# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations import time from concurrent.futures import Future from copy import copy from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union import anki import aqt from anki import hooks from anki.lang import _ from anki.media import media_paths_from_col_path from anki.rsbackend import ( Interrupted, MediaSyncDownloadedChanges, MediaSyncDownloadedFiles, MediaSyncProgress, MediaSyncRemovedFiles, MediaSyncUploaded, Progress, ProgressKind, ) from anki.types import assert_impossible from anki.utils import intTime from aqt import gui_hooks from aqt.qt import QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QPushButton from aqt.taskman import TaskManager @dataclass class MediaSyncState: downloaded_changes: int = 0 downloaded_files: int = 0 uploaded_files: int = 0 uploaded_removals: int = 0 removed_files: int = 0 # fixme: make sure we don't run twice # fixme: handle auth errors # fixme: handle network errors # fixme: show progress in UI # fixme: abort when closing collection/app # fixme: handle no hkey # fixme: shards # fixme: dialog should be a singleton # fixme: abort button should not be default class SyncBegun: pass class SyncEnded: pass class SyncAborted: pass LogEntry = Union[MediaSyncState, SyncBegun, SyncEnded, SyncAborted] @dataclass class LogEntryWithTime: time: int entry: LogEntry class MediaSyncer: def __init__(self, taskman: TaskManager, on_start_stop: Callable[[], None]): self._taskman = taskman self._sync_state: Optional[MediaSyncState] = None self._log: List[LogEntryWithTime] = [] self._want_stop = False self._on_start_stop = on_start_stop hooks.rust_progress_callback.append(self._on_rust_progress) def _on_rust_progress(self, proceed: bool, progress: Progress) -> bool: if progress.kind != ProgressKind.MediaSyncProgress: return proceed self._update_state(progress.val) self._log_and_notify(copy(self._sync_state)) if self._want_stop: return False else: return proceed def _update_state(self, progress: MediaSyncProgress) -> None: if isinstance(progress, MediaSyncDownloadedChanges): self._sync_state.downloaded_changes += progress.changes elif isinstance(progress, MediaSyncDownloadedFiles): self._sync_state.downloaded_files += progress.files elif isinstance(progress, MediaSyncUploaded): self._sync_state.uploaded_files += progress.files self._sync_state.uploaded_removals += progress.deletions elif isinstance(progress, MediaSyncRemovedFiles): self._sync_state.removed_files += progress.files def start( self, col: anki.storage._Collection, hkey: str, shard: Optional[int] ) -> None: "Start media syncing in the background, if it's not already running." if self._sync_state is not None: return self._log_and_notify(SyncBegun()) self._sync_state = MediaSyncState() self._want_stop = False self._on_start_stop() if shard is not None: shard_str = str(shard) else: shard_str = "" endpoint = f"https://sync{shard_str}ankiweb.net" (media_folder, media_db) = media_paths_from_col_path(col.path) def run() -> None: col.backend.sync_media(hkey, media_folder, media_db, endpoint) self._taskman.run_in_background(run, self._on_finished) def _log_and_notify(self, entry: LogEntry) -> None: entry_with_time = LogEntryWithTime(time=intTime(), entry=entry) self._log.append(entry_with_time) self._taskman.run_on_main( lambda: gui_hooks.media_sync_did_progress(entry_with_time) ) def _on_finished(self, future: Future) -> None: self._sync_state = None self._on_start_stop() exc = future.exception() if exc is not None: if isinstance(exc, Interrupted): self._log_and_notify(SyncAborted()) else: raise exc else: self._log_and_notify(SyncEnded()) def entries(self) -> List[LogEntryWithTime]: return self._log def abort(self) -> None: self._want_stop = True def is_syncing(self) -> bool: return self._sync_state is not None class MediaSyncDialog(QDialog): silentlyClose = True def __init__(self, mw: aqt.main.AnkiQt, syncer: MediaSyncer) -> None: super().__init__(mw) self.mw = mw self._syncer = syncer self.form = aqt.forms.synclog.Ui_Dialog() self.form.setupUi(self) self.abort_button = QPushButton(_("Abort")) self.abort_button.clicked.connect(self._on_abort) # type: ignore self.form.buttonBox.addButton(self.abort_button, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) gui_hooks.media_sync_did_progress.append(self._on_log_entry) self.form.plainTextEdit.setPlainText( "\n".join(self._entry_to_text(x) for x in syncer.entries()) ) self.show() def reject(self): aqt.dialogs.markClosed("sync_log") QDialog.reject(self) def accept(self): aqt.dialogs.markClosed("sync_log") QDialog.accept(self) def reopen(self, *args): self.show() def _on_abort(self, *args) -> None: self.form.plainTextEdit.appendPlainText( self._time_and_text(intTime(), _("Aborting...")) ) self._syncer.abort() self.abort_button.setHidden(True) def _time_and_text(self, stamp: int, text: str) -> str: asctime = time.asctime(time.localtime(stamp)) return f"{asctime}: {text}" def _entry_to_text(self, entry: LogEntryWithTime): if isinstance(entry.entry, SyncBegun): txt = _("Media sync starting...") elif isinstance(entry.entry, SyncEnded): txt = _("Media sync complete.") elif isinstance(entry.entry, SyncAborted): txt = _("Aborted.") elif isinstance(entry.entry, MediaSyncState): txt = self._logentry_to_text(entry.entry) else: assert_impossible(entry.entry) return self._time_and_text(entry.time, txt) def _logentry_to_text(self, e: MediaSyncState) -> str: return _( "Added: %(a_up)s ↑, %(a_dwn)s ↓, Removed: %(r_up)s ↑, %(r_dwn)s ↓, Checked: %(chk)s" ) % dict( a_up=e.uploaded_files, a_dwn=e.downloaded_files, r_up=e.uploaded_removals, r_dwn=e.removed_files, chk=e.downloaded_changes, ) def _on_log_entry(self, entry: LogEntryWithTime): self.form.plainTextEdit.appendPlainText(self._entry_to_text(entry))