const fs = require("fs"); const worker = require("@bazel/worker"); const svelte2tsx = require("svelte2tsx"); const preprocess = require("svelte-preprocess"); import * as ts from "typescript"; import * as svelte from "svelte/compiler"; let parsedCommandLine: ts.ParsedCommandLine = { fileNames: [], errors: [], options: { jsx: ts.JsxEmit.Preserve, declaration: true, emitDeclarationOnly: true, skipLibCheck: true, }, }; // We avoid hitting the filesystem for ts/d.ts files after initial startup - the // .ts file we generate can be injected directly into our cache, and Bazel // should restart us if the Svelte or TS typings change. interface FileContent { text: string; version: number; } const fileContent: Map = new Map(); function getFileContent(path: string): FileContent { let content = fileContent.get(path); if (!content) { content = { text: ts.sys.readFile(path)!, version: 0, }; fileContent.set(path, content); } return content; } function updateFileContent(path: string, text: string): void { let content = fileContent.get(path); if (content) { content.text = text; content.version += 1; } else { content = { text, version: 0, }; fileContent.set(path, content); } } // based on (MIT) const languageServiceHost: ts.LanguageServiceHost = { getCompilationSettings: (): ts.CompilerOptions => parsedCommandLine.options, getScriptFileNames: (): string[] => parsedCommandLine.fileNames, getScriptVersion: (path: string): string => { return getFileContent(path).version.toString(); }, getScriptSnapshot: (path: string): ts.IScriptSnapshot | undefined => { // if (!ts.sys.fileExists(fileName)) { const text = getFileContent(path).text; return { getText: (start: number, end: number) => { if (start === 0 && end === text.length) { // optimization return text; } else { return text.slice(start, end); } }, getLength: () => text.length, getChangeRange: ( oldSnapshot: ts.IScriptSnapshot ): ts.TextChangeRange | undefined => { return undefined; }, }; }, getCurrentDirectory: ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory, getDefaultLibFileName: ts.getDefaultLibFilePath, }; const languageService = ts.createLanguageService(languageServiceHost); function compile(tsPath: string, tsLibs: string[]) { parsedCommandLine.fileNames = [tsPath, ...tsLibs]; const program = languageService.getProgram()!; const tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(parsedCommandLine.options); const createdFiles = {}; tsHost.writeFile = (fileName, contents) => (createdFiles[fileName] = contents); program.emit(undefined /* all files */, tsHost.writeFile); return createdFiles[parsedCommandLine.fileNames[0].replace(".ts", ".d.ts")]; } function writeFile(file, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(file, data, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(); }); }); } function readFile(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(file, "utf8", (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(data); }); }); } async function writeDts(tsPath, dtsPath, tsLibs) { const dtsSource = compile(tsPath, tsLibs); await writeFile(dtsPath, dtsSource); } function writeTs(svelteSource, sveltePath, tsPath) { let tsSource = svelte2tsx(svelteSource, { filename: sveltePath, strictMode: true, isTsFile: true, }); let codeLines = tsSource.code.split("\n"); // replace the "///" with a line // turning off checking, as we'll use svelte-check for that codeLines[0] = "// @ts-nocheck"; updateFileContent(tsPath, codeLines.join("\n")); } async function writeJs( source: string, inputFilename: string, outputJsPath: string, outputCssPath: string ): Promise { const preprocessOptions = preprocess({}); preprocessOptions.filename = inputFilename; try { const processed = await svelte.preprocess(source, preprocessOptions); const result = svelte.compile(processed.toString!(), { format: "esm", generate: "dom", filename: outputJsPath, }); // warnings are an error if (result.warnings.length > 0) { console.log(`warnings during compile: ${result.warnings}`); return; } const outputSource = result.js.code; await writeFile(outputJsPath, outputSource); } catch (err) { console.log(`compile failed: ${err}`); return; } } async function compileSvelte(args) { const [sveltePath, mjsPath, dtsPath, ...tsLibs] = args; const cssPath = sveltePath + ".css"; const svelteSource = (await readFile(sveltePath)) as string; const mockTsPath = sveltePath + ".ts"; await writeTs(svelteSource, sveltePath, mockTsPath); await writeDts(mockTsPath, dtsPath, tsLibs); await writeJs(svelteSource, sveltePath, mjsPath, cssPath); return true; } function main() { if (worker.runAsWorker(process.argv)) { console.log = worker.log; worker.log("Svelte running as a Bazel worker"); worker.runWorkerLoop(compileSvelte); } else { const paramFile = process.argv[2].replace(/^@/, ""); const commandLineArgs = fs.readFileSync(paramFile, "utf-8").trim().split("\n"); console.log("Svelte running as a standalone process"); compileSvelte(commandLineArgs); } } if (require.main === module) { main(); process.exitCode = 0; }