# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import difflib import re import cgi import unicodedata as ucd import html.parser from anki.lang import _, ngettext from aqt.qt import * from anki.utils import stripHTML, json from anki.hooks import addHook, runHook from anki.sound import playFromText, clearAudioQueue, play from aqt.utils import mungeQA, tooltip, askUserDialog, \ downArrow from aqt.sound import getAudio import aqt class Reviewer: "Manage reviews. Maintains a separate state." def __init__(self, mw): self.mw = mw self.web = mw.web self.card = None self.cardQueue = [] self.hadCardQueue = False self._answeredIds = [] self._recordedAudio = None self.typeCorrect = None # web init happens before this is set self.state = None self.bottom = aqt.toolbar.BottomBar(mw, mw.bottomWeb) addHook("leech", self.onLeech) def show(self): self.mw.col.reset() self.web.resetHandlers() self.mw.setStateShortcuts(self._shortcutKeys()) self.web.onBridgeCmd = self._linkHandler self.bottom.web.onBridgeCmd = self._linkHandler self._reps = None self.nextCard() def lastCard(self): if self._answeredIds: if not self.card or self._answeredIds[-1] != self.card.id: try: return self.mw.col.getCard(self._answeredIds[-1]) except TypeError: # id was deleted return def cleanup(self): runHook("reviewCleanup") # Fetching a card ########################################################################## def nextCard(self): elapsed = self.mw.col.timeboxReached() if elapsed: part1 = ngettext("%d card studied in", "%d cards studied in", elapsed[1]) % elapsed[1] mins = int(round(elapsed[0]/60)) part2 = ngettext("%s minute.", "%s minutes.", mins) % mins fin = _("Finish") diag = askUserDialog("%s %s" % (part1, part2), [_("Continue"), fin]) diag.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) if diag.run() == fin: return self.mw.moveToState("deckBrowser") self.mw.col.startTimebox() if self.cardQueue: # undone/edited cards to show c = self.cardQueue.pop() c.startTimer() self.hadCardQueue = True else: if self.hadCardQueue: # the undone/edited cards may be sitting in the regular queue; # need to reset self.mw.col.reset() self.hadCardQueue = False c = self.mw.col.sched.getCard() self.card = c clearAudioQueue() if not c: self.mw.moveToState("overview") return if self._reps is None or self._reps % 100 == 0: # we recycle the webview periodically so webkit can free memory self._initWeb() else: self._showQuestion() # Audio ########################################################################## def replayAudio(self, previewer=None): if previewer: state = previewer._previewState c = previewer.card else: state = self.state c = self.card clearAudioQueue() if state == "question": playFromText(c.q()) elif state == "answer": txt = "" if self._replayq(c, previewer): txt = c.q() txt += c.a() playFromText(txt) # Initializing the webview ########################################################################## _revHtml = """
""" def _initWeb(self): self._reps = 0 self._bottomReady = False base = self.mw.baseHTML() # main window self.web.onLoadFinished = self._showQuestion self.web.stdHtml(self._revHtml, self._styles(), head=base) # show answer / ease buttons self.bottom.web.show() self.bottom.web.onLoadFinished = self._onBottomLoadFinished self.bottom.web.stdHtml( self._bottomHTML(), self.bottom._css + self._bottomCSS) # Showing the question ########################################################################## def _mungeQA(self, buf): return self.typeAnsFilter(mungeQA(self.mw.col, buf)) def _showQuestion(self): self._reps += 1 self.state = "question" self.typedAnswer = None c = self.card # grab the question and play audio if c.isEmpty(): q = _("""\ The front of this card is empty. Please run Tools>Empty Cards.""") else: q = c.q() if self.autoplay(c): playFromText(q) # render & update bottom q = self._mungeQA(q) q += self._hiddenUpcomingImages() klass = "card card%d" % (c.ord+1) self.web.eval("_updateQA(%s, false, '%s');" % (json.dumps(q), klass)) self._toggleStar() if self._bottomReady: self._showAnswerButton() # if we have a type answer field, focus main web if self.typeCorrect: self.mw.web.setFocus() # user hook runHook('showQuestion') def autoplay(self, card): return self.mw.col.decks.confForDid( card.odid or card.did)['autoplay'] def _replayq(self, card, previewer=None): s = previewer if previewer else