# Copyright: Damien Elmes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import os import pprint import sys import re import traceback import signal import zipfile from send2trash import send2trash from aqt.qt import * from anki import Collection from anki.utils import isWin, isMac, intTime, splitFields, ids2str from anki.hooks import runHook, addHook import aqt import aqt.progress import aqt.webview import aqt.toolbar import aqt.stats from aqt.utils import restoreGeom, showInfo, showWarning,\ restoreState, getOnlyText, askUser, applyStyles, showText, tooltip, \ openHelp, openLink, checkInvalidFilename class AnkiQt(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, app, profileManager, args): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.state = "startup" aqt.mw = self self.app = app if isWin: self._xpstyle = QStyleFactory.create("WindowsXP") self.app.setStyle(self._xpstyle) self.pm = profileManager # running 2.0 for the first time? if self.pm.meta['firstRun']: # load the new deck user profile self.pm.load(self.pm.profiles()[0]) # upgrade if necessary from aqt.upgrade import Upgrader u = Upgrader(self) u.maybeUpgrade() self.pm.meta['firstRun'] = False self.pm.save() # init rest of app if qtmajor == 4 and qtminor < 8: # can't get modifiers immediately on qt4.7, so no safe mode there self.safeMode = False else: self.safeMode = self.app.queryKeyboardModifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier try: self.setupUI() self.setupAddons() except: showInfo(_("Error during startup:\n%s") % traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) # must call this after ui set up if self.safeMode: tooltip(_("Shift key was held down. Skipping automatic " "syncing and add-on loading.")) # were we given a file to import? if args and args[0]: self.onAppMsg(unicode(args[0], "utf8", "ignore")) # Load profile in a timer so we can let the window finish init and not # close on profile load error. self.progress.timer(10, self.setupProfile, False) def setupUI(self): self.col = None self.hideSchemaMsg = False self.setupAppMsg() self.setupKeys() self.setupThreads() self.setupFonts() self.setupMainWindow() self.setupSystemSpecific() self.setupStyle() self.setupMenus() self.setupProgress() self.setupErrorHandler() self.setupSignals() self.setupAutoUpdate() self.setupHooks() self.setupRefreshTimer() self.updateTitleBar() # screens self.setupDeckBrowser() self.setupOverview() self.setupReviewer() # Profiles ########################################################################## def setupProfile(self): self.pendingImport = None # profile not provided on command line? if not self.pm.name: # if there's a single profile, load it automatically profs = self.pm.profiles() if len(profs) == 1: try: self.pm.load(profs[0]) except: # password protected pass if not self.pm.name: self.showProfileManager() else: self.loadProfile() def showProfileManager(self): self.state = "profileManager" d = self.profileDiag = QDialog() f = self.profileForm = aqt.forms.profiles.Ui_Dialog() f.setupUi(d) d.connect(f.login, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onOpenProfile) d.connect(f.profiles, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)"), self.onOpenProfile) d.connect(f.quit, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: sys.exit(0)) d.connect(f.add, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onAddProfile) d.connect(f.rename, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onRenameProfile) d.connect(f.delete_2, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onRemProfile) d.connect(d, SIGNAL("rejected()"), lambda: d.close()) d.connect(f.profiles, SIGNAL("currentRowChanged(int)"), self.onProfileRowChange) self.refreshProfilesList() # raise first, for osx testing d.show() d.activateWindow() d.raise_() d.exec_() def refreshProfilesList(self): f = self.profileForm f.profiles.clear() profs = self.pm.profiles() f.profiles.addItems(profs) try: idx = profs.index(self.pm.name) except: idx = 0 f.profiles.setCurrentRow(idx) def onProfileRowChange(self, n): if n < 0: # called on .clear() return name = self.pm.profiles()[n] f = self.profileForm passwd = not self.pm.load(name) f.passEdit.setVisible(passwd) f.passLabel.setVisible(passwd) def openProfile(self): name = self.pm.profiles()[self.profileForm.profiles.currentRow()] passwd = self.profileForm.passEdit.text() return self.pm.load(name, passwd) def