// Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors // License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html import "css-browser-selector/css_browser_selector"; import "jquery/dist/jquery"; export { mutateNextCardStates } from "./answering"; import { bridgeCommand } from "lib/bridgecommand"; import { allImagesLoaded, preloadAnswerImages } from "./images"; import { convertMathJax } from "./mathjax"; type Callback = () => void | Promise; export const onUpdateHook: Array = []; export const onShownHook: Array = []; export const ankiPlatform = "desktop"; let typeans: HTMLInputElement | undefined; export function getTypedAnswer(): string | null { return typeans?.value ?? null; } function _runHook(arr: Array): Promise { const promises: (Promise | void)[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { promises.push(arr[i]()); } return Promise.all(promises); } let _updatingQueue: Promise = Promise.resolve(); function _queueAction(action: Callback): void { _updatingQueue = _updatingQueue.then(action); } function setInnerHTML(element: Element, html: string): void { for (const oldVideo of element.getElementsByTagName("video")) { oldVideo.pause(); while (oldVideo.firstChild) { oldVideo.removeChild(oldVideo.firstChild); } oldVideo.load(); } element.innerHTML = html; for (const oldScript of element.getElementsByTagName("script")) { const newScript = document.createElement("script"); for (const attribute of oldScript.attributes) { newScript.setAttribute(attribute.name, attribute.value); } newScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oldScript.innerHTML)); oldScript.parentNode!.replaceChild(newScript, oldScript); } } function renderError(error: Error): string { const errorMessage = String(error).substring(0, 2000); const errorStack = String(error.stack).substring(0, 2000); return `
Error while rendering card: ${errorMessage}\n${errorStack}
`.replace( /\n/g, "
" ); } async function _updateQA( html: string, _unusused: unknown, onupdate: Callback, onshown: Callback ): Promise { onUpdateHook.length = 0; onUpdateHook.push(onupdate); onShownHook.length = 0; onShownHook.push(onshown); const qa = document.getElementById("qa")!; // hide current card qa.style.opacity = "0"; try { setInnerHTML(qa, convertMathJax(html)); } catch (error) { setInnerHTML(qa, renderError(error)); } await _runHook(onUpdateHook); // and reveal card when processing is done qa.style.opacity = "1"; await _runHook(onShownHook); } export function _showQuestion(q: string, a: string, bodyclass: string): void { _queueAction(() => _updateQA( q, null, function () { // return to top of window window.scrollTo(0, 0); document.body.className = bodyclass; }, function () { // focus typing area if visible typeans = document.getElementById("typeans") as HTMLInputElement; if (typeans) { typeans.focus(); } // preload images allImagesLoaded().then(() => preloadAnswerImages(q, a)); } ) ); } function scrollToAnswer(): void { document.getElementById("answer")?.scrollIntoView(); } export function _showAnswer(a: string, bodyclass: string): void { _queueAction(() => _updateQA( a, null, function () { if (bodyclass) { // when previewing document.body.className = bodyclass; } // avoid scrolling to the answer until images load allImagesLoaded().then(scrollToAnswer); }, function () {} ) ); } export function _drawFlag(flag: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7): void { const elem = document.getElementById("_flag")!; elem.toggleAttribute("hidden", flag === 0); elem.style.color = `var(--flag${flag}-fg)`; } export function _drawMark(mark: boolean): void { document.getElementById("_mark")!.toggleAttribute("hidden", !mark); } export function _typeAnsPress(): void { const code = (window.event as KeyboardEvent).code; if (["Enter", "NumpadEnter"].includes(code)) { bridgeCommand("ans"); } } export function _emulateMobile(enabled: boolean): void { document.documentElement.classList.toggle("mobile", enabled); }