# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import re import os import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import ctypes import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error from anki.lang import _ from aqt.qt import * from anki.utils import stripHTML, isWin, isMac, namedtmp, json, stripHTMLMedia import anki.sound from anki.hooks import runHook, runFilter from aqt.sound import getAudio from aqt.webview import AnkiWebView from aqt.utils import shortcut, showInfo, showWarning, getFile, \ openHelp, tooltip, downArrow import aqt import anki.js from bs4 import BeautifulSoup pics = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tif", "tiff", "gif", "svg", "webp") audio = ("wav", "mp3", "ogg", "flac", "mp4", "swf", "mov", "mpeg", "mkv", "m4a", "3gp", "spx", "oga") _html = """ %s
""" # caller is responsible for resetting note on reset class Editor(object): def __init__(self, mw, widget, parentWindow, addMode=False): self.mw = mw self.widget = widget self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.note = None self.stealFocus = True self.addMode = addMode self._loaded = False self.currentField = 0 # current card, for card layout self.card = None self.setupOuter() self.setupShortcuts() self.setupWeb() self.setupTags() # Initial setup ############################################################ def setupOuter(self): l = QVBoxLayout() l.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) l.setSpacing(0) self.widget.setLayout(l) self.outerLayout = l def setupWeb(self): self.web = EditorWebView(self.widget, self) self.web.title = "editor" self.web.allowDrops = True self.web.onBridgeCmd = self.onBridgeCmd self.outerLayout.addWidget(self.web, 1) self.web.onLoadFinished = self._loadFinished topbuts = """
""" % dict(flds=_("Fields"), cards=_("Cards")) self.web.stdHtml(_html % ( self.mw.baseHTML(), anki.js.jquery, topbuts, _("Show Duplicates"))) # Top buttons ###################################################################### def _addButton(self, name, func, key=None, tip=None, size=True, text="", check=False, native=False, canDisable=True): b = QPushButton(text) if check: b.clicked["bool"].connect(func) else: b.clicked.connect(func) if size: b.setFixedHeight(20) b.setFixedWidth(20) if not native: if self.plastiqueStyle: b.setStyle(self.plastiqueStyle) b.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) else: b.setAutoDefault(False) if not text: b.setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/%s.png" % name)) if key: b.setShortcut(QKeySequence(key)) if tip: b.setToolTip(shortcut(tip)) if check: b.setCheckable(True) self.iconsBox.addWidget(b) if canDisable: self._buttons[name] = b return b def setupShortcuts(self): cuts = [ ("Ctrl+L", self.onCardLayout), ("Ctrl+B", self.toggleBold), ("Ctrl+I", self.toggleItalic), ("Ctrl+U", self.toggleUnderline), ("Ctrl+Shift+=", self.toggleSuper), ("Ctrl+=", self.toggleSub), ("Ctrl+R", self.removeFormat), ("F7", self.onForeground), ("F8", self.onChangeCol), ("Ctrl+Shift+C", self.onCloze), ("Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C", self.onCloze), ("F3", self.onAddMedia), ("F5", self.onRecSound), ("Ctrl+T, T", self.insertLatex), ("Ctrl+T, E", self.insertLatexEqn), ("Ctrl+T, M", self.insertLatexMathEnv), ("Ctrl+Shift+X", self.onHtmlEdit), ("Ctrl+Shift+T", lambda: self.tags.setFocus), ] runFilter("setupEditorShortcuts", cuts) for keys, fn in cuts: QShortcut(QKeySequence(keys), self.widget, activated=fn) # fixme: need to add back hover labels for toolbuttons # def setupButtons(self): # _("Customize Cards (Ctrl+L)") # _("Bold text (Ctrl+B)"), # _("Italic text (Ctrl+I)"), # _("Underline text (Ctrl+U)") # _("Superscript (Ctrl+Shift+=)") # _("Subscript (Ctrl+=)") # _("Remove formatting (Ctrl+R)") # _("Set foreground colour (F7)") # _("Change colour (F8)") # _("Cloze deletion (Ctrl+Shift+C)") # _("Attach pictures/audio/video (F3)") # _("Record audio (F5)") def onFields(self): self.saveNow(self._onFields) def _onFields(self): from aqt.fields import FieldDialog FieldDialog(self.mw, self.note, parent=self.parentWindow) def