Preferences 0 0 405 450 Preferences Qt::StrongFocus 0 Basic 12 Show next review time above answer buttons Show remaining card count during review Strip HTML when pasting text Paste clipboard images as PNG When adding, default to current deck Change deck depending on note type Next day starts at 60 16777215 23 Learn ahead limit 60 16777215 999 mins Timebox time limit 9999 mins hours past midnight Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Preferred 20 20 Profile Password... false Network 10 10 <b>Synchronisation</b> true true Synchronize audio and images too Automatically sync on profile open/close On next sync, force changes in one direction Deauthorize false Qt::Horizontal 40 1 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Backups 10 <b>Backups</b><br>Anki will create a backup of your collection each time it is closed or synchronized. true Keep 60 0 60 16777215 backups Qt::Horizontal 40 20 <a href="backups">Open backup folder</a> Note: Media is not backed up. Please create a periodic backup of your Anki folder to be safe. true Qt::Vertical 20 59 Some settings will take effect after you restart Anki. Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Help showEstimates showProgress stripHTML pastePNG useCurrent newSpread dayOffset lrnCutoff timeLimit profilePass syncMedia syncOnProgramOpen syncDeauth numBackups buttonBox tabWidget buttonBox accepted() Preferences accept() 285 439 157 274 buttonBox rejected() Preferences reject() 332 439 286 274