, ); function binColor(idx: BinIndex): ScaleSequential { switch (idx) { case BinIndex.Mature: return darkerGreens; case BinIndex.Young: return lighterGreens; case BinIndex.Learn: return oranges; case BinIndex.Relearn: return reds; case BinIndex.Filtered: return purples; } } function valueLabel(n: number): string { if (showTime) { return timeSpan(n / 1000); } else { return tr.statisticsReviews({ reviews: n }); } } function tooltipText(d: BinType, cumulative: number): string { const day = dayLabel(d.x0!, d.x1!); const totals = totalsForBin(d); const dayTotal = valueLabel(sum(totals)); let buf = ``; const lines: [BinIndex | null, string][] = [ [BinIndex.Filtered, tr.statisticsCountsFilteredCards()], [BinIndex.Learn, tr.statisticsCountsLearningCards()], [BinIndex.Relearn, tr.statisticsCountsRelearningCards()], [BinIndex.Young, tr.statisticsCountsYoungCards()], [BinIndex.Mature, tr.statisticsCountsMatureCards()], [null, tr.statisticsRunningTotal()], ]; for (const [idx, label] of lines) { let color: string; let detail: string; if (idx == null) { color = "transparent"; detail = valueLabel(cumulative); } else { color = binColor(idx)(1); detail = valueLabel(totals[idx]); } buf += ``; } return buf; } const updateBar = (sel: any, idx: number): any => { return sel .attr("width", barWidth) .transition(trans) .attr("x", (d: any) => x(d.x0)) .attr("y", (d: any) => y(cumulativeBinValue(d, idx))!) .attr("height", (d: any) => y(0)! - y(cumulativeBinValue(d, idx))!) .attr("fill", (d: any) => binColor(idx)(d.x0)); }; for (const barNum of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) { svg.select(`g.bars${barNum}`) .selectAll("rect") .data(bins) .join( (enter) => enter .append("rect") .attr("rx", 1) .attr("x", (d: any) => x(d.x0)!) .attr("y", y(0)!) .attr("height", 0) .call((d) => updateBar(d, barNum)), (update) => update.call((d) => updateBar(d, barNum)), (remove) => remove.call((remove) => remove.transition(trans).attr("height", 0).attr("y", y(0)!)), ); } // cumulative area const areaCounts = bins.map((d: any) => cumulativeBinValue(d, 4)); areaCounts.unshift(0); const areaData = cumsum(areaCounts); const yCumMax = areaData.slice(-1)[0]; const yAreaScale = y.copy().domain([0, yCumMax]).nice(); if (yCumMax) { svg.select(".y2-ticks") .call((selection) => selection.transition(trans).call( axisRight(yAreaScale) .ticks(bounds.height / 50) .tickFormat(yTickFormat as any) .tickSizeOuter(0), ) ) .attr("direction", "ltr"); svg.select("path.cumulative-overlay") .datum(areaData as any) .attr( "d", area() .curve(curveBasis) .x((_d: [number, number], idx: number) => { if (idx === 0) { return x(bins[0].x0!)!; } else { return x(bins[idx - 1].x1!)!; } }) .y0(bounds.height - bounds.marginBottom) .y1((d: any) => yAreaScale(d)!) as any, ); } const hoverData: [Bin, number][] = bins.map( (bin: Bin, index: number) => [bin, areaData[index + 1]], ); // hover/tooltip svg.select("g.hover-columns") .selectAll("rect") .data(hoverData) .join("rect") .attr("x", ([bin]) => x(bin.x0!)) .attr("y", () => y(yMax)) .attr("width", ([bin]) => barWidth(bin)) .attr("height", () => y(0) - y(yMax)) .on("mousemove", (event: MouseEvent, [bin, area]): void => { const [x, y] = pointer(event, document.body); showTooltip(tooltipText(bin as any, area), x, y); }) .on("mouseout", hideTooltip); const periodDays = -xMin + 1; const studiedDays = sum(bins, (bin) => bin.length); const total = yCumMax; const periodAvg = total / periodDays; const studiedAvg = total / studiedDays; let totalString: string, averageForDaysStudied: string, averageForPeriod: string, averageAnswerTime: string, averageAnswerTimeLabel: string; if (showTime) { totalString = timeSpan(total / 1000, false); averageForDaysStudied = tr.statisticsMinutesPerDay({ count: Math.round(studiedAvg / 1000 / 60), }); averageForPeriod = tr.statisticsMinutesPerDay({ count: Math.round(periodAvg / 1000 / 60), }); averageAnswerTimeLabel = tr.statisticsAverageAnswerTimeLabel(); // need to get total review count to calculate average time const countBins = bin() .value((m) => { return m[0]; }) .domain(x.domain() as any)(sourceData.reviewCount.entries() as any); const totalReviews = sum(countBins, (bin) => cumulativeBinValue(bin as any, 4)); const totalSecs = total / 1000; const avgSecs = totalSecs / totalReviews; const cardsPerMin = (totalReviews * 60) / totalSecs; averageAnswerTime = tr.statisticsAverageAnswerTime({ averageSeconds: avgSecs, cardsPerMinute: cardsPerMin, }); } else { totalString = tr.statisticsReviews({ reviews: total }); averageForDaysStudied = tr.statisticsReviewsPerDay({ count: Math.round(studiedAvg), }); averageForPeriod = tr.statisticsReviewsPerDay({ count: Math.round(periodAvg), }); averageAnswerTime = averageAnswerTimeLabel = ""; } const tableData: TableDatum[] = [ { label: tr.statisticsDaysStudied(), value: tr.statisticsAmountOfTotalWithPercentage({ amount: studiedDays, total: periodDays, percent: Math.round((studiedDays / periodDays) * 100), }), }, { label: tr.statisticsTotal(), value: totalString }, { label: tr.statisticsAverageForDaysStudied(), value: averageForDaysStudied, }, { label: tr.statisticsAverageOverPeriod(), value: averageForPeriod, }, ]; if (averageAnswerTime) { tableData.push({ label: averageAnswerTimeLabel, value: averageAnswerTime }); } return tableData; }
${label} ${detail}