onOpenProfile(self): if not self.openProfile(): showWarning(_("Invalid password.")) return self.profileDiag.close() self.loadProfile() return True def profileNameOk(self, str): return not checkInvalidFilename(str) def onAddProfile(self): name = getOnlyText(_("Name:")) if name: name = name.strip() if name in self.pm.profiles(): return showWarning(_("Name exists.")) if not self.profileNameOk(name): return self.pm.create(name) self.pm.name = name self.refreshProfilesList() def onRenameProfile(self): name = getOnlyText(_("New name:"), default=self.pm.name) if not self.openProfile(): return showWarning(_("Invalid password.")) if not name: return if name == self.pm.name: return if name in self.pm.profiles(): return showWarning(_("Name exists.")) if not self.profileNameOk(name): return self.pm.rename(name) self.refreshProfilesList() def onRemProfile(self): profs = self.pm.profiles() if len(profs) < 2: return showWarning(_("There must be at least one profile.")) # password correct? if not self.openProfile(): return # sure? if not askUser(_("""\ All cards, notes, and media for this profile will be deleted. \ Are you sure?""")): return self.pm.remove(self.pm.name) self.refreshProfilesList() def loadProfile(self): # show main window if self.pm.profile['mainWindowState']: restoreGeom(self, "mainWindow") restoreState(self, "mainWindow") else: self.resize(500, 400) # toolbar needs to be retranslated self.toolbar.draw() # titlebar self.setWindowTitle("Anki - " + self.pm.name) # show and raise window for osx self.show() self.activateWindow() self.raise_() # maybe sync (will load DB) self.onSync(auto=True) # import pending? if self.pendingImport: if self.pm.profile['key']: showInfo(_("""\ To import into a password protected profile, please open the profile before attempting to import.""")) else: self.handleImport(self.pendingImport) self.pendingImport = None runHook("profileLoaded") def unloadProfile(self, browser=True): if not self.pm.profile: # already unloaded return runHook("unloadProfile") if not self.unloadCollection(): return self.state = "profileManager" self.onSync(auto=True, reload=False) self.pm.profile['mainWindowGeom'] = self.saveGeometry() self.pm.profile['mainWindowState'] = self.saveState() self.pm.save() self.pm.profile = None self.hide() if browser: self.showProfileManager() # Collection load/unload ########################################################################## def loadCollection(self): self.hideSchemaMsg = True try: self.col = Collection(self.pm.collectionPath()) except: # move back to profile manager showWarning("""\ Your collection is corrupt. Please see the manual for \ how to restore from a backup.""") self.unloadProfile() raise self.hideSchemaMsg = False self.progress.setupDB(self.col.db) self.maybeEnableUndo() self.moveToState("deckBrowser") def unloadCollection(self): """ Unload the collection. This unloads a collection if there is one and returns True if there is no collection after the call. (Because the unload worked or because there was no collection to start with.) """ if self.col: if not self.closeAllCollectionWindows(): return self.maybeOptimize() self.progress.start(immediate=True) corrupt = self.col.db.scalar("pragma integrity_check") != "ok" if corrupt: showWarning(_("Your collection file appears to be corrupt. \ This can happen when the file is copied or moved while Anki is open, or \ when the collection is stored on a network or cloud drive. Please see \ the manual for information on how to restore from an automatic backup.")) self.col.close() self.col = None if not corrupt: self.backup() self.progress.finish() return True # Backup and auto-optimize ########################################################################## def backup(self): nbacks = self.pm.profile['numBackups'] if not nbacks: return dir = self.pm.backupFolder() path = self.pm.collectionPath() # find existing backups backups = [] for file in os.listdir(dir): m = re.search("backup-(\d+).apkg", file) if not m: # unknown file continue backups.append((int(m.group(1)), file)) backups.sort() # get next num if not backups: n = 1 else: n = backups[-1][0] + 1 # do backup newpath = os.path.join(dir, "backup-%d.apkg" % n) z = zipfile.ZipFile(newpath, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) z.write(path, "collection.anki2") z.writestr("media", "{}") z.close() # remove if over if len(backups) + 1 > nbacks: delete = len(backups) + 1 - nbacks delete = backups[:delete] for file in delete: os.unlink(os.path.join(dir, file[1])) def maybeOptimize(self): # have two weeks passed? if (intTime() - self.pm.profile['lastOptimize']) < 86400*14: return self.progress.start(label=_("Optimizing..."), immediate=True) self.col.optimize() self.pm.profile['lastOptimize'] = intTime() self.pm.save() self.progress.finish() # State machine ########################################################################## def moveToState(self, state, *args): #print "-> move from", self.state, "to", state oldState = self.state or "dummy" cleanup = getattr(self, "_"+oldState+"Cleanup", None) if cleanup: cleanup(state) self.state = state getattr(self, "_"+state+"State")(oldState, *args) def _deckBrowserState(self, oldState): self.deckBrowser.show() def _colLoadingState(self, oldState): "Run once, when col is loaded." self.enableColMenuItems() # ensure cwd is set if media dir exists self.col.media.dir() runHook("colLoading", self.col) self.moveToState("overview") def _selectedDeck(self): did = self.col.decks.selected() if not self.col.decks.nameOrNone(did): showInfo(_("Please select a deck.")) return return self.col.decks.get(did) def _overviewState(self, oldState): if not self._selectedDeck(): return self.moveToState("deckBrowser") self.col.reset() self.overview.show() def _reviewState(self, oldState): self.reviewer.show() def _reviewCleanup(self, newState): if newState != "resetRequired" and newState != "review": self.reviewer.cleanup() def noteChanged(self, nid): "Called when a card or note is edited (but not deleted)." runHook("noteChanged", nid) # Resetting state ########################################################################## def reset(self, guiOnly=False): "Called for non-trivial edits. Rebuilds queue and updates UI." if self.col: if not guiOnly: self.col.reset() runHook("reset") self.maybeEnableUndo() self.moveToState(self.state) def requireReset(self, modal=False): "Signal queue needs to be rebuilt when edits are finished or by user." self.autosave() self.resetModal = modal if self.interactiveState(): self.moveToState("resetRequired") def interactiveState(self): "True if not in profile manager, syncing, etc." return self.state in ("overview", "review", "deckBrowser") def maybeReset(self): self.autosave() if self.state == "resetRequired": self.state = self.returnState self.reset() def delayedMaybeReset(self): # if we redraw the page in a button click event it will often crash on # windows self.progress.timer(100, self.maybeReset, False) def _resetRequiredState(self, oldState): if oldState != "resetRequired": self.returnState = oldState if self.resetModal: # we don't have to change the webview, as we have a covering window return self.web.setLinkHandler(lambda url: self.delayedMaybeReset()) i = _("Waiting for editing to finish.") b = self.button("refresh", _("Resume Now"), id="resume") self.web.stdHtml("""
""" % (i, b), css=self.sharedCSS) self.bottomWeb.hide() self.web.setFocus() self.web.eval("$('#resume').focus()") # HTML helpers ########################################################################## sharedCSS = """ body { background: #f3f3f3; margin: 2em; } h1 { margin-bottom: 0.2em; } """ def button(self, link, name, key=None, class_="", id=""): class_ = "but "+ class_ if key: key = _("Shortcut key: %s") % key else: key = "" return ''' ''' % ( id, class_, link, key, name) # Main window setup ########################################################################## def setupMainWindow(self): # main window self.form = aqt.forms.main.Ui_MainWindow() self.form.setupUi(self) # toolbar tweb = aqt.webview.AnkiWebView() tweb.setObjectName("toolbarWeb") tweb.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus) tweb.setFixedHeight(32+self.fontHeightDelta) self.toolbar = aqt.toolbar.Toolbar(self, tweb) self.toolbar.draw() # main area self.web = aqt.webview.AnkiWebView() self.web.setObjectName("mainText") self.web.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus) self.web.setMinimumWidth(400) # bottom area sweb = self.bottomWeb = aqt.webview.AnkiWebView() #sweb.hide() sweb.setFixedHeight(100) sweb.setObjectName("bottomWeb") sweb.