onCardLayout(self): self.saveNow(self._onCardLayout) def _onCardLayout(self): from aqt.clayout import CardLayout if self.card: ord = self.card.ord else: ord = 0 CardLayout(self.mw, self.note, ord=ord, parent=self.parentWindow, addMode=self.addMode) if isWin: self.parentWindow.activateWindow() # JS->Python bridge ###################################################################### def onBridgeCmd(self, cmd): if not self.note or not runHook: # shutdown return # focus lost or key/button pressed? if cmd.startswith("blur") or cmd.startswith("key"): (type, txt) = cmd.split(":", 1) txt = urllib.parse.unquote(txt) txt = self.mungeHTML(txt) # misbehaving apps may include a null byte in the text txt = txt.replace("\x00", "") # reverse the url quoting we added to get images to display txt = self.mw.col.media.escapeImages(txt, unescape=True) self.note.fields[self.currentField] = txt if not self.addMode: self.note.flush() self.mw.requireReset() if type == "blur": # run any filters if runFilter( "editFocusLost", False, self.note, self.currentField): # something updated the note; schedule reload def onUpdate(): if not self.note: return self.stealFocus = True self.loadNote() self.checkValid() self.mw.progress.timer(100, onUpdate, False) else: self.checkValid() else: runHook("editTimer", self.note) self.checkValid() # focused into field? elif cmd.startswith("focus"): (type, num) = cmd.split(":", 1) self.currentField = int(num) runHook("editFocusGained", self.note, self.currentField) elif cmd in self._links: self._links[cmd](self) else: print("uncaught cmd", cmd) def mungeHTML(self, txt): if txt == "
": txt = "" return self._filterHTML(txt, localize=False) # Setting/unsetting the current note ###################################################################### def _loadFinished(self): self._loaded = True # match the background colour bgcol = self.mw.app.palette().window().color().name() self.web.eval("setBG('%s')" % bgcol) # setup colour button self.setupForegroundButton() if self.note: self.loadNote() def setNote(self, note, hide=True, focus=False): "Make NOTE the current note." self.note = note self.currentField = 0 if focus: self.stealFocus = True if self.note: self.loadNote() else: self.hideCompleters() if hide: self.widget.hide() def loadNote(self): if not self.note: return if self.stealFocus: field = self.currentField else: field = -1 if not self._loaded: # will be loaded when page is ready return data = [] for fld, val in list(self.note.items()): data.append((fld, self.mw.col.media.escapeImages(val))) self.web.eval("setFields(%s, %d);" % ( json.dumps(data), field)) self.web.eval("setFonts(%s);" % ( json.dumps(self.fonts()))) self.checkValid() self.updateTags() self.widget.show() if self.stealFocus: self.web.setFocus() self.stealFocus = False def focus(self): self.web.setFocus() def fonts(self): return [(f['font'], f['size'], f['rtl']) for f in self.note.model()['flds']] def saveNow(self, callback): "Save unsaved edits then call callback()." if not self.note: callback() return self.saveTags() self.web.evalWithCallback("saveNow()", lambda res: callback()) def checkValid(self): cols = [] err = None for f in self.note.fields: cols.append("#fff") err = self.note.dupeOrEmpty() if err == 2: cols[0] = "#fcc" self.web.eval("showDupes();") else: self.web.eval("hideDupes();") self.web.eval("setBackgrounds(%s);" % json.dumps(cols)) def showDupes(self): contents = stripHTMLMedia(self.note.fields[0]) browser = aqt.dialogs.open("Browser", self.mw) browser.form.searchEdit.lineEdit().setText( '"dupe:%s,%s"' % (self.note.model()['id'], contents)) browser.onSearchActivated() def fieldsAreBlank(self): if not self.note: return True m = self.note.model() for c, f in enumerate(self.note.fields): if f and not m['flds'][c]['sticky']: return False return True # HTML editing ###################################################################### def onHtmlEdit(self): self.saveNow(self._onHtmlEdit) def _onHtmlEdit(self): d = QDialog(self.widget) form = aqt.forms.edithtml.Ui_Dialog() form.setupUi(d) form.buttonBox.helpRequested.connect(lambda: openHelp("editor")) form.textEdit.setPlainText(self.note.fields[self.currentField]) form.textEdit.