self return s.mw.col.decks.confForDid( s.card.odid or s.card.did).get('replayq', True) def _toggleStar(self): self.web.eval("_toggleStar(%s);" % json.dumps( self.card.note().hasTag("marked"))) # Showing the answer ########################################################################## def _showAnswer(self): if self.mw.state != "review": # showing resetRequired screen; ignore space return self.state = "answer" c = self.card a = c.a() # play audio? if self.autoplay(c): playFromText(a) # render and update bottom a = self._mungeQA(a) self.web.eval("_updateQA(%s, true);" % json.dumps(a)) self._showEaseButtons() # user hook runHook('showAnswer') # Answering a card ############################################################ def _answerCard(self, ease): "Reschedule card and show next." if self.mw.state != "review": # showing resetRequired screen; ignore key return if self.state != "answer": return if self.mw.col.sched.answerButtons(self.card) < ease: return self.mw.col.sched.answerCard(self.card, ease) self._answeredIds.append(self.card.id) self.mw.autosave() self.nextCard() # Image preloading ########################################################################## def _hiddenUpcomingImages(self): return "
" def _upcomingImages(self): # grab the top cards in each queue s = self.mw.col.sched cids = [] cids.append(s._lrnQueue and s._lrnQueue[0][1]) cids.append(s._revQueue and s._revQueue[0]) cids.append(s._newQueue and s._newQueue[0]) # gather their content qa = [] for cid in cids: if not cid: continue c = self.mw.col.getCard(cid) qa.append(c.q()) qa.append(c.a()) # pluck image links out qa = "".join(qa) links = [] for regex in self.mw.col.media.imgRegexps: links.extend(re.findall(regex, qa)) return "".join([x[0] for x in links]) # Handlers ############################################################ def _shortcutKeys(self): return [ ("e", self.mw.onEditCurrent), (" ", self.onEnterKey), (Qt.Key_Return, self.onEnterKey), (Qt.Key_Enter, self.onEnterKey), ("r", self.replayAudio), (Qt.Key_F5, self.replayAudio), ("*", self.onMark), ("=", self.onBuryNote), ("-", self.onBuryCard), ("!", self.onSuspend), ("@", self.onSuspendCard), ("v", self.onReplayRecorded), ("Shift+v", self.onRecordVoice), ("o", self.onOptions), ("1", lambda: self._answerCard(1)), ("2", lambda: self._answerCard(2)), ("3", lambda: self._answerCard(3)), ("4", lambda: self._answerCard(4)), ] def onEnterKey(self): if self.state == "question": self._getTypedAnswer() elif self.state == "answer": self._answerCard(self._defaultEase()) def _linkHandler(self, url): if url == "ans": self._getTypedAnswer() elif url.startswith("ease"): self._answerCard(int(url[4:])) elif url == "edit": self.mw.onEditCurrent() elif url == "more": self.showContextMenu() else: print("unrecognized anki link:", url) # CSS ########################################################################## _css = """ hr { background-color:#ccc; margin: 1em; } body { margin:1.5em; } img { max-width: 95%; max-height: 95%; } .marked { position:fixed; right: 7px; top: 7px; display: none; } #typeans { width: 100%; } .typeGood { background: #0f0; } .typeBad { background: #f00; } .typeMissed { background: #ccc; } """ def _styles(self): return self._css # Type in the answer ########################################################################## typeAnsPat = "\[\[type:(.+?)\]\]" def typeAnsFilter(self, buf): if self.state == "question": return self.typeAnsQuestionFilter(buf) else: return self.typeAnsAnswerFilter(buf) def typeAnsQuestionFilter(self, buf): self.typeCorrect = None clozeIdx = None m = re.search(self.typeAnsPat, buf) if not m: return buf fld = m.group(1) # if it's a cloze, extract data if fld.startswith("cloze:"): # get field and cloze position clozeIdx = self.card.ord + 1 fld = fld.split(":")[1] # loop through fields for a match for f in self.card.model()['flds']: if f['name'] == fld: self.typeCorrect = self.card.note()[f['name']] if clozeIdx: # narrow to cloze self.typeCorrect = self._contentForCloze( self.typeCorrect, clozeIdx) self.typeFont = f['font'] self.typeSize = f['size'] break if not self.typeCorrect: if self.typeCorrect is None: if clozeIdx: warn = _("""\ Please run Tools>Empty Cards""") else: warn = _("Type answer: unknown field %s") % fld return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, warn, buf) else: # empty field, remove type answer pattern return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, "", buf) return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, """
