Add translatable search error strings

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RumovZ 2021-01-15 09:10:19 +01:00
parent c8f0961c6c
commit 91d56a9b91

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@ -1,45 +1,91 @@
## Errors shown when invalid search input is encountered.
## Strong text is literal search input and should not to be translated.
search-invalid = Invalid search - please check for typing mistakes.
# The literal string `AND` is part of the search syntax.
search-misplaced-and =
An `AND` was found but it is not connecting two
search terms. If you want to search for the word itself, wrap it in
double quotes: "and".
# The literal string `OR` is part of the search syntax.
Invalid search:
An <strong>and</strong> was found but it is not connecting two search terms.
If you want to search for the word itself, wrap it in double quotes: <strong>"and"</strong>.
search-misplaced-or =
An `OR` was found but it is not connecting two
search terms. If you want to search for the word itself, wrap it in
double quotes: "or".
Invalid search:
An <strong>or</strong> was found but it is not connecting two search terms.
If you want to search for the word itself, wrap it in double quotes: <strong>"or"</strong>.
search-empty-group =
A group was found but there was nothing between the
parentheses to search for.
search-unopened-group = search-unopened-group
search-unclosed-group = search-unclosed-group
Invalid search:
A group <strong>(...)</strong> was found but there was nothing between the brackets to search for.
If you want to search for literal brackets, wrap them in double quotes: <strong>"( )"</strong>.
search-unopened-group =
Invalid search:
A closing bracket <strong>)</strong> was found, but there was no opening bracket <strong>(</strong> preceding it.
If you want to search for the literal <strong>)</strong>, wrap it in double quotes or prepend a backslash: <strong>")"</strong> or <strong>\)</strong>.
search-unclosed-group =
Invalid search:
An opening bracket <strong>(</strong> was found, but there was no closing bracket <strong>)</strong> following it.
If you want to search for the literal <strong>(</strong>, wrap it in double quotes or prepend a backslash: <strong>"("</strong> or <strong>\(</strong> .
search-empty-quote =
A quote was found but there was nothing between the
double quotes to search for.
Invalid search:
A pair of double quotes <strong>""</strong> was found but there was nothing between them to search for.
If you want to search for literal double quotes, prepend backslashes: <strong>\"\"</strong>.
search-unclosed-quote =
An opening double quote `"` was found but there
is no second one to close it.
search-missing-key = A colon `:` must be preceded by a key.
search-unknown-escape = The escape sequence `` is unknown.
search-invalid-id-list = error
search-invalid-state = error
search-invalid-flag = error
search-invalid-added = error
search-invalid-edited = error
search-invalid-rated-days = error
search-invalid-rated-ease = error
search-invalid-dupe-mid = error
search-invalid-dupe-text = error
search-invalid-prop-property = error
search-invalid-prop-operator = error
search-invalid-prop-float = error
search-invalid-prop-integer = error
search-invalid-prop-unsigned = error
search-invalid-did = error
search-invalid-mid = error
Invalid search:
An opening double quote <strong>"</strong> was found but there was no second one to close it.
If you want to search for the literal <strong>"</strong>, prepend a backslash: <strong>\"</strong>.
search-missing-key =
Invalid search:
A colon <strong>:</strong> was found but there was no key word preceding it.
If you want to search for the literal <strong>:</strong>, prepend a backslash: <strong>\:</strong>.
search-unknown-escape =
Invalid search:
The escape sequence <strong>{ $val }</strong> is not defined.
If you want to search for the literal backslash <strong>\</strong>, prepend another one: <strong>\\</strong>.
search-invalid-id-list =
Invalid search:
Note or card id lists must be comma-separated number series.
search-invalid-state =
Invalid search:
<strong>is:</strong> must be followed by one of the predefined card states: <strong>new</strong>, <strong>review</strong>, <strong>learn</strong>, <strong>due</strong>, <strong>buried</strong>, <strong>buried-manually</strong>, <strong>buried-sibling</strong> or <strong>suspended</strong>.
search-invalid-flag =
Invalid search:
<strong>flag:</strong> must be followed by a valid flag number: <strong>1</strong> (red), <strong>2</strong> (orange), <strong>3</strong> (green), <strong>4</strong> (blue) or <strong>0</strong> (no flag).
search-invalid-added =
Invalid search:
<strong>added:</strong> must be followed by a positive number of days.
search-invalid-edited =
Invalid search:
<strong>edited:</strong> must be followed by a positive number of days.
search-invalid-rated-days =
Invalid search:
<strong>rated:</strong> must be followed by a positive number of days.
search-invalid-rated-ease =
Invalid search:
<strong>rated:{ $val }:</strong> must be followed by <strong>0</strong> (rescheduled), <strong>1</strong> (again), <strong>2</strong> (hard), <strong>3</strong> (good) or <strong>4</strong> (easy).
search-invalid-dupe-mid =
Invalid search:
<strong>dupe:</strong> must be followed by a note type id, a comma and then arbitrary text.
search-invalid-dupe-text =
Invalid search:
<strong>dupe:</strong> must be followed by a note type id, a comma and then arbitrary text.
search-invalid-prop-property =
Invalid search:
<strong>prop:</strong> must be followed by one of the predefined card properties: <strong>ivl</strong> (interval), <strong>due</strong>, <strong>reps</strong> (repetitions), <strong>lapses</strong>, <strong>ease</strong> or <strong>pos</strong> (position).
search-invalid-prop-operator =
Invalid search:
<strong>prop:{ $val }</strong> must be followed by one of the comparison operators: <strong>=</strong>, <strong>!=</strong>, <strong>&lt;</strong>, <strong>&gt;</strong>, <strong>&lt;=</strong> or <strong>&gt;=</strong>.
search-invalid-prop-float =
Invalid search:
<strong>prop:{ $val }</strong> must be followed by a decimal number.
search-invalid-prop-integer =
Invalid search:
<strong>prop:{ $val }</strong> must be followed by a whole number.
search-invalid-prop-unsigned =
Invalid search:
<strong>prop:{ $val }</strong> must be followed by a non-negative whole number.
search-invalid-did =
Invalid search:
<strong>did:</strong> must be followed by a valid deck id.
search-invalid-mid =
Invalid search:
<strong>mid:</strong> must be followed by a note type deck id.
## Column labels in browse screen