# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors # License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html from __future__ import annotations from anki.collection import OpChanges from anki.models import NotetypeId from aqt import AnkiQt, gui_hooks from aqt.qt import * from aqt.utils import HelpPage, shortcut, tr class NotetypeChooser(QHBoxLayout): """ Unlike the older modelchooser, this does not modify the "current model", so changes made here do not affect other parts of the UI. To read the currently selected notetype id, use .selected_notetype_id. By default, a chooser will pop up when the button is pressed. You can override this by providing `on_button_activated`. Call .choose_notetype() to run the normal behaviour. `on_notetype_changed` will be called with the new notetype ID if the user selects a different notetype, or if the currently-selected notetype is deleted. """ _selected_notetype_id: NotetypeId def __init__( self, *, mw: AnkiQt, widget: QWidget, starting_notetype_id: NotetypeId, on_button_activated: Callable[[], None] | None = None, on_notetype_changed: Callable[[NotetypeId], None] | None = None, show_prefix_label: bool = True, ) -> None: QHBoxLayout.__init__(self) self._widget = widget # type: ignore self.mw = mw if on_button_activated: self.on_button_activated = on_button_activated else: self.on_button_activated = self.choose_notetype self._setup_ui(show_label=show_prefix_label) gui_hooks.state_did_reset.append(self.reset_state) gui_hooks.operation_did_execute.append(self.on_operation_did_execute) self._selected_notetype_id = NotetypeId(0) # triggers UI update; avoid firing changed hook on startup self.on_notetype_changed = None self.selected_notetype_id = starting_notetype_id self.on_notetype_changed = on_notetype_changed def _setup_ui(self, show_label: bool) -> None: self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setSpacing(8) if show_label: self.label = QLabel(tr.notetypes_type()) self.addWidget(self.label) # button self.button = QPushButton() self.button.setToolTip(shortcut(tr.qt_misc_change_note_type_ctrlandn())) qconnect( QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+N"), self._widget).activated, self.on_button_activated, ) self.button.setAutoDefault(False) self.addWidget(self.button) qconnect(self.button.clicked, self.on_button_activated) sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy(7), QSizePolicy.Policy(0)) self.button.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self._widget.setLayout(self) def cleanup(self) -> None: gui_hooks.state_did_reset.remove(self.reset_state) gui_hooks.operation_did_execute.remove(self.on_operation_did_execute) def reset_state(self) -> None: self._ensure_selected_notetype_valid() def show(self) -> None: self._widget.show() # type: ignore def hide(self) -> None: self._widget.hide() # type: ignore def onEdit(self) -> None: import aqt.models aqt.models.Models(self.mw, self._widget) def choose_notetype(self) -> None: from aqt.studydeck import StudyDeck current = self.selected_notetype_name() # edit button edit = QPushButton(tr.qt_misc_manage()) qconnect(edit.clicked, self.onEdit) def nameFunc() -> list[str]: return sorted(n.name for n in self.mw.col.models.all_names_and_ids()) ret = StudyDeck( self.mw, names=nameFunc, accept=tr.actions_choose(), title=tr.qt_misc_choose_note_type(), help=HelpPage.NOTE_TYPE, current=current, parent=self._widget, buttons=[edit], cancel=True, geomKey="selectModel", ) if not ret.name: return notetype = self.mw.col.models.by_name(ret.name) if (id := notetype["id"]) != self._selected_notetype_id: self.selected_notetype_id = id @property def selected_notetype_id(self) -> NotetypeId: # theoretically this should not be necessary, as we're listening to # resets self._ensure_selected_notetype_valid() return self._selected_notetype_id @selected_notetype_id.setter def selected_notetype_id(self, id: NotetypeId) -> None: if id != self._selected_notetype_id: self._selected_notetype_id = id self._ensure_selected_notetype_valid() self._update_button_label() if func := self.on_notetype_changed: func(self._selected_notetype_id) def selected_notetype_name(self) -> str: return self.mw.col.models.get(self.selected_notetype_id)["name"] def _ensure_selected_notetype_valid(self) -> None: if not self.mw.col.models.get(self._selected_notetype_id): self.selected_notetype_id = NotetypeId( self.mw.col.models.all_names_and_ids()[0].id ) def _update_button_label(self) -> None: self.button.setText(self.selected_notetype_name().replace("&", "&&")) def on_operation_did_execute( self, changes: OpChanges, handler: object | None ) -> None: if changes.notetype: self._update_button_label()