# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from concurrent.futures import Future import aqt from anki.consts import * from anki.errors import TemplateError from anki.lang import without_unicode_isolation from anki.models import NotetypeDict from aqt import AnkiQt, gui_hooks from aqt.qt import * from aqt.schema_change_tracker import ChangeTracker from aqt.utils import ( HelpPage, askUser, disable_help_button, getOnlyText, openHelp, showWarning, tooltip, tr, ) class FieldDialog(QDialog): def __init__( self, mw: AnkiQt, nt: NotetypeDict, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None ) -> None: QDialog.__init__(self, parent or mw) self.mw = mw self.col = self.mw.col self.mm = self.mw.col.models self.model = nt self.mm._remove_from_cache(self.model["id"]) self.mw.checkpoint(tr.editing_fields()) self.change_tracker = ChangeTracker(self.mw) self.form = aqt.forms.fields.Ui_Dialog() self.form.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle( without_unicode_isolation(tr.fields_fields_for(val=self.model["name"])) ) disable_help_button(self) self.form.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Help).setAutoDefault(False) self.form.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel).setAutoDefault(False) self.form.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Save).setAutoDefault(False) self.currentIdx: Optional[int] = None self.oldSortField = self.model["sortf"] self.fillFields() self.setupSignals() self.form.fieldList.setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.form.fieldList.dropEvent = self.onDrop # type: ignore[assignment] self.form.fieldList.setCurrentRow(0) self.exec_() ########################################################################## def fillFields(self) -> None: self.currentIdx = None self.form.fieldList.clear() for c, f in enumerate(self.model["flds"]): self.form.fieldList.addItem(f"{c + 1}: {f['name']}") def setupSignals(self) -> None: f = self.form qconnect(f.fieldList.currentRowChanged, self.onRowChange) qconnect(f.fieldAdd.clicked, self.onAdd) qconnect(f.fieldDelete.clicked, self.onDelete) qconnect(f.fieldRename.clicked, self.onRename) qconnect(f.fieldPosition.clicked, self.onPosition) qconnect(f.sortField.clicked, self.onSortField) qconnect(f.buttonBox.helpRequested, self.onHelp) def onDrop(self, ev: QDropEvent) -> None: fieldList = self.form.fieldList indicatorPos = fieldList.dropIndicatorPosition() dropPos = fieldList.indexAt(ev.pos()).row() idx = self.currentIdx if dropPos == idx: return if indicatorPos == QAbstractItemView.OnViewport: # to bottom. movePos = fieldList.count() - 1 elif indicatorPos == QAbstractItemView.AboveItem: movePos = dropPos elif indicatorPos == QAbstractItemView.BelowItem: movePos = dropPos + 1 # the item in idx is removed thus subtract 1. if idx < dropPos: movePos -= 1 self.moveField(movePos + 1) # convert to 1 based. def onRowChange(self, idx: int) -> None: if idx == -1: return self.saveField() self.loadField(idx) def _uniqueName( self, prompt: str, ignoreOrd: Optional[int] = None, old: str = "" ) -> Optional[str]: txt = getOnlyText(prompt, default=old).replace('"', "").strip() if not txt: return None if txt[0] in "#^/": showWarning(tr.fields_name_first_letter_not_valid()) return None for letter in """:{"}""": if letter in txt: showWarning(tr.fields_name_invalid_letter()) return None for f in self.model["flds"]: if ignoreOrd is not None and f["ord"] == ignoreOrd: continue if f["name"] == txt: showWarning(tr.fields_that_field_name_is_already_used()) return None return txt def onRename(self) -> None: idx = self.currentIdx f = self.model["flds"][idx] name = self._uniqueName(tr.actions_new_name(), self.currentIdx, f["name"]) if not name: return old_name = f["name"] self.change_tracker.mark_basic() self.mm.rename_field(self.model, f, name) gui_hooks.fields_did_rename_field(self, f, old_name) self.saveField() self.fillFields() self.form.fieldList.setCurrentRow(idx) def onAdd(self) -> None: name = self._uniqueName(tr.fields_field_name()) if not name: return if not self.change_tracker.mark_schema(): return self.saveField() f = self.mm.newField(name) self.mm.add_field(self.model, f) self.fillFields() self.form.fieldList.setCurrentRow(len(self.model["flds"]) - 1) def onDelete(self) -> None: if len(self.model["flds"]) < 2: showWarning(tr.fields_notes_require_at_least_one_field()) return count = self.mm.useCount(self.model) c = tr.browsing_note_count(count=count) if not askUser(tr.fields_delete_field_from(val=c)): return if not self.change_tracker.mark_schema(): return f = self.model["flds"][self.form.fieldList.currentRow()] self.mm.remove_field(self.model, f) gui_hooks.fields_did_delete_field(self, f) self.fillFields() self.form.fieldList.setCurrentRow(0) def onPosition(self, delta: int = -1) -> None: idx = self.currentIdx l = len(self.model["flds"]) txt = getOnlyText(tr.fields_new_position_1(val=l), default=str(idx + 1)) if not txt: return try: pos = int(txt) except ValueError: return if not 0 < pos <= l: return self.moveField(pos) def onSortField(self) -> None: if not self.change_tracker.mark_schema(): return # don't allow user to disable; it makes no sense self.form.sortField.setChecked(True) self.mm.set_sort_index(self.model, self.form.fieldList.currentRow()) def moveField(self, pos: int) -> None: if not self.change_tracker.mark_schema(): return self.saveField() f = self.model["flds"][self.currentIdx] self.mm.reposition_field(self.model, f, pos - 1) self.fillFields() self.form.fieldList.setCurrentRow(pos - 1) def loadField(self, idx: int) -> None: self.currentIdx = idx fld = self.model["flds"][idx] f = self.form f.fontFamily.setCurrentFont(QFont(fld["font"])) f.fontSize.setValue(fld["size"]) f.sticky.setChecked(fld["sticky"]) f.sortField.setChecked(self.model["sortf"] == fld["ord"]) f.rtl.setChecked(fld["rtl"]) def saveField(self) -> None: # not initialized yet? if self.currentIdx is None: return idx = self.currentIdx fld = self.model["flds"][idx] f = self.form font = f.fontFamily.currentFont().family() if fld["font"] != font: fld["font"] = font self.change_tracker.mark_basic() size = f.fontSize.value() if fld["size"] != size: fld["size"] = size self.change_tracker.mark_basic() sticky = f.sticky.isChecked() if fld["sticky"] != sticky: fld["sticky"] = sticky self.change_tracker.mark_basic() rtl = f.rtl.isChecked() if fld["rtl"] != rtl: fld["rtl"] = rtl self.change_tracker.mark_basic() def reject(self) -> None: if self.change_tracker.changed(): if not askUser("Discard changes?"): return QDialog.reject(self) def accept(self) -> None: self.saveField() def save() -> None: self.mm.save(self.model) def on_done(fut: Future) -> None: try: fut.result() except TemplateError as e: # fixme: i18n showWarning(f"Unable to save changes: {str(e)}") return self.mw.reset() tooltip("Changes saved.", parent=self.mw) QDialog.accept(self) self.mw.taskman.with_progress(save, on_done, self) def onHelp(self) -> None: openHelp(HelpPage.CUSTOMIZING_FIELDS)