# # A helper script to update commit references to the latest translations, # and copy source files to the translation repos. Requires access to the # i18n repos to run. import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass import re import os import sys from typing import Optional, Tuple import requests from hashlib import sha256 root = os.environ["BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY"] repos_bzl = os.path.join(root, "repos.bzl") working_folder = os.path.join(root, "..", "anki-i18n") if not os.path.exists(working_folder): os.mkdir(working_folder) @dataclass class Module: name: str repo: str # (source ftl folder, i18n templates folder) ftl: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None def folder(self) -> str: return os.path.join(working_folder, self.name) modules = [ Module( name="core", repo="git@github.com:ankitects/anki-core-i18n", ftl=(os.path.join(root, "ftl", "core"), "core/templates"), ), Module( name="qtftl", repo="git@github.com:ankitects/anki-desktop-ftl", ftl=(os.path.join(root, "ftl", "qt"), "desktop/templates"), ), ] def update_repo(module: Module): subprocess.run(["git", "pull"], cwd=module.folder(), check=True) def clone_repo(module: Module): subprocess.run( ["git", "clone", module.repo, module.name], cwd=working_folder, check=True ) def update_git_repos(): for module in modules: if os.path.exists(module.folder()): update_repo(module) else: clone_repo(module) @dataclass class GitInfo: sha1: str zip_sha256: str def git_url_to_zip_url(repo: str, commit: str) -> str: repo = repo.replace("git@github.com:", "https://github.com/") return f"{repo}/archive/{commit}.zip" def get_zip_sha(zip_url: str) -> str: resp = requests.get(zip_url) resp.raise_for_status() return sha256(resp.content).hexdigest() def module_git_info(module: Module) -> GitInfo: folder = module.folder() sha1 = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "log", "-n", "1", "--pretty=format:%H"], cwd=folder ).decode("utf8") zip_url = git_url_to_zip_url(module.repo, sha1) zip_sha = get_zip_sha(zip_url) return GitInfo( sha1=sha1, zip_sha256=zip_sha, ) def update_repos_bzl(): # gather changes entries = {} for module in modules: git = module_git_info(module) prefix = f"{module.name}_i18n_" entries[prefix + "commit"] = git.sha1 entries[prefix + "zip_csum"] = git.zip_sha256 # apply out = [] path = repos_bzl reg = re.compile(r'(\s+)(\S+_(?:commit|zip_csum)) = "(.*)"') for line in open(path).readlines(): if m := reg.match(line): (indent, key, _oldvalue) = m.groups() value = entries[key] line = f'{indent}{key} = "{value}"\n' out.append(line) else: out.append(line) open(path, "w").writelines(out) commit_if_changed(root) def commit_if_changed(folder: str): status = subprocess.run(["git", "diff", "--exit-code"], cwd=folder, check=False) if status.returncode == 0: # no changes return subprocess.run( ["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "update translations"], cwd=folder, check=True ) def update_ftl_templates(): for module in modules: if ftl := module.ftl: (source, dest) = ftl dest = os.path.join(module.folder(), dest) subprocess.run( [ "rsync", "-ai", "--delete", "--no-perms", "--no-times", source + "/", dest + "/", ], check=True, ) commit_if_changed(module.folder()) def push_i18n_changes(): for module in modules: subprocess.run(["git", "push"], cwd=module.folder(), check=True) update_git_repos() update_ftl_templates() push_i18n_changes() update_repos_bzl()