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus) # add in a layout self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.mainLayout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.mainLayout.setSpacing(0) self.mainLayout.addWidget(tweb) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.web) self.mainLayout.addWidget(sweb) self.form.centralwidget.setLayout(self.mainLayout) def closeAllCollectionWindows(self): return aqt.dialogs.closeAll() # Components ########################################################################## def setupSignals(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.onSigInt) def onSigInt(self, signum, frame): # interrupt any current transaction and schedule a rollback & quit self.col.db.interrupt() def quit(): self.col.db.rollback() self.close() self.progress.timer(100, quit, False) def setupProgress(self): self.progress = aqt.progress.ProgressManager(self) def setupErrorHandler(self): import aqt.errors self.errorHandler = aqt.errors.ErrorHandler(self) def setupAddons(self): import aqt.addons self.addonManager = aqt.addons.AddonManager(self) def setupThreads(self): self._mainThread = QThread.currentThread() def inMainThread(self): return self._mainThread == QThread.currentThread() def setupDeckBrowser(self): from aqt.deckbrowser import DeckBrowser self.deckBrowser = DeckBrowser(self) def setupOverview(self): from aqt.overview import Overview self.overview = Overview(self) def setupReviewer(self): from aqt.reviewer import Reviewer self.reviewer = Reviewer(self) # Syncing ########################################################################## def onSync(self, auto=False, reload=True): if not auto or (self.pm.profile['syncKey'] and self.pm.profile['autoSync'] and not self.safeMode): from aqt.sync import SyncManager if not self.unloadCollection(): return # set a sync state so the refresh timer doesn't fire while deck # unloaded self.state = "sync" self.syncer = SyncManager(self, self.pm) self.syncer.sync() if reload: if not self.col: self.loadCollection() # Tools ########################################################################## def raiseMain(self): if not self.app.activeWindow(): # make sure window is shown self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized) return True def setStatus(self, text, timeout=3000): self.form.statusbar.showMessage(text, timeout) def setupStyle(self): applyStyles(self) # Key handling ########################################################################## def setupKeys(self): self.keyHandler = None # debug shortcut self.debugShortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+:"), self) self.connect( self.debugShortcut, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.onDebug) def keyPressEvent(self, evt): # do we have a delegate? if self.keyHandler: # did it eat the key? if self.keyHandler(evt): return # run standard handler QMainWindow.keyPressEvent(self, evt) # check global keys key = unicode(evt.text()) if key == "d": self.moveToState("deckBrowser") elif key == "s": if self.state == "overview": self.col.startTimebox() self.moveToState("review") else: self.moveToState("overview") elif key == "a": self.onAddCard() elif key == "b": self.onBrowse() elif key == "S": self.onStats() elif key == "y": self.onSync() # App exit ########################################################################## def closeEvent(self, event): "User hit the X button, etc." event.accept() self.onClose(force=True) def onClose(self, force=False): "Called from a shortcut key. Close current active window." aw = self.app.activeWindow() if not aw or aw == self or force: self.unloadProfile(browser=False) self.app.closeAllWindows() else: aw.close() # Undo & autosave ########################################################################## def onUndo(self): n = self.col.undoName() cid = self.col.undo() if cid and self.state == "review": card = self.col.getCard(cid) self.reviewer.cardQueue.append(card) else: tooltip(_("Reverted to state prior to '%s'.") % n.lower()) self.reset() self.maybeEnableUndo() def maybeEnableUndo(self): if self.col and self.col.undoName(): self.form.actionUndo.setText(_("Undo %s") % self.col.undoName()) self.form.actionUndo.setEnabled(True) runHook("undoState", True) else: self.form.actionUndo.setText(_("Undo")) self.form.actionUndo.setEnabled(False) runHook("undoState", False) def checkpoint(self, name): self.col.save(name) self.maybeEnableUndo() def autosave(self): self.col.autosave() self.maybeEnableUndo() # Other menu operations ########################################################################## def