""" % (self.typeFont, self.typeSize), buf) def typeAnsAnswerFilter(self, buf): if not self.typeCorrect: return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, "", buf) origSize = len(buf) buf = buf.replace("
", "") hadHR = len(buf) != origSize # munge correct value parser = html.parser.HTMLParser() cor = stripHTML(self.mw.col.media.strip(self.typeCorrect)) # ensure we don't chomp multiple whitespace cor = cor.replace(" ", " ") cor = parser.unescape(cor) cor = cor.replace("\xa0", " ") given = self.typedAnswer # compare with typed answer res = self.correct(given, cor, showBad=False) # and update the type answer area def repl(match): # can't pass a string in directly, and can't use re.escape as it # escapes too much s = """ %s""" % ( self.typeFont, self.typeSize, res) if hadHR: # a hack to ensure the q/a separator falls before the answer # comparison when user is using {{FrontSide}} s = "
" + s return s return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, repl, buf) def _contentForCloze(self, txt, idx): matches = re.findall("\{\{c%s::(.+?)\}\}"%idx, txt) if not matches: return None def noHint(txt): if "::" in txt: return txt.split("::")[0] return txt matches = [noHint(txt) for txt in matches] uniqMatches = set(matches) if len(uniqMatches) == 1: txt = matches[0] else: txt = ", ".join(matches) return txt def tokenizeComparison(self, given, correct): # compare in NFC form so accents appear correct given = ucd.normalize("NFC", given) correct = ucd.normalize("NFC", correct) try: s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, given, correct, autojunk=False) except: # autojunk was added in python 2.7.1 s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, given, correct) givenElems = [] correctElems = [] givenPoint = 0 correctPoint = 0 offby = 0 def logBad(old, new, str, array): if old != new: array.append((False, str[old:new])) def logGood(start, cnt, str, array): if cnt: array.append((True, str[start:start+cnt])) for x, y, cnt in s.get_matching_blocks(): # if anything was missed in correct, pad given if cnt and y-offby > x: givenElems.append((False, "-"*(y-x-offby))) offby = y-x # log any proceeding bad elems logBad(givenPoint, x, given, givenElems) logBad(correctPoint, y, correct, correctElems) givenPoint = x+cnt correctPoint = y+cnt # log the match logGood(x, cnt, given, givenElems) logGood(y, cnt, correct, correctElems) return givenElems, correctElems def correct(self, given, correct, showBad=True): "Diff-corrects the typed-in answer." givenElems, correctElems = self.tokenizeComparison(given, correct) def good(s): return ""+cgi.escape(s)+"" def bad(s): return ""+cgi.escape(s)+"" def missed(s): return ""+cgi.escape(s)+"" if given == correct: res = good(given) else: res = "" for ok, txt in givenElems: if ok: res += good(txt) else: res += bad(txt) res += "

" for ok, txt in correctElems: if ok: res += good(txt) else: res += missed(txt) res = "
" + res + "
" return res def _getTypedAnswer(self): self.web.evalWithCallback("typeans ? typeans.value : null", self._onTypedAnswer) def _onTypedAnswer(self, val): self.typedAnswer = val self._showAnswer() # Bottom bar ########################################################################## _bottomCSS = """ body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } button { min-width: 60px; white-space: nowrap; } .hitem { margin-top: 2px; } .stat { padding-top: 5px; } .stat2 { padding-top: 3px; font-weight: normal; } .stattxt { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; white-space: nowrap; } .nobold { font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; padding-top: 4px; } .spacer { height: 18px; } .spacer2 { height: 16px; } #outer { border-top: 1px solid #aaa; } #innertable { padding: 3px; } """ def _bottomHTML(self): return """

""" % dict(rem=self._remaining(), edit=_("Edit"), editkey=_("Shortcut key: %s") % "E", more=_("More"), downArrow=downArrow(), time=self.card.timeTaken() // 1000) def _onBottomLoadFinished(self): self._showAnswerButton() def _showAnswerButton(self): self._bottomReady = True if not self.typeCorrect: self.bottom.web.setFocus() middle = ''' %s
