/* Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors * License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html */ let currentField = null; let changeTimer = null; let currentNoteId = null; declare interface String { format(...args: string[]): string; } /* kept for compatibility with add-ons */ String.prototype.format = function (...args: string[]): string { return this.replace(/\{\d+\}/g, (m) => args[m.match(/\d+/)]); }; function setFGButton(col: string): void { $("#forecolor")[0].style.backgroundColor = col; } function saveNow(keepFocus: boolean): void { if (!currentField) { return; } clearChangeTimer(); if (keepFocus) { saveField("key"); } else { // triggers onBlur, which saves currentField.blur(); } } function triggerKeyTimer(): void { clearChangeTimer(); changeTimer = setTimeout(function () { updateButtonState(); saveField("key"); }, 600); } interface Selection { modify(s: string, t: string, u: string): void; } function onKey(evt: KeyboardEvent): void { // esc clears focus, allowing dialog to close if (evt.code === "Escape") { currentField.blur(); return; } // prefer
instead of
if (evt.code === "Enter" && !inListItem()) { evt.preventDefault(); document.execCommand("insertLineBreak"); return; } // fix Ctrl+right/left handling in RTL fields if (currentField.dir === "rtl") { const selection = window.getSelection(); let granularity = "character"; let alter = "move"; if (evt.ctrlKey) { granularity = "word"; } if (evt.shiftKey) { alter = "extend"; } if (evt.code === "ArrowRight") { selection.modify(alter, "right", granularity); evt.preventDefault(); return; } else if (evt.code === "ArrowLeft") { selection.modify(alter, "left", granularity); evt.preventDefault(); return; } } triggerKeyTimer(); } function onKeyUp(evt: KeyboardEvent): void { // Avoid div element on remove if (evt.code === "Enter" || evt.code === "Backspace") { const anchor = window.getSelection().anchorNode; if ( nodeIsElement(anchor) && anchor.tagName === "DIV" && !anchor.classList.contains("field") && anchor.childElementCount === 1 && anchor.children[0].tagName === "BR" ) { anchor.replaceWith(anchor.children[0]); } } } function nodeIsElement(node: Node): node is Element { return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; } function inListItem(): boolean { const anchor = window.getSelection().anchorNode; let n = nodeIsElement(anchor) ? anchor : anchor.parentElement; let inList = false; while (n) { inList = inList || window.getComputedStyle(n).display == "list-item"; n = n.parentElement; } return inList; } function insertNewline(): void { if (!inPreEnvironment()) { setFormat("insertText", "\n"); return; } // in some cases inserting a newline will not show any changes, // as a trailing newline at the end of a block does not render // differently. so in such cases we note the height has not // changed and insert an extra newline. const r = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); if (!r.collapsed) { // delete any currently selected text first, making // sure the delete is undoable setFormat("delete"); } const oldHeight = currentField.clientHeight; setFormat("inserthtml", "\n"); if (currentField.clientHeight === oldHeight) { setFormat("inserthtml", "\n"); } } // is the cursor in an environment that respects whitespace? function inPreEnvironment(): boolean { const anchor = window.getSelection().anchorNode; const n = nodeIsElement(anchor) ? anchor : anchor.parentElement; return window.getComputedStyle(n).whiteSpace.startsWith("pre"); } function onInput(): void { // make sure IME changes get saved triggerKeyTimer(); } function updateButtonState(): void { const buts = ["bold", "italic", "underline", "superscript", "subscript"]; for (const name of buts) { if (document.queryCommandState(name)) { $(`#${name}`).addClass("highlighted"); } else { $(`#${name}`).removeClass("highlighted"); } } // fixme: forecolor // 'col': document.queryCommandValue("forecolor") } function toggleEditorButton(buttonid: string): void { const button = $(buttonid); if (button.hasClass("highlighted")) { button.removeClass("highlighted"); } else { button.addClass("highlighted"); } } function setFormat(cmd: string, arg?: any, nosave: boolean = false): void { document.execCommand(cmd, false, arg); if (!nosave) { saveField("key"); updateButtonState(); } } function clearChangeTimer(): void { if (changeTimer) { clearTimeout(changeTimer); changeTimer = null; } } function onFocus(elem: HTMLElement): void { if (currentField === elem) { // anki window refocused; current element unchanged return; } currentField = elem; pycmd(`focus:${currentFieldOrdinal()}`); enableButtons(); // don't adjust cursor on mouse clicks if (mouseDown) { return; } // do this twice so that there's no flicker on newer versions caretToEnd(); // scroll if bottom of element off the screen function pos(elem: HTMLElement): number { let cur = 0; do { cur += elem.offsetTop; elem = elem.offsetParent as HTMLElement; } while (elem); return cur; } const y = pos(elem); if ( window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight < y + elem.offsetHeight || window.pageYOffset > y ) { window.scroll(0, y + elem.