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) d.exec_() html = form.textEdit.toPlainText() # filter html through beautifulsoup so we can strip out things like a # leading html = str(BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")) self.note.fields[self.currentField] = html self.loadNote() # focus field so it's saved self.web.setFocus() self.web.eval("focusField(%d);" % self.currentField) # Tag handling ###################################################################### def setupTags(self): import aqt.tagedit g = QGroupBox(self.widget) g.setFlat(True) tb = QGridLayout() tb.setSpacing(12) tb.setContentsMargins(6,6,6,6) # tags l = QLabel(_("Tags")) tb.addWidget(l, 1, 0) self.tags = aqt.tagedit.TagEdit(self.widget) self.tags.lostFocus.connect(self.saveTags) self.tags.setToolTip(shortcut(_("Jump to tags with Ctrl+Shift+T"))) tb.addWidget(self.tags, 1, 1) g.setLayout(tb) self.outerLayout.addWidget(g) def updateTags(self): if self.tags.col != self.mw.col: self.tags.setCol(self.mw.col) if not self.tags.text() or not self.addMode: self.tags.setText(self.note.stringTags().strip()) def saveTags(self): if not self.note: return self.note.tags = self.mw.col.tags.canonify( self.mw.col.tags.split(self.tags.text())) self.tags.setText(self.mw.col.tags.join(self.note.tags).strip()) if not self.addMode: self.note.flush() runHook("tagsUpdated", self.note) def saveAddModeVars(self): if self.addMode: # save tags to model m = self.note.model() m['tags'] = self.note.tags self.mw.col.models.save(m) def hideCompleters(self): self.tags.hideCompleter() # Format buttons ###################################################################### def toggleBold(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('bold');") def toggleItalic(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('italic');") def toggleUnderline(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('underline');") def toggleSuper(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('superscript');") def toggleSub(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('subscript');") def removeFormat(self): self.web.eval("setFormat('removeFormat');") def onCloze(self): # check that the model is set up for cloze deletion if not re.search('{{(.*:)*cloze:',self.note.model()['tmpls'][0]['qfmt']): if self.addMode: tooltip(_("Warning, cloze deletions will not work until " "you switch the type at the top to Cloze.")) else: showInfo(_("""\ To make a cloze deletion on an existing note, you need to change it \ to a cloze type first, via Edit>Change Note Type.""")) return # find the highest existing cloze highest = 0 for name, val in list(self.note.items()): m = re.findall("\{\{c(\d+)::", val) if m: highest = max(highest, sorted([int(x) for x in m])[-1]) # reuse last? if not self.mw.app.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.AltModifier: highest += 1 # must start at 1 highest = max(1, highest) self.web.eval("wrap('{{c%d::', '}}');" % highest) # Foreground colour ###################################################################### def setupForegroundButton(self): self.fcolour = self.mw.pm.profile.get("lastColour", "#00f") self.onColourChanged() # use last colour def onForeground(self): self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) # choose new colour def onChangeCol(self): new = QColorDialog.getColor(QColor(self.fcolour), None) # native dialog doesn't refocus us for some reason self.parentWindow.activateWindow() if new.isValid(): self.fcolour = new.name() self.onColourChanged() self._wrapWithColour(self.fcolour) def _updateForegroundButton(self): self.web.eval("setFGButton('%s')" % self.fcolour) def onColourChanged(self): self._updateForegroundButton() self.mw.pm.profile['lastColour'] = self.fcolour def _wrapWithColour(self, colour): self.web.eval("setFormat('forecolor', '%s')" % colour) # Audio/video/images ###################################################################### def