# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import html import re import sys import traceback from typing import Optional, TextIO, cast from markdown import markdown from aqt import mw from aqt.main import AnkiQt from aqt.qt import * from aqt.utils import showText, showWarning, supportText, tr if not os.environ.get("DEBUG"): def excepthook(etype, val, tb) -> None: # type: ignore sys.stderr.write( "Caught exception:\n%s\n" % ("".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, val, tb))) ) sys.excepthook = excepthook class ErrorHandler(QObject): "Catch stderr and write into buffer." ivl = 100 errorTimer = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, mw: AnkiQt) -> None: QObject.__init__(self, mw) self.mw = mw self.timer: Optional[QTimer] = None qconnect(self.errorTimer, self._setTimer) self.pool = "" self._oldstderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = cast(TextIO, self) def unload(self) -> None: sys.stderr = self._oldstderr sys.excepthook = None def write(self, data: str) -> None: # dump to stdout sys.stdout.write(data) # save in buffer self.pool += data # and update timer self.setTimer() def setTimer(self) -> None: # we can't create a timer from a different thread, so we post a # message to the object on the main thread self.errorTimer.emit() # type: ignore def _setTimer(self) -> None: if not self.timer: self.timer = QTimer(self.mw) qconnect(self.timer.timeout, self.onTimeout) self.timer.setInterval(self.ivl) self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.start() def tempFolderMsg(self) -> str: return tr.qt_misc_unable_to_access_anki_media_folder() def onTimeout(self) -> None: error = html.escape(self.pool) self.pool = "" self.mw.progress.clear() if "AbortSchemaModification" in error: return if "DeprecationWarning" in error: return if "10013" in error: showWarning(tr.qt_misc_your_firewall_or_antivirus_program_is()) return if "invalidTempFolder" in error: showWarning(self.tempFolderMsg()) return if "Beautiful Soup is not an HTTP client" in error: return if "database or disk is full" in error or "Errno 28" in error: showWarning(tr.qt_misc_your_computers_storage_may_be_full()) return if "disk I/O error" in error: showWarning(markdown(tr.errors_accessing_db())) return must_close = False if "PanicException" in error: must_close = True txt = markdown( "**A fatal error occurred, and Anki must close. Please report this message on the forums.**" ) error = f"{supportText() + self._addonText(error)}\n{error}" elif self.mw.addonManager.dirty: txt = markdown(tr.errors_addons_active_popup()) error = f"{supportText() + self._addonText(error)}\n{error}" else: txt = markdown(tr.errors_standard_popup()) error = f"{supportText()}\n{error}" # show dialog txt = f"{txt}