PREFIX := /usr SHELL := bash .SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c .ONESHELL: .DELETE_ON_ERROR: MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules RUNARGS := .SUFFIXES: BLACKARGS := -t py36 anki aqt RUSTARGS := --release --strip $(shell mkdir -p .build) # Installing ###################### .PHONY: all install uninstall all: @echo "You can run Anki from this folder with 'make run'." @echo @echo "After confirming it's working, to install Anki system-wide, use" @echo "'make build && sudo make install'." @echo @echo "To undo a system install, use 'sudo make uninstall'." install: rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/anki mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/anki cp -av anki aqt web ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/anki/ -cp -av locale ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/anki/ sed -e 's:@PREFIX@:${PREFIX}:' tools/ > tools/runanki.system install -m 0755 -D tools/runanki.system ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/anki install -m 0644 -D -t ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps anki.xpm anki.png install -m 0644 -D -t ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications anki.desktop install -m 0644 -D -t ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/man/man1 anki.1 install -m 0644 -D -t ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/anki README.contributing README.development LICENSE LICENSE.logo -xdg-mime install anki.xml --novendor -xdg-mime default anki.desktop application/x-anki -xdg-mime default anki.desktop application/x-apkg @echo @echo "Install complete." # fixme: needs to be copied into system python env or # 'maturin build' used uninstall: rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/anki rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/anki rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/anki.xpm rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/anki.png rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/anki.desktop rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/man/man1/anki.1 -xdg-mime uninstall ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/mime/packages/anki.xml @echo @echo "Uninstall complete." # Prerequisites ###################### RUNREQS := .build/py-run-deps .build/ts-deps # Python prerequisites ###################### .build/py-run-deps: requirements.txt pip install -r $< @touch $@ .build/py-check-reqs: requirements.check .build/py-run-deps pip install -r $< ./tools/ @touch $@ # TS prerequisites ###################### .build/ts-deps: ts/package.json (cd ts && npm i) @touch $@ # Rust prerequisites ###################### .build/rust-deps: .build/py-run-deps pip install maturin @touch $@ RUST_TOOLCHAIN := $(shell cat rs/rust-toolchain) .build/rs-fmt-deps: rustup component add rustfmt-preview --toolchain $(RUST_TOOLCHAIN) @touch $@ .build/rs-clippy-deps: rustup component add clippy-preview --toolchain $(RUST_TOOLCHAIN) @touch $@ # Protobuf ###################### PROTODEPS := $(wildcard proto/*.proto) # Typescript source ###################### TSDEPS := $(wildcard ts/src/*.ts) JSDEPS := $(patsubst ts/src/%.ts, web/%.js, $(TSDEPS)) # Rust source ###################### RSDEPS := $(shell find rs -type f | egrep -v 'target|/\.|') # Building ###################### BUILDDEPS := .build/ui .build/js .build/rs .build/py-proto .build/ui: $(RUNREQS) $(shell find designer -type f) ./tools/ @touch $@ .build/js: .build/ts-deps $(TSDEPS) (cd ts && npm run build) @touch $@ .build/rs: .build/rust-deps $(RUNREQS) $(RSDEPS) $(PROTODEPS) (cd rs/pymod && maturin develop $(RUSTARGS)) @touch $@ .build/py-proto: $(RUNREQS) $(PROTODEPS) protoc --proto_path=proto --python_out=anki --mypy_out=anki proto/backend.proto @touch $@ .PHONY: build clean build: $(BUILDDEPS) .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf .build rm -rf $(JSDEPS) rm -rf rs/target # Running ###################### .PHONY: run run: build ./runanki ${RUNARGS} # Checking ###################### .PHONY: check check: rs-test rs-fmt rs-clippy py-mypy py-test py-fmt py-imports py-lint ts-fmt .PHONY: fix fix: fix-py-fmt fix-py-imports fix-rs-fmt fix-ts-fmt # Checking python ###################### PYCHECKDEPS := $(BUILDDEPS) .build/py-check-reqs $(shell find anki aqt -name '*.py' | grep -v .build/py-mypy: $(PYCHECKDEPS) mypy anki aqt @touch $@ .build/py-test: $(PYCHECKDEPS) $(wildcard tests/*.py) ./tools/ @touch $@ .build/py-lint: $(PYCHECKDEPS) pylint -j 0 --rcfile=.pylintrc -f colorized --extension-pkg-whitelist=PyQt5,_ankirs anki aqt @touch $@ .build/py-imports: $(PYCHECKDEPS) isort anki aqt --check # if this fails, run 'make fix-py-imports' @touch $@ .build/py-fmt: $(PYCHECKDEPS) black --check $(BLACKARGS) # if this fails, run 'make fix-py-fmt' @touch $@ .PHONY: py-mypy py-test py-lint py-imports py-fmt py-mypy: .build/py-mypy py-test: .build/py-test py-lint: .build/py-lint py-imports: .build/py-imports py-fmt: .build/py-fmt .PHONY: fix-py-imports fix-py-fmt fix-py-imports: isort anki aqt fix-py-fmt: black $(BLACKARGS) anki aqt # Checking rust ###################### .build/rs-test: $(RSDEPS) (cd rs/ankirs && cargo test) @touch $@ .build/rs-fmt: .build/rs-fmt-deps $(RSDEPS) (cd rs && cargo fmt -- --check) # if this fails, run 'make fix-rs-fmt' @touch $@ .build/rs-clippy: .build/rs-clippy-deps $(RSDEPS) (cd rs && cargo clippy -- -D warnings) @touch $@ .PHONY: rs-test rs-fmt fix-rs-fmt rs-clippy rs-test: .build/rs-test rs-fmt: .build/rs-fmt rs-clippy: .build/rs-clippy fix-rs-fmt: (cd rs && cargo fmt) # Checking typescript ###################### TSCHECKDEPS := $(BUILDDEPS) $(TSDEPS) .build/ts-fmt: $(TSCHECKDEPS) (cd ts && npm run check-pretty) # if this fails, run 'make fix-ts-fmt' @touch $@ .PHONY: fix-ts-fmt ts-fmt ts-fmt: .build/ts-fmt fix-ts-fmt: (cd ts && npm run pretty)