// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import { moveChildOutOfElement } from "../domlib/move-nodes"; import { placeCaretAfter } from "../domlib/place-caret"; import { getSelection, isSelectionCollapsed } from "../lib/cross-browser"; import { elementIsEmpty, nodeIsElement, nodeIsText } from "../lib/dom"; import { on } from "../lib/events"; import type { FrameElement } from "./frame-element"; /** * The frame handle also needs some awareness that it's hosted below * the frame */ export const frameElementTagName = "anki-frame"; /** * I originally used a zero width space, however, in contentEditable, if * a line ends in a zero width space, and you click _after_ the line, * the caret will be placed _before_ the zero width space. * Instead I use a hairline space. */ const spaceCharacter = "\u200a"; const spaceRegex = /[\u200a]/g; export function isFrameHandle(node: unknown): node is FrameHandle { return node instanceof FrameHandle; } function skippableNode(handleElement: FrameHandle, node: Node): boolean { /** * We only want to move nodes, which are direct descendants of the FrameHandle * MutationRecords however might include nodes which were directly removed again */ return ( (nodeIsText(node) && (node.data === spaceCharacter || node.data.length === 0)) || !Array.prototype.includes.call(handleElement.childNodes, node) ); } function restoreHandleContent(mutations: MutationRecord[]): void { let referenceNode: Node | null = null; for (const mutation of mutations) { const target = mutation.target; if (mutation.type === "childList") { if (!isFrameHandle(target)) { /* nested insertion */ continue; } const handleElement = target; const placement = handleElement instanceof FrameStart ? "beforebegin" : "afterend"; const frameElement = handleElement.parentElement as FrameElement; for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (skippableNode(handleElement, node)) { continue; } if ( nodeIsElement(node) && !elementIsEmpty(node) && (node.textContent === spaceCharacter || node.textContent?.length === 0) ) { /** * When we surround the spaceCharacter of the frame handle */ node.replaceWith(new Text(spaceCharacter)); } else { referenceNode = moveChildOutOfElement( frameElement, node, placement, ); } } } else if (mutation.type === "characterData") { if ( !nodeIsText(target) || !isFrameHandle(target.parentElement) || skippableNode(target.parentElement, target) ) { continue; } const handleElement = target.parentElement; const placement = handleElement instanceof FrameStart ? "beforebegin" : "afterend"; const frameElement = handleElement.parentElement! as FrameElement; const cleaned = target.data.replace(spaceRegex, ""); const text = new Text(cleaned); if (placement === "beforebegin") { frameElement.before(text); } else { frameElement.after(text); } handleElement.refreshSpace(); referenceNode = text; } } if (referenceNode) { placeCaretAfter(referenceNode); } } const handleObserver = new MutationObserver(restoreHandleContent); const handles: Set = new Set(); export abstract class FrameHandle extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes(): string[] { return ["data-frames"]; } frames?: string; constructor() { super(); handleObserver.observe(this, { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true, }); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, old: string, newValue: string): void { if (newValue === old) { return; } switch (name) { case "data-frames": this.frames = newValue; break; } } abstract getFrameRange(): Range; invalidSpace(): boolean { return ( !this.firstChild || !(nodeIsText(this.firstChild) && this.firstChild.data === spaceCharacter) ); } refreshSpace(): void { while (this.firstChild) { this.removeChild(this.firstChild); } this.append(new Text(spaceCharacter)); } hostedUnderFrame(): boolean { return this.parentElement!.tagName === frameElementTagName.toUpperCase(); } connectedCallback(): void { if (this.invalidSpace()) { this.refreshSpace(); } if (!this.hostedUnderFrame()) { const range = this.getFrameRange(); const frameElement = document.createElement( frameElementTagName, ) as FrameElement; frameElement.dataset.frames = this.frames; range.surroundContents(frameElement); } handles.add(this); } removeMoveIn?: () => void; disconnectedCallback(): void { handles.delete(this); this.removeMoveIn?.(); this.removeMoveIn = undefined; } abstract notifyMoveIn(offset: number): void; } export class FrameStart extends FrameHandle { static tagName = "frame-start"; getFrameRange(): Range { const range = new Range(); range.setStartBefore(this); const maybeFramed = this.nextElementSibling; if (maybeFramed?.matches(this.frames ?? ":not(*)")) { const maybeHandleEnd = maybeFramed.nextElementSibling; range.setEndAfter( maybeHandleEnd?.tagName.toLowerCase() === FrameStart.tagName ? maybeHandleEnd : maybeFramed, ); } else { range.setEndAfter(this); } return range; } notifyMoveIn(offset: number): void { if (offset === 1) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("movein")); } } connectedCallback(): void { super.connectedCallback(); this.removeMoveIn = on(this, "movein" as keyof HTMLElementEventMap, () => this.parentElement?.dispatchEvent(new Event("moveinstart")), ); } } export class FrameEnd extends FrameHandle { static tagName = "frame-end"; getFrameRange(): Range { const range = new Range(); range.setEndAfter(this); const maybeFramed = this.previousElementSibling; if (maybeFramed?.matches(this.frames ?? ":not(*)")) { const maybeHandleStart = maybeFramed.previousElementSibling; range.setEndAfter( maybeHandleStart?.tagName.toLowerCase() === FrameEnd.tagName ? maybeHandleStart : maybeFramed, ); } else { range.setStartBefore(this); } return range; } notifyMoveIn(offset: number): void { if (offset === 0) { this.dispatchEvent(new Event("movein")); } } connectedCallback(): void { super.connectedCallback(); this.removeMoveIn = on(this, "movein" as keyof HTMLElementEventMap, () => this.parentElement?.dispatchEvent(new Event("moveinend")), ); } } export function checkWhetherMovingIntoHandle(): void { for (const handle of handles) { const selection = getSelection(handle)!; if ( selection.anchorNode === handle.firstChild && isSelectionCollapsed(selection) ) { handle.notifyMoveIn(selection.anchorOffset); } } }