// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion: "off", @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any: "off", */ import type pb from "anki/backend_proto"; import { extent, histogram, sum, scaleLinear, scaleSequential, interpolateBlues, } from "d3"; import type { Bin } from "d3"; import type { HistogramData } from "./histogram-graph"; import type { I18n } from "anki/i18n"; import { dayLabel } from "anki/time"; import { GraphRange } from "./graph-helpers"; import type { TableDatum, SearchDispatch } from "./graph-helpers"; export interface GraphData { daysAdded: number[]; } export function gatherData(data: pb.BackendProto.GraphsOut): GraphData { const daysAdded = (data.cards as pb.BackendProto.Card[]).map((card) => { const elapsedSecs = (card.id as number) / 1000 - data.nextDayAtSecs; return Math.ceil(elapsedSecs / 86400); }); return { daysAdded }; } function makeQuery(start: number, end: number): string { const include = `"added:${start}"`; if (start === 1) { return include; } const exclude = `-"added:${end}"`; return `${include} AND ${exclude}`; } export function buildHistogram( data: GraphData, range: GraphRange, i18n: I18n, dispatch: SearchDispatch, browserLinksSupported: boolean ): [HistogramData | null, TableDatum[]] { // get min/max const total = data.daysAdded.length; if (!total) { return [null, []]; } const [xMinOrig] = extent(data.daysAdded); let xMin = xMinOrig; // cap max to selected range switch (range) { case GraphRange.Month: xMin = -31; break; case GraphRange.ThreeMonths: xMin = -90; break; case GraphRange.Year: xMin = -365; break; case GraphRange.AllTime: break; } const xMax = 1; const desiredBars = Math.min(70, Math.abs(xMin!)); const scale = scaleLinear().domain([xMin!, xMax]); const bins = histogram() .domain(scale.domain() as any) .thresholds(scale.ticks(desiredBars))(data.daysAdded); // empty graph? if (!sum(bins, (bin) => bin.length)) { return [null, []]; } const adjustedRange = scaleLinear().range([0.7, 0.3]); const colourScale = scaleSequential((n) => interpolateBlues(adjustedRange(n)!) ).domain([xMax!, xMin!]); const totalInPeriod = sum(bins, (bin) => bin.length); const periodDays = Math.abs(xMin!); const cardsPerDay = Math.round(totalInPeriod / periodDays); const tableData = [ { label: i18n.statisticsTotal(), value: i18n.statisticsCards({ cards: totalInPeriod }), }, { label: i18n.statisticsAverage(), value: i18n.statisticsCardsPerDay({ count: cardsPerDay }), }, ]; function hoverText( bin: Bin, cumulative: number, _percent: number ): string { const day = dayLabel(i18n, bin.x0!, bin.x1!); const cards = i18n.statisticsCards({ cards: bin.length }); const total = i18n.statisticsRunningTotal(); const totalCards = i18n.statisticsCards({ cards: cumulative }); return `${day}:
${total}: ${totalCards}`; } function onClick(bin: Bin): void { const start = Math.abs(bin.x0!) + 1; const end = Math.abs(bin.x1!) + 1; const query = makeQuery(start, end); dispatch("search", { query }); } return [ { scale, bins, total: totalInPeriod, hoverText, onClick: browserLinksSupported ? onClick : null, colourScale, showArea: true, }, tableData, ]; }