a hack to ensure hr falls before answer comparsion

This commit is contained in:
Damien Elmes 2013-05-20 17:56:01 +09:00
parent c3b0ae37aa
commit d90652d0d6

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@ -385,6 +385,9 @@ Please run Tools>Empty Cards""")
if not self.typeCorrect or not self.typedAnswer:
return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, "", buf)
origSize = len(buf)
buf = buf.replace("<hr id=answer>", "")
hadHR = len(buf) != origSize
# munge correct value
parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
cor = stripHTML(self.mw.col.media.strip(self.typeCorrect))
@ -396,9 +399,14 @@ Please run Tools>Empty Cards""")
def repl(match):
# can't pass a string in directly, and can't use re.escape as it
# escapes too much
return """
s = """
<span style="font-family: '%s'; font-size: %spx">%s</span>""" % (
self.typeFont, self.typeSize, res)
if hadHR:
# a hack to ensure the q/a separator falls before the answer
# comparison when user is using {{FrontSide}}
s = "<hr id=answer>" + s
return s
return re.sub(self.typeAnsPat, repl, buf)
def _contentForCloze(self, txt, idx):