''' % ( self._remaining(), _("Shortcut key: %s") % _("Space"), _("Show Answer")) # wrap it in a table so it has the same top margin as the ease buttons middle = "
" % middle if self.card.shouldShowTimer(): maxTime = self.card.timeLimit() / 1000 else: maxTime = 0 self.bottom.web.eval("showQuestion(%s,%d);" % ( json.dumps(middle), maxTime)) self.bottom.onLoaded() def _showEaseButtons(self): self.bottom.web.setFocus() middle = self._answerButtons() self.bottom.web.eval("showAnswer(%s);" % json.dumps(middle)) def _remaining(self): if not self.mw.col.conf['dueCounts']: return "" if self.hadCardQueue: # if it's come from the undo queue, don't count it separately counts = list(self.mw.col.sched.counts()) else: counts = list(self.mw.col.sched.counts(self.card)) idx = self.mw.col.sched.countIdx(self.card) counts[idx] = "%s" % (counts[idx]) space = " + " ctxt = '%s' % counts[0] ctxt += space + '%s' % counts[1] ctxt += space + '%s' % counts[2] return ctxt def _defaultEase(self): if self.mw.col.sched.answerButtons(self.card) == 4: return 3 else: return 2 def _answerButtonList(self): l = ((1, _("Again")),) cnt = self.mw.col.sched.answerButtons(self.card) if cnt == 2: return l + ((2, _("Good")),) elif cnt == 3: return l + ((2, _("Good")), (3, _("Easy"))) else: return l + ((2, _("Hard")), (3, _("Good")), (4, _("Easy"))) def _answerButtons(self): times = [] default = self._defaultEase() def but(i, label): if i == default: extra = "id=defease" else: extra = "" due = self._buttonTime(i) return ''' %s''' % (due, extra, _("Shortcut key: %s") % i, i, label) buf = "
" for ease, label in self._answerButtonList(): buf += but(ease, label) buf += "
" script = """ """ return buf + script def _buttonTime(self, i): if not self.mw.col.conf['estTimes']: return "
" txt = self.mw.col.sched.nextIvlStr(self.card, i, True) or " " return '%s
' % txt # Leeches ########################################################################## def onLeech(self, card): # for now s = _("Card was a leech.") if card.queue < 0: s += " " + _("It has been suspended.") tooltip(s) # Context menu ########################################################################## # note the shortcuts listed here also need to be defined above def showContextMenu(self): opts = [ [_("Mark Note"), "*", self.onMark], [_("Bury Card"), "-", self.onBuryCard], [_("Bury Note"), "=", self.onBuryNote], [_("Suspend Card"), "@", self.onSuspendCard], [_("Suspend Note"), "!", self.onSuspend], [_("Delete Note"), None, self.onDelete], [_("Options"), "O", self.onOptions], None, [_("Replay Audio"), "R", self.replayAudio], [_("Record Own Voice"), "Shift+V", self.onRecordVoice], [_("Replay Own Voice"), "V", self.onReplayRecorded], ] m = QMenu(self.mw) for row in opts: if not row: m.addSeparator() continue label, scut, func = row a = m.addAction(label) if scut: a.setShortcut(QKeySequence(scut)) a.triggered.connect(func) runHook("Reviewer.contextMenuEvent",self,m) m.exec_(QCursor.pos()) def onOptions(self): self.mw.onDeckConf(self.mw.col.decks.get( self.card.odid or self.card.did)) def onMark(self): f = self.card.note() if f.hasTag("marked"): f.delTag("marked") else: f.addTag("marked") f.flush() self._toggleStar() def onSuspend(self): self.mw.checkpoint(_("Suspend")) self.mw.col.sched.suspendCards( [c.id for c in self.card.note().cards()]) tooltip(_("Note suspended.")) self.mw.reset() def onSuspendCard(self): self.mw.checkpoint(_("Suspend")) self.mw.col.sched.suspendCards([self.card.id]) tooltip(_("Card suspended.")) self.mw.reset() def onDelete(self): # need to check state because the shortcut is global to the main # window if self.mw.state != "review" or not self.card: return self.mw.checkpoint(_("Delete")) cnt = len(self.card.note().cards()) self.mw.col.remNotes([self.card.note().id]) self.mw.reset() tooltip(ngettext( "Note and its %d card deleted.", "Note and its %d cards deleted.", cnt) % cnt) def onBuryCard(self): self.mw.checkpoint(_("Bury")) self.mw.col.sched.buryCards([self.card.id]) self.mw.reset() tooltip(_("Card buried.")) def onBuryNote(self): self.mw.checkpoint(_("Bury")) self.mw.col.sched.buryNote(self.card.nid) self.mw.reset() tooltip(_("Note buried.")) def onRecordVoice(self): self._recordedAudio = getAudio(self.mw, encode=False) self.onReplayRecorded() def onReplayRecorded(self): if not self._recordedAudio: return tooltip(_("You haven't recorded your voice yet.")) clearAudioQueue() play(self._recordedAudio)