// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import "mathjax/es5/tex-svg-full"; import { placeCaretAfter, placeCaretBefore } from "../domlib/place-caret"; import { on } from "../lib/events"; import type { DecoratedElement, DecoratedElementConstructor } from "./decorated"; import { FrameElement, frameElement } from "./frame-element"; import Mathjax_svelte from "./Mathjax.svelte"; const mathjaxTagPattern = /]*?block="(.*?)")?[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/anki-mathjax>/gsu; const mathjaxBlockDelimiterPattern = /\\\[(.*?)\\\]/gsu; const mathjaxInlineDelimiterPattern = /\\\((.*?)\\\)/gsu; export const Mathjax: DecoratedElementConstructor = class Mathjax extends HTMLElement implements DecoratedElement { static tagName = "anki-mathjax"; static toStored(undecorated: string): string { return undecorated.replace( mathjaxTagPattern, (_match: string, block: string | undefined, text: string) => { return typeof block === "string" && block !== "false" ? `\\[${text}\\]` : `\\(${text}\\)`; }, ); } static toUndecorated(stored: string): string { return stored .replace( mathjaxBlockDelimiterPattern, (_match: string, text: string) => `<${Mathjax.tagName} block="true">${text}`, ) .replace( mathjaxInlineDelimiterPattern, (_match: string, text: string) => `<${Mathjax.tagName}>${text}`, ); } block = false; frame?: FrameElement; component?: Mathjax_svelte; static get observedAttributes(): string[] { return ["block", "data-mathjax"]; } connectedCallback(): void { this.decorate(); this.addEventListeners(); } disconnectedCallback(): void { this.removeEventListeners(); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, old: string, newValue: string): void { if (newValue === old) { return; } switch (name) { case "block": this.block = newValue !== "false"; this.component?.$set({ block: this.block }); this.frame?.setAttribute("block", String(this.block)); break; case "data-mathjax": this.component?.$set({ mathjax: newValue }); break; } } decorate(): void { if (this.hasAttribute("decorated")) { this.undecorate(); } if (this.parentElement?.tagName === FrameElement.tagName.toUpperCase()) { this.frame = this.parentElement as FrameElement; } else { frameElement(this, this.block); /* Framing will place this element inside of an anki-frame element, * causing the connectedCallback to be called again. * If we'd continue decorating at this point, we'd loose all the information */ return; } this.dataset.mathjax = this.innerText; this.innerHTML = ""; this.style.whiteSpace = "normal"; this.component = new Mathjax_svelte({ target: this, props: { mathjax: this.dataset.mathjax, block: this.block, fontSize: 20, }, }); if (this.hasAttribute("focusonmount")) { this.component.moveCaretAfter(); } this.setAttribute("contentEditable", "false"); this.setAttribute("decorated", "true"); } undecorate(): void { if (this.parentElement?.tagName === FrameElement.tagName.toUpperCase()) { this.parentElement.replaceWith(this); } this.innerHTML = this.dataset.mathjax ?? ""; delete this.dataset.mathjax; this.removeAttribute("style"); this.removeAttribute("focusonmount"); if (this.block) { this.setAttribute("block", "true"); } else { this.removeAttribute("block"); } this.removeAttribute("contentEditable"); this.removeAttribute("decorated"); } removeMoveInStart?: () => void; removeMoveInEnd?: () => void; addEventListeners(): void { this.removeMoveInStart = on( this, "moveinstart" as keyof HTMLElementEventMap, () => this.component!.selectAll(), ); this.removeMoveInEnd = on(this, "moveinend" as keyof HTMLElementEventMap, () => this.component!.selectAll(), ); } removeEventListeners(): void { this.removeMoveInStart?.(); this.removeMoveInStart = undefined; this.removeMoveInEnd?.(); this.removeMoveInEnd = undefined; } placeCaretBefore(): void { if (this.frame) { placeCaretBefore(this.frame); } } placeCaretAfter(): void { if (this.frame) { placeCaretAfter(this.frame); } } };