# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
from __future__ import annotations
import html
import os
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
import anki
import anki.collection
from anki import card_rendering_pb2, hooks
from anki.models import NotetypeDict
from anki.template import TemplateRenderContext, TemplateRenderOutput
from anki.utils import call, is_mac, namedtmp, tmpdir
pngCommands = [
["latex", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "tmp.tex"],
["dvipng", "-D", "200", "-T", "tight", "tmp.dvi", "-o", "tmp.png"],
svgCommands = [
["latex", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "tmp.tex"],
["dvisvgm", "--no-fonts", "--exact", "-Z", "2", "tmp.dvi", "-o", "tmp.svg"],
# if off, use existing media but don't create new
build = True # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# add standard tex install location to osx
if is_mac:
os.environ["PATH"] += ":/usr/texbin:/Library/TeX/texbin"
class ExtractedLatex:
filename: str
latex_body: str
class ExtractedLatexOutput:
html: str
latex: list[ExtractedLatex]
def from_proto(
proto: card_rendering_pb2.ExtractLatexResponse,
) -> ExtractedLatexOutput:
return ExtractedLatexOutput(
ExtractedLatex(filename=l.filename, latex_body=l.latex_body)
for l in proto.latex
def on_card_did_render(
output: TemplateRenderOutput, ctx: TemplateRenderContext
) -> None:
output.question_text = render_latex(
output.question_text, ctx.note_type(), ctx.col()
output.answer_text = render_latex(output.answer_text, ctx.note_type(), ctx.col())
def render_latex(
html: str, model: NotetypeDict, col: anki.collection.Collection
) -> str:
"Convert embedded latex tags in text to image links."
html, err = render_latex_returning_errors(html, model, col)
if err:
html += "\n".join(err)
return html
def render_latex_returning_errors(
html: str,
model: NotetypeDict,
col: anki.collection.Collection,
expand_clozes: bool = False,
) -> tuple[str, list[str]]:
"""Returns (text, errors).
errors will be non-empty if LaTeX failed to render."""
svg = model.get("latexsvg", False)
header = model["latexPre"]
footer = model["latexPost"]
proto = col._backend.extract_latex(text=html, svg=svg, expand_clozes=expand_clozes)
out = ExtractedLatexOutput.from_proto(proto)
errors = []
html = out.html
for latex in out.latex:
# don't need to render?
if not build or col.media.have(latex.filename):
err = _save_latex_image(col, latex, header, footer, svg)
if err is not None:
return html, errors
def _save_latex_image(
col: anki.collection.Collection,
extracted: ExtractedLatex,
header: str,
footer: str,
svg: bool,
) -> str | None:
# add header/footer
latex = f"{header}\n{extracted.latex_body}\n{footer}"
# it's only really secure if run in a jail, but these are the most common
tmplatex = latex.replace("\\includegraphics", "")
for bad in (
# don't mind if the sequence is only part of a command
bad_re = f"\\{bad}[^a-zA-Z]"
if re.search(bad_re, tmplatex):
return col.tr.media_for_security_reasons_is_not(val=bad)
# commands to use
if svg:
latex_cmds = svgCommands
ext = "svg"
latex_cmds = pngCommands
ext = "png"
# write into a temp file
log = open(namedtmp("latex_log.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8")
texpath = namedtmp("tmp.tex")
texfile = open(texpath, "w", encoding="utf8")
oldcwd = os.getcwd()
png_or_svg = namedtmp(f"tmp.{ext}")
# generate png/svg
for latex_cmd in latex_cmds:
if call(latex_cmd, stdout=log, stderr=log):
return _err_msg(col, latex_cmd[0], texpath)
# add to media
with open(png_or_svg, "rb") as file:
data = file.read()
col.media.write_data(extracted.filename, data)
return None
def _err_msg(col: anki.collection.Collection, type: str, texpath: str) -> Any:
msg = f"{col.tr.media_error_executing(val=type)}
msg += f"{col.tr.media_generated_file(val=texpath)}
with open(namedtmp("latex_log.txt", remove=False), encoding="utf8") as file:
log = file.read()
if not log:
raise Exception()
msg += f"{html.escape(log)}
msg += col.tr.media_have_you_installed_latex_and_dvipngdvisvgm()
return msg
def setup_hook() -> None: