Addresses #1777 by adding the `minimumContentsLength` property to the comboBox, which causes the size policy to not require expanding beyond that amount while still expanding if the user stretches the window manually.
Note that users who were previously experiencing large window widths due to the previous behaviour might see the same size again due the geometry being restored.
Running and testing should be working on the three platforms, but
there's still a fair bit that needs to be done:
- Wheel building + testing in a venv still needs to be implemented.
- Python requirements still need to be compiled with piptool and pinned;
need to compile on all platforms then merge
- Cargo deps in cargo/ and rslib/ need to be cleaned up, and ideally
unified into one place
- Currently using rustls to work around openssl compilation issues
on Linux, but this will break corporate proxies with custom SSL
authorities; need to conditionally use openssl or use
- Makefiles and docs still need cleaning up
- It may make sense to reparent ts/* to the top level, as we don't
nest the other modules under a specific language.
- rspy and pylib must always be updated in lock-step, so merging
rspy into pylib as a private module would simplify things.
- Merging desktop-ftl and mobile-ftl into the core ftl would make
managing and updating translations easier.
- Obsolete scripts need removing.
- And probably more.