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight); } } function focusField(n: number): void { if (n === null) { return; } $(`#f${n}`).focus(); } function focusIfField(x: number, y: number): boolean { const elements = document.elementsFromPoint(x, y); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { let elem = elements[i] as HTMLElement; if (elem.classList.contains("field")) { elem.focus(); // the focus event may not fire if the window is not active, so make sure // the current field is set currentField = elem; return true; } } return false; } function onPaste(): void { pycmd("paste"); window.event.preventDefault(); } function caretToEnd(): void { const r = document.createRange(); r.selectNodeContents(currentField); r.collapse(false); const s = document.getSelection(); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); } function onBlur(): void { if (!currentField) { return; } if (document.activeElement === currentField) { // other widget or window focused; current field unchanged saveField("key"); } else { saveField("blur"); currentField = null; disableButtons(); } } function saveField(type: "blur" | "key"): void { clearChangeTimer(); if (!currentField) { // no field has been focused yet return; } // type is either 'blur' or 'key' pycmd(`${type}:${currentFieldOrdinal()}:${currentNoteId}:${currentField.innerHTML}`) } function currentFieldOrdinal(): string { return currentField.id.substring(1); } function wrappedExceptForWhitespace(text: string, front: string, back: string): string { const match = text.match(/^(\s*)([^]*?)(\s*)$/); return match[1] + front + match[2] + back + match[3]; } function disableButtons(): void { $("button.linkb:not(.perm)").prop("disabled", true); } function enableButtons(): void { $("button.linkb").prop("disabled", false); } // disable the buttons if a field is not currently focused function maybeDisableButtons(): void { if (!document.activeElement || document.activeElement.className !== "field") { disableButtons(); } else { enableButtons(); } } function wrap(front: string, back: string): void { wrapInternal(front, back, false); } /* currently unused */ function wrapIntoText(front: string, back: string): void { wrapInternal(front, back, true); } function wrapInternal(front: string, back: string, plainText: boolean): void { const s = window.getSelection(); let r = s.getRangeAt(0); const content = r.cloneContents(); const span = document.createElement("span"); span.appendChild(content); if (plainText) { const new_ = wrappedExceptForWhitespace(span.innerText, front, back); setFormat("inserttext", new_); } else { const new_ = wrappedExceptForWhitespace(span.innerHTML, front, back); setFormat("inserthtml", new_); } if (!span.innerHTML) { // run with an empty selection; move cursor back past postfix r = s.getRangeAt(0); r.setStart(r.startContainer, r.startOffset - back.length); r.collapse(true); s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); } } function onCutOrCopy(): boolean { pycmd("cutOrCopy"); return true; } function setFields(fields: [string, string][]): void { let txt = ""; // webengine will include the variable after enter+backspace // if we don't convert it to a literal colour const color = window .getComputedStyle(document.documentElement) .getPropertyValue("--text-fg"); for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const n = fields[i][0]; let f = fields[i][1]; txt += ` ${n}
`; } $("#fields").html(`${txt}
`); maybeDisableButtons(); } function setBackgrounds(cols: ("dupe")[]) { for (let i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { if (cols[i] === "dupe") { $(`#f${i}`).addClass("dupe"); } else { $(`#f${i}`).removeClass("dupe"); } } } function setFonts(fonts: [string, number, boolean][]): void { for (let i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { const n = $(`#f${i}`); n.css("font-family", fonts[i][0]).css("font-size", fonts[i][1]); n[0].dir = fonts[i][2] ? "rtl" : "ltr"; } } function setNoteId(id: number): void { currentNoteId = id; } function showDupes(): void { $("#dupes").show(); } function hideDupes(): void { $("#dupes").hide(); } let pasteHTML = function (html: string, internal: boolean, extendedMode: boolean): void { html = filterHTML(html, internal, extendedMode); if (html !