onAddMedia(self): key = (_("Media") + " (*.jpg *.png *.gif *.tiff *.svg *.tif *.jpeg "+ "*.mp3 *.ogg *.wav *.avi *.ogv *.mpg *.mpeg *.mov *.mp4 " + "*.mkv *.ogx *.ogv *.oga *.flv *.swf *.flac)") def accept(file): self.addMedia(file, canDelete=True) file = getFile(self.widget, _("Add Media"), accept, key, key="media") self.parentWindow.activateWindow() def addMedia(self, path, canDelete=False): html = self._addMedia(path, canDelete) self.web.eval("setFormat('inserthtml', %s);" % json.dumps(html)) def _addMedia(self, path, canDelete=False): "Add to media folder and return local img or sound tag." # copy to media folder fname = self.mw.col.media.addFile(path) # remove original? if canDelete and self.mw.pm.profile['deleteMedia']: if os.path.abspath(fname) != os.path.abspath(path): try: os.unlink(path) except: pass # return a local html link return self.fnameToLink(fname) def onRecSound(self): try: file = getAudio(self.widget) except Exception as e: showWarning(_( "Couldn't record audio. Have you installed lame and sox?") + "\n\n" + repr(str(e))) return self.addMedia(file) # Media downloads ###################################################################### def urlToLink(self, url): fname = self.urlToFile(url) if not fname: return "" return self.fnameToLink(fname) def fnameToLink(self, fname): ext = fname.split(".")[-1].lower() if ext in pics: name = urllib.parse.quote(fname.encode("utf8")) return '' % name else: anki.sound.play(fname) return '[sound:%s]' % fname def urlToFile(self, url): l = url.lower() for suffix in pics+audio: if l.endswith(suffix): return self._retrieveURL(url) # not a supported type return def isURL(self, s): s = s.lower() return (s.startswith("http://") or s.startswith("https://") or s.startswith("ftp://") or s.startswith("file://")) def _retrieveURL(self, url): "Download file into media folder and return local filename or None." # urllib doesn't understand percent-escaped utf8, but requires things like # '#' to be escaped. we don't try to unquote the incoming URL, because # we should only be receiving file:// urls from url mime, which is unquoted if url.lower().startswith("file://"): url = url.replace("%", "%25") url = url.replace("#", "%23") # fetch it into a temporary folder self.mw.progress.start( immediate=True, parent=self.parentWindow) try: req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Anki)'}) filecontents = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() except urllib.error.URLError as e: showWarning(_("An error occurred while opening %s") % e) return finally: self.mw.progress.finish() path = urllib.parse.unquote(url) return self.mw.col.media.writeData(path, filecontents) # HTML filtering ###################################################################### def _filterHTML(self, html, localize=False): doc = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # remove implicit regular font style from outermost element if doc.span: try: attrs = doc.span['style'].split(";") except (KeyError, TypeError): attrs = [] if attrs: new = [] for attr in attrs: sattr = attr.strip() if sattr and sattr not in ("font-style: normal", "font-weight: normal"): new.append(sattr) doc.span['style'] = ";".join(new) # filter out implicit formatting from webkit for tag in doc("span", "Apple-style-span"): preserve = "" for item in tag['style'].split(";"): try: k, v = item.split(":") except ValueError: continue if k.strip() == "color" and not v.strip() == "rgb(0, 0, 0)": preserve += "color:%s;" % v if k.strip() in ("font-weight", "font-style"): preserve += item + ";" if preserve: # preserve colour attribute, delete implicit class tag['style'] = preserve del tag['class'] else: # strip completely tag.replaceWithChildren() for tag in doc("font", "Apple-style-span"): # strip all but colour attr from implicit font tags if 'color' in dict(tag.attrs): for attr in tag.attrs: if attr != "color": del tag[attr] # and apple class del tag['class'] else: # remove completely tag.replaceWithChildren() # now images for tag in doc("img"): # turn file:/// links into relative