onAddCard(self): aqt.dialogs.open("AddCards", self) def onBrowse(self): aqt.dialogs.open("Browser", self) def onEditCurrent(self): aqt.dialogs.open("EditCurrent", self) def onDeckConf(self, deck=None): if not deck: deck = self.col.decks.current() if deck['dyn']: import aqt.dyndeckconf aqt.dyndeckconf.DeckConf(self, deck=deck) else: import aqt.deckconf aqt.deckconf.DeckConf(self, deck) def onOverview(self): self.col.reset() self.moveToState("overview") def onStats(self): deck = self._selectedDeck() if not deck: return aqt.stats.DeckStats(self) def onPrefs(self): import aqt.preferences aqt.preferences.Preferences(self) def onNoteTypes(self): import aqt.models aqt.models.Models(self, self, fromMain=True) def onAbout(self): import aqt.about aqt.about.show(self) def onDonate(self): openLink(aqt.appDonate) def onDocumentation(self): openHelp("") # Importing & exporting ########################################################################## def handleImport(self, path): import aqt.importing if not os.path.exists(path): return showInfo(_("Please use File>Import to import this file.")) aqt.importing.importFile(self, path) def onImport(self): import aqt.importing aqt.importing.onImport(self) def onExport(self): import aqt.exporting aqt.exporting.ExportDialog(self) # Cramming ########################################################################## def onCram(self, search=""): import aqt.dyndeckconf n = 1 deck = self.col.decks.current() if not search: if not deck['dyn']: search = 'deck:"%s" ' % deck['name'] decks = self.col.decks.allNames() while _("Filtered Deck %d") % n in decks: n += 1 name = _("Filtered Deck %d") % n did = self.col.decks.newDyn(name) diag = aqt.dyndeckconf.DeckConf(self, first=True, search=search) if not diag.ok: # user cancelled first config self.col.decks.rem(did) self.col.decks.select(deck['id']) else: self.moveToState("overview") # Menu, title bar & status ########################################################################## def setupMenus(self): m = self.form s = SIGNAL("triggered()") #self.connect(m.actionDownloadSharedPlugin, s, self.onGetSharedPlugin) self.connect(m.actionSwitchProfile, s, self.unloadProfile) self.connect(m.actionImport, s, self.onImport) self.connect(m.actionExport, s, self.onExport) self.connect(m.actionExit, s, self, SLOT("close()")) self.connect(m.actionPreferences, s, self.onPrefs) self.connect(m.actionAbout, s, self.onAbout) self.connect(m.actionUndo, s, self.onUndo) self.connect(m.actionFullDatabaseCheck, s, self.onCheckDB) self.connect(m.actionCheckMediaDatabase, s, self.onCheckMediaDB) self.connect(m.actionDocumentation, s, self.onDocumentation) self.connect(m.actionDonate, s, self.onDonate) self.connect(m.actionStudyDeck, s, self.onStudyDeck) self.connect(m.actionCreateFiltered, s, self.onCram) self.connect(m.actionEmptyCards, s, self.onEmptyCards) self.connect(m.actionNoteTypes, s, self.onNoteTypes) def updateTitleBar(self): self.setWindowTitle("Anki") # Auto update ########################################################################## def setupAutoUpdate(self): import aqt.update self.autoUpdate = aqt.update.LatestVersionFinder(self) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("newVerAvail"), self.newVerAvail) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("newMsg"), self.newMsg) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("clockIsOff"), self.clockIsOff) self.autoUpdate.start() def newVerAvail(self, ver): if self.pm.meta.get('suppressUpdate', None) != ver: aqt.update.askAndUpdate(self, ver) def newMsg(self, data): aqt.update.showMessages(self, data) def clockIsOff(self): showWarning("""\ In order to ensure your collection works correctly when moved between \ devices, Anki requires the system clock to be set correctly. Your system \ clock appears to be wrong by more than 5 minutes. This can be because the \ clock is slow or fast, because the date is set incorrectly, or because \ the timezone or daylight savings information is incorrect. Please correct \ the problem and restart Anki.""") self.app.closeAllWindows() # Count refreshing ########################################################################## def setupRefreshTimer(self): # every 10 minutes self.progress.timer(10*60*1000, self.onRefreshTimer, True) def onRefreshTimer(self): if self.state == "deckBrowser": self.deckBrowser.refresh() elif self.state == "overview": self.overview.refresh() # Permanent libanki hooks ########################################################################## def setupHooks(self): addHook("modSchema", self.onSchemaMod) addHook("remNotes", self.onRemNotes) addHook("log", self.onLog) # Log note deletion ########################################################################## def onRemNotes(self, col, nids): path = os.path.join(self.pm.profileFolder(), "deleted.txt") existed = os.path.exists(path) with open(path, "a") as f: if not existed: f.write("nid\tmid\tfields\n") for id, mid, flds in col.db.execute( "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in %s" % ids2str(nids)): fields = splitFields(flds) f.write(("\t".join([str(id), str(mid)] + fields)).encode("utf8")) f.write("\n") # Debug logging ########################################################################## def onLog(self, args, kwargs): def customRepr(x): if isinstance(x, basestring): return x return pprint.pformat(x) path, num, fn, y = traceback.extract_stack( limit=4+kwargs.get("stack", 0))[0] buf = "[%s] %s:%s(): %s" % (intTime(), os.path.basename(path), fn, ", ".join([customRepr(x) for x in args])) lpath = re.sub("\.anki2$", ".log", self.pm.collectionPath()) open(lpath, "ab").write(buf + "\n") if os.environ.get("LOG"): print buf # Schema modifications ########################################################################## def onSchemaMod(self, arg): # if triggered in sync, make sure we don't use the gui if not self.inMainThread(): return True # if from the full sync menu, ignore if self.hideSchemaMsg: return True return askUser(_("""\ The requested change will require a full upload of the database when \ you next synchronize your collection. If you have reviews or other changes \ waiting on another device that haven't been synchronized here yet, they \ will be lost. Continue?""")) # Advanced features ########################################################################## def onCheckDB(self): "True if no problems" self.progress.start(immediate=True) ret, ok = self.col.fixIntegrity() self.progress.finish() if not ok: showText(ret) else: tooltip(ret) self.reset() return ret def onCheckMediaDB(self): self.progress.start(immediate=True) (nohave, unused) = self.col.media.check() self.progress.finish() # generate report report = "" if unused: report += _( "In media folder but not used by any cards:") report += "\n" + "\n".join(unused) if nohave: if report: report += "\n\n\n" report += _( "Used on cards but missing from media folder:") report += "\n" + "\n".join(nohave) if not report: tooltip(_("No unused or missing files found.")) return # show report and offer to delete diag = QDialog(self) diag.setWindowTitle("Anki") layout = QVBoxLayout(diag) diag.setLayout(layout) text = QTextEdit() text.setReadOnly(True) text.setPlainText(report) layout.addWidget(text) box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) layout.addWidget(box) b = QPushButton(_("Delete Unused")) b.setAutoDefault(False) box.addButton(b, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.connect( b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda u=unused, d=diag: self.deleteUnused(u, d)) diag.connect(box, SIGNAL("rejected()"), diag, SLOT("reject()")) diag.setMinimumHeight(400) diag.setMinimumWidth(500) diag.exec_() def deleteUnused(self, unused, diag): if not askUser( _("Delete unused media?")): return mdir = self.col.media.dir() for f in unused: path = os.path.join(mdir, f) send2trash(path) tooltip(_("Deleted.")) diag.close() def onStudyDeck(self): from aqt.studydeck import StudyDeck ret = StudyDeck( self, dyn=True, current=self.col.decks.current()['name']) if ret.name: self.col.decks.select(self.col.decks.id(ret.name)) self.moveToState("overview") def onEmptyCards(self): self.progress.start(immediate=True) cids = self.col.emptyCids() if not cids: self.progress.finish() tooltip(_("No empty cards.")) return report = self.col.emptyCardReport(cids) self.progress.finish() part1 = ngettext("%d card", "%d cards", len(cids)) % len(cids) part1 = _("%s to delete:") % part1 diag, box = showText(part1 + "\n\n" + report, run=False) box.addButton(_("Delete Cards"), QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close).setDefault(True) def onDelete(): QDialog.accept(diag) self.checkpoint(_("Delete Empty")) self.col.remCards(cids) tooltip(ngettext("%d card deleted.", "%d cards