== "") { setFormat("inserthtml", html); } }; let filterHTML = function (html: string, internal: boolean, extendedMode: boolean): string { // wrap it in as we aren't allowed to change top level elements const top = $.parseHTML(`${html}`)[0] as Element; if (internal) { filterInternalNode(top); } else { filterNode(top, extendedMode); } let outHtml = top.innerHTML; if (!extendedMode && !internal) { // collapse whitespace outHtml = outHtml.replace(/[\n\t ]+/g, " "); } outHtml = outHtml.trim(); //console.log(`input html: ${html}`); //console.log(`outpt html: ${outHtml}`); return outHtml; }; let allowedTagsBasic = {}; let allowedTagsExtended = {}; let TAGS_WITHOUT_ATTRS = ["P", "DIV", "BR", "SUB", "SUP"]; for (const tag of TAGS_WITHOUT_ATTRS) { allowedTagsBasic[tag] = { attrs: [] }; } TAGS_WITHOUT_ATTRS = [ "B", "BLOCKQUOTE", "CODE", "DD", "DL", "DT", "EM", "H1", "H2", "H3", "I", "LI", "OL", "PRE", "RP", "RT", "RUBY", "STRONG", "TABLE", "U", "UL", ]; for (const tag of TAGS_WITHOUT_ATTRS) { allowedTagsExtended[tag] = { attrs: [] }; } allowedTagsBasic["IMG"] = { attrs: ["SRC"] }; allowedTagsExtended["A"] = { attrs: ["HREF"] }; allowedTagsExtended["TR"] = { attrs: ["ROWSPAN"] }; allowedTagsExtended["TD"] = { attrs: ["COLSPAN", "ROWSPAN"] }; allowedTagsExtended["TH"] = { attrs: ["COLSPAN", "ROWSPAN"] }; allowedTagsExtended["FONT"] = { attrs: ["COLOR"] }; const allowedStyling = { color: true, "background-color": true, "font-weight": true, "font-style": true, "text-decoration-line": true, }; let isNightMode = function (): boolean { return document.body.classList.contains("nightMode"); }; let filterExternalSpan = function (elem: HTMLElement) { // filter out attributes for (let i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) { const attr = elem.attributes.item(i); const attrName = attr.name.toUpperCase(); if (attrName !== "STYLE") { elem.removeAttributeNode(attr); } } // filter styling for (let i = 0; i < elem.style.length; i++) { const name = elem.style.item(i); const value = elem.style.getPropertyValue(name) if ( !allowedStyling.hasOwnProperty(name) || // google docs adds this unnecessarily name === "background-color" && value === "transparent" || // ignore coloured text in night mode for now isNightMode() && (name === "background-color" || name === "color") ) { elem.style.removeProperty(name); } } }; allowedTagsExtended["SPAN"] = filterExternalSpan; // add basic tags to extended Object.assign(allowedTagsExtended, allowedTagsBasic); function isHTMLElement(elem: Element): elem is HTMLElement { return elem instanceof HTMLElement; } // filtering from another field let filterInternalNode = function (elem: Element) { if (isHTMLElement(elem)) { elem.style.removeProperty("background-color"); elem.style.removeProperty("font-size"); elem.style.removeProperty("font-family"); } // recurse for (let i = 0; i < elem.children.length; i++) { const child = elem.children[i]; filterInternalNode(child); } }; // filtering from external sources let filterNode = function (node: Node, extendedMode: boolean): void { if (!nodeIsElement(node)) { return; } // descend first, and take a copy of the child nodes as the loop will skip // elements due to node modifications otherwise for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; filterNode(child, extendedMode); } if (node.tagName === "ANKITOP") { return; } const tag = extendedMode ? allowedTagsExtended[node.tagName] : allowedTagsBasic[node.tagName]; if (!tag) { if (!node.innerHTML || node.tagName === "TITLE") { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } else { node.outerHTML = node.innerHTML; } } else { if (typeof tag === "function") { // filtering function provided tag(node); } else { // allowed, filter out attributes for (let i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { const attr = node.attributes.item(i); const attrName = attr.name.toUpperCase(); if (tag.attrs.indexOf(attrName) === -1) { node.removeAttributeNode(attr); } } } } }; let adjustFieldsTopMargin = function (): void { const topHeight = $("#topbuts").height(); const margin = topHeight + 8; document.getElementById("fields").style.marginTop = `${margin}px`; }; let mouseDown = 0; $(function (): void { document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", () => (mouseDown++)); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", () => (mouseDown--)); document.addEventListener("click", (evt: MouseEvent): void => { const src = evt.target as Element; if (src.tagName === "IMG") { // image clicked; find contenteditable parent let p = src; while ((p = p.parentNode as Element)) { if (p.className === "field") { $(`#${p.id}`).focus(); break; } } } }); // prevent editor buttons from taking focus $("button.linkb").on("mousedown", function (evt: Event) { evt.preventDefault(); }); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { adjustFieldsTopMargin(); }); adjustFieldsTopMargin(); });