ones try: if tag['src'].lower().startswith("file://"): tag['src'] = os.path.basename(tag['src']) if localize and self.isURL(tag['src']): # convert remote image links to local ones fname = self.urlToFile(tag['src']) if fname: tag['src'] = fname except KeyError: # for some bizarre reason, mnemosyne removes src elements # from missing media pass # strip all other attributes, including implicit max-width for attr, val in tag.attrs.items(): if attr != "src": del tag[attr] # strip superfluous elements for elem in "html", "head", "body", "meta": for tag in doc(elem): tag.replaceWithChildren() html = str(doc) return html # Advanced menu ###################################################################### def onAdvanced(self): m = QMenu(self.mw) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatex) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX equation")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatexEqn) a = m.addAction(_("LaTeX math env.")) a.triggered.connect(self.insertLatexMathEnv) a = m.addAction(_("Edit HTML")) a.triggered.connect(self.onHtmlEdit) m.exec_(QCursor.pos()) # LaTeX ###################################################################### def insertLatex(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[latex]', '[/latex]');") def insertLatexEqn(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[$]', '[/$]');") def insertLatexMathEnv(self): self.web.eval("wrap('[$$]', '[/$$]');") # Links from HTML ###################################################################### _links = dict( fields=onFields, cards=onCardLayout, bold=toggleBold, italic=toggleItalic, underline=toggleUnderline, super=toggleSuper, sub=toggleSub, clear=removeFormat, colour=onForeground, changeCol=onChangeCol, cloze=onCloze, attach=onAddMedia, record=onRecSound, more=onAdvanced, dupes=showDupes, ) # Pasting, drag & drop, and keyboard layouts ###################################################################### # fixme: drag & drop # fixme: middle click to paste class EditorWebView(AnkiWebView): def __init__(self, parent, editor): AnkiWebView.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.strip = self.editor.mw.pm.profile['stripHTML'] self.setAcceptDrops(True) def onCut(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Cut) self._flagAnkiText() def onCopy(self): self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Copy) self._flagAnkiText() def onPaste(self): mime = self.mungeClip() self.triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage.Paste) self.restoreClip() # def mouseReleaseEvent(self, evt): # if not isMac and not isWin and evt.button() == Qt.MidButton: # # middle click on x11; munge the clipboard before standard # # handling # mime = self.mungeClip(mode=QClipboard.Selection) # AnkiWebView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, evt) # self.restoreClip(mode=QClipboard.Selection) # else: # AnkiWebView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, evt) # # def dropEvent(self, evt): # oldmime = evt.mimeData() # # coming from this program? # if evt.source(): # if oldmime.hasHtml(): # mime = QMimeData() # mime.setHtml(self.editor._filterHTML(oldmime.html())) # else: # # old qt on linux won't give us html when dragging an image; # # in that case just do the default action (which is to ignore # # the drag) # return AnkiWebView.dropEvent(self, evt) # else: # mime = self._processMime(oldmime) # # create a new event with the new mime data and run it # new = QDropEvent(evt.pos(), evt.possibleActions(), mime, # evt.mouseButtons(), evt.keyboardModifiers()) # evt.accept() # AnkiWebView.dropEvent(self, new) # # tell the drop target to take focus so the drop contents are saved # self.eval("dropTarget.focus();") # self.setFocus() def mungeClip(self, mode=QClipboard.Clipboard): clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() mime = clip.mimeData(mode=mode) self.saveClip(mode=mode) mime = self._processMime(mime) clip.setMimeData(mime, mode=mode) return mime def restoreClip(self, mode=QClipboard.Clipboard): clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() clip.setMimeData(self.savedClip, mode=mode) def