deleted.", len(cids)) % len(cids)) self.reset() diag.connect(box, SIGNAL("accepted()"), onDelete) diag.show() # Debugging ###################################################################### def onDebug(self): d = self.debugDiag = QDialog() frm = aqt.forms.debug.Ui_Dialog() frm.setupUi(d) s = self.debugDiagShort = QShortcut(QKeySequence("ctrl+return"), d) self.connect(s, SIGNAL("activated()"), lambda: self.onDebugRet(frm)) s = self.debugDiagShort = QShortcut( QKeySequence("ctrl+shift+return"), d) self.connect(s, SIGNAL("activated()"), lambda: self.onDebugPrint(frm)) d.show() def _captureOutput(self, on): mw = self class Stream(object): def write(self, data): mw._output += data if on: self._output = "" self._oldStderr = sys.stderr self._oldStdout = sys.stdout s = Stream() sys.stderr = s sys.stdout = s else: sys.stderr = self._oldStderr sys.stdout = self._oldStdout def _debugCard(self): return self.reviewer.card.__dict__ def _debugBrowserCard(self): return aqt.dialogs._dialogs['Browser'][1].card.__dict__ def onDebugPrint(self, frm): frm.text.setPlainText("pp(%s)" % frm.text.toPlainText()) self.onDebugRet(frm) def onDebugRet(self, frm): import pprint, traceback text = frm.text.toPlainText() card = self._debugCard bcard = self._debugBrowserCard mw = self pp = pprint.pprint self._captureOutput(True) try: exec text except: self._output += traceback.format_exc() self._captureOutput(False) buf = "" for c, line in enumerate(text.strip().split("\n")): if c == 0: buf += ">>> %s\n" % line else: buf += "... %s\n" % line try: frm.log.appendPlainText(buf + (self._output or "")) except UnicodeDecodeError: frm.log.appendPlainText(_("")) frm.log.ensureCursorVisible() # System specific code ########################################################################## def setupFonts(self): f = QFontInfo(self.font()) ws = QWebSettings.globalSettings() self.fontHeight = f.pixelSize() self.fontFamily = f.family() self.fontHeightDelta = max(0, self.fontHeight - 13) ws.setFontFamily(QWebSettings.StandardFont, self.fontFamily) ws.setFontSize(QWebSettings.DefaultFontSize, self.fontHeight) def setupSystemSpecific(self): self.hideMenuAccels = False if isMac: # mac users expect a minimize option self.minimizeShortcut = QShortcut("Ctrl+M", self) self.connect(self.minimizeShortcut, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.onMacMinimize) self.hideMenuAccels = True self.maybeHideAccelerators() self.hideStatusTips() elif isWin: # make sure ctypes is bundled from ctypes import windll, wintypes _dummy = windll _dummy = wintypes def maybeHideAccelerators(self, tgt=None): if not self.hideMenuAccels: return tgt = tgt or self for action in tgt.findChildren(QAction): txt = unicode(action.text()) m = re.match("^(.+)\(&.+\)(.+)?", txt) if m: action.setText(m.group(1) + (m.group(2) or "")) def hideStatusTips(self): for action in self.findChildren(QAction): action.setStatusTip("") def onMacMinimize(self): self.setWindowState(self.windowState() | Qt.WindowMinimized) # Single instance support ########################################################################## def setupAppMsg(self): self.connect(self.app, SIGNAL("appMsg"), self.onAppMsg) def onAppMsg(self, buf): if not isinstance(buf, unicode): # even though we're sending this as unicode up above, # a bug report still came in that we were receiving a qbytearray buf = unicode(buf, "utf8", "ignore") if self.state == "startup": # try again in a second return self.progress.timer(1000, lambda: self.onAppMsg(buf), False) elif self.state == "profileManager": # can't raise window while in profile manager if buf == "raise": return self.pendingImport = buf return tooltip(_("Deck will be imported when a profile is opened.")) if not self.interactiveState() or self.progress.busy(): # we can't raise the main window while in profile dialog, syncing, etc if buf != "raise": showInfo(_("""\ Please ensure a profile is open and Anki is not busy, then try again."""), parent=None) return # raise window if isWin: # on windows we can raise the window by minimizing and restoring self.showMinimized() self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowActive) self.showNormal() else: # on osx we can raise the window. on unity the icon in the tray will just flash. self.activateWindow() self.raise_() if buf == "raise": return # import if not isinstance(buf, unicode): buf = unicode(buf, "utf8", "ignore") self.handleImport(buf)