# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from aqt.qt import * import re class TagEdit(QLineEdit): lostFocus = pyqtSignal() # 0 = tags, 1 = decks def __init__(self, parent, type=0): QLineEdit.__init__(self, parent) self.col = None self.model = QStringListModel() self.type = type if type == 0: self.completer = TagCompleter(self.model, parent, self) else: self.completer = QCompleter(self.model, parent) self.completer.setCompletionMode(QCompleter.PopupCompletion) self.completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setCompleter(self.completer) def setCol(self, col): "Set the current col, updating list of available tags." self.col = col if self.type == 0: l = sorted(self.col.tags.all()) else: l = sorted(self.col.decks.allNames()) self.model.setStringList(l) def focusInEvent(self, evt): QLineEdit.focusInEvent(self, evt) def keyPressEvent(self, evt): if evt.key() in (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down): # show completer on arrow key up/down if not self.completer.popup().isVisible(): self.showCompleter() return if (evt.key() == Qt.Key_Tab and evt.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier): # select next completion if not self.completer.popup().isVisible(): self.showCompleter() index = self.completer.currentIndex() self.completer.popup().setCurrentIndex(index) cur_row = index.row() if not self.completer.setCurrentRow(cur_row + 1): self.completer.setCurrentRow(0) return if evt.key() in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return): # apply first completion if no suggestion selected selected_row = self.completer.popup().currentIndex().row() if selected_row == -1: self.completer.setCurrentRow(0) index = self.completer.currentIndex() self.completer.popup().setCurrentIndex(index) self.hideCompleter() QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, evt) return QLineEdit.keyPressEvent(self, evt) if not evt.text(): # if it's a modifier, don't show return if evt.key() not in ( Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Space, Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.Key_Delete): self.showCompleter() def showCompleter(self): self.completer.setCompletionPrefix(self.text()) self.completer.complete() def focusOutEvent(self, evt): QLineEdit.focusOutEvent(self, evt) self.lostFocus.emit() self.completer.popup().hide() def hideCompleter(self): if sip.isdeleted(self.completer): return self.completer.popup().hide() class TagCompleter(QCompleter): def __init__(self, model, parent, edit, *args): QCompleter.__init__(self, model, parent) self.tags = [] self.edit = edit self.cursor = None def splitPath(self, tags): stripped_tags = tags.strip() stripped_tags = re.sub(" +", " ", stripped_tags) self.tags = self.edit.col.tags.split(stripped_tags) self.tags.append("") p = self.edit.cursorPosition() if tags.endswith(" "): self.cursor = len(self.tags) - 1 else: self.cursor = stripped_tags.count(" ", 0, p) return [self.tags[self.cursor]] def pathFromIndex(self, idx): if self.cursor is None: return self.edit.text() ret = QCompleter.pathFromIndex(self, idx) self.tags[self.cursor] = ret try: self.tags.remove("") except ValueError: pass return " ".join(self.tags) + " "