saveClip(self, mode): # we don't own the clipboard object, so we need to copy it or we'll crash mime = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard().mimeData(mode=mode) n = QMimeData() if mime.hasText(): n.setText(mime.text()) if mime.hasHtml(): n.setHtml(mime.html()) if mime.hasUrls(): n.setUrls(mime.urls()) if mime.hasImage(): n.setImageData(mime.imageData()) self.savedClip = n def _processMime(self, mime): # print "html=%s image=%s urls=%s txt=%s" % ( # mime.hasHtml(), mime.hasImage(), mime.hasUrls(), mime.hasText()) # print "html", mime.html() # print "urls", mime.urls() # print "text", mime.text() if mime.hasHtml(): return self._processHtml(mime) elif mime.hasUrls(): return self._processUrls(mime) elif mime.hasText(): return self._processText(mime) elif mime.hasImage(): return self._processImage(mime) else: # nothing return QMimeData() # when user is dragging a file from a file manager on any platform, the # url type should be set, and it is not URL-encoded. on a mac no text type # is returned, and on windows the text type is not returned in cases like # "foo's bar.jpg" def _processUrls(self, mime): url = mime.urls()[0].toString() # chrome likes to give us the URL twice with a \n url = url.splitlines()[0] newmime = QMimeData() link = self.editor.urlToLink(url) if link: newmime.setHtml(link) elif mime.hasImage(): # if we couldn't convert the url to a link and there's an # image on the clipboard (such as copy&paste from # google images in safari), use that instead return self._processImage(mime) else: newmime.setText(url) return newmime # if the user has used 'copy link location' in the browser, the clipboard # will contain the URL as text, and no URLs or HTML. the URL will already # be URL-encoded, and shouldn't be a file:// url unless they're browsing # locally, which we don't support def _processText(self, mime): txt = str(mime.text()) html = None # if the user is pasting an image or sound link, convert it to local if self.editor.isURL(txt): txt = txt.split("\r\n")[0] html = self.editor.urlToLink(txt) new = QMimeData() if html: new.setHtml(html) else: new.setText(txt) return new def _processHtml(self, mime): html = mime.html() newMime = QMimeData() if self.strip and not html.startswith(""): # special case for google images: if after stripping there's no text # and there are image links, we'll paste those as html instead if not stripHTML(html).strip(): newHtml = "" mid = self.editor.note.mid for url in self.editor.mw.col.media.filesInStr( mid, html, includeRemote=True): newHtml += self.editor.urlToLink(url) if not newHtml and mime.hasImage(): return self._processImage(mime) newMime.setHtml(newHtml) else: # use .text() if available so newlines are preserved; otherwise strip if mime.hasText(): return self._processText(mime) else: newMime.setText(stripHTML(mime.text())) else: if html.startswith(""): html = html[11:] # no html stripping html = self.editor._filterHTML(html, localize=True) newMime.setHtml(html) return newMime def _processImage(self, mime): im = QImage(mime.imageData()) uname = namedtmp("paste-%d" % im.cacheKey()) if self.editor.mw.pm.profile.get("pastePNG", False): ext = ".png" im.save(uname+ext, None, 50) else: ext = ".jpg" im.save(uname+ext, None, 80) # invalid image? if not os.path.exists(uname+ext): return QMimeData() mime = QMimeData() mime.setHtml(self.editor._addMedia(uname+ext)) return mime def _flagAnkiText(self): # add a comment in the clipboard html so we can tell text is copied # from us and doesn't need to be stripped clip = self.editor.mw.app.clipboard() mime = clip.mimeData() if not mime.hasHtml(): return html = mime.html() mime.setHtml("" + mime.html()) def contextMenuEvent(self, evt): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction(_("Cut")) a.triggered.connect(self.onCut) a = m.addAction(_("Copy")) a.triggered.connect(self.onCopy) a = m.addAction(_("Paste")) a.triggered.connect(self.onPaste) runHook("EditorWebView.contextMenuEvent", self, m) m.popup(QCursor.pos())