drop the old sass vars and define the properties directly

This commit is contained in:
Damien Elmes 2020-08-27 16:12:30 +10:00
parent 2d26280dab
commit 748745fe1a
3 changed files with 48 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ class ThemeManager:
def str_color(self, key: str) -> str:
"""Get a color defined in _vars.scss
If the colour is called '$day-frame-bg', key should be
If the colour is called '--frame-bg', key should be
Returns the color as a string hex code or color name."""
prefix = self.night_mode and "night-" or "day-"
c = colors.get(prefix + key)
idx = 1 if self.night_mode else 0
c = colors.get(key)
if c is None:
raise Exception("no such color:", key)
return c
return c[idx]
def qcolor(self, key: str) -> QColor:
"""Get a color defined in _vars.scss as a QColor."""

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@ -10,15 +10,16 @@ for line in open("../ts/src/scss/_vars.scss"):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
m = re.match(r"^\$(.+): (.+);$", line)
m = re.match(r"--(.+): (.+);$", line)
if not m:
print("failed to match", line)
if line != "}" and not ":root" in line:
print("failed to match", line)
var = m.group(1)
val = m.group(2)
colors[var] = val
colors.setdefault(var, []).append(val)
with open("aqt/colors.py", "w") as buf:
buf.write("# this file is auto-generated from _vars.scss\n")

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@ -1,88 +1,45 @@
$day-text-fg: black;
$day-window-bg: #ececec;
$day-frame-bg: white;
$day-border: #aaa;
$day-faint-border: #e7e7e7;
$day-link: #00a;
$day-review-count: #0a0;
$day-new-count: #00a;
$day-learn-count: #C35617;
$day-zero-count: #ddd;
$day-slightly-grey-text: #333;
$day-highlight-bg: #77ccff;
$day-highlight-fg: black;
$day-disabled: #777;
$day-flag1-bg: #ffaaaa;
$day-flag2-bg: #ffb347;
$day-flag3-bg: #82E0AA;
$day-flag4-bg: #85C1E9;
$day-suspended-bg: #FFFFB2;
$day-marked-bg: #cce;
$night-text-fg: white;
$night-window-bg: #2f2f31;
$night-frame-bg: #3a3a3a;
$night-border: #777;
$night-faint-border: #29292B;
$night-link: #77ccff;
$night-review-count: #5CcC00;
$night-new-count: #77ccff;
$night-learn-count: #FF935B;
$night-zero-count: #444;
$night-slightly-grey-text: #ccc;
$night-highlight-bg: #77ccff;
$night-highlight-fg: white;
$night-disabled: #777;
$night-flag1-bg: #aa5555;
$night-flag2-bg: #aa6337;
$night-flag3-bg: #33a055;
$night-flag4-bg: #3581a9;
$night-suspended-bg: #aaaa33;
$night-marked-bg: #77c;
:root {
--text-fg: #{$day-text-fg};
--window-bg: #{$day-window-bg};
--frame-bg: #{$day-frame-bg};
--border: #{$day-border};
--faint-border: #{$day-faint-border};
--link: #{$day-link};
--review-count: #{$day-review-count};
--new-count: #{$day-new-count};
--learn-count: #{$day-learn-count};
--zero-count: #{$day-zero-count};
--slightly-grey-text: #{$day-slightly-grey-text};
--highlight-bg: #{$day-highlight-bg};
--highlight-fg: #{$day-highlight-fg};
--disabled: #{$day-disabled};
--flag1-bg: #{$day-flag1-bg};
--flag2-bg: #{$day-flag2-bg};
--flag3-bg: #{$day-flag3-bg};
--flag4-bg: #{$day-flag4-bg};
--suspended-bg: #{$day-suspended-bg};
--marked-bg: #{$day-marked-bg};
--text-fg: black;
--window-bg: #ececec;
--frame-bg: white;
--border: #aaa;
--faint-border: #e7e7e7;
--link: #00a;
--review-count: #0a0;
--new-count: #00a;
--learn-count: #C35617;
--zero-count: #ddd;
--slightly-grey-text: #333;
--highlight-bg: #77ccff;
--highlight-fg: black;
--disabled: #777;
--flag1-bg: #ffaaaa;
--flag2-bg: #ffb347;
--flag3-bg: #82E0AA;
--flag4-bg: #85C1E9;
--suspended-bg: #FFFFB2;
--marked-bg: #cce;
:root[class*="night-mode"] {
--text-fg: #{$night-text-fg};
--window-bg: #{$night-window-bg};
--frame-bg: #{$night-frame-bg};
--border: #{$night-border};
--faint-border: #{$night-faint-border};
--link: #{$night-link};
--review-count: #{$night-review-count};
--new-count: #{$night-new-count};
--learn-count: #{$night-learn-count};
--zero-count: #{$night-zero-count};
--slightly-grey-text: #{$night-slightly-grey-text};
--highlight-bg: #{$night-highlight-bg};
--highlight-fg: #{$night-highlight-fg};
--disabled: #{$night-disabled};
--flag1-bg: #{$night-flag1-bg};
--flag2-bg: #{$night-flag2-bg};
--flag3-bg: #{$night-flag3-bg};
--flag4-bg: #{$night-flag4-bg};
--suspended-bg: #{$night-suspended-bg};
--marked-bg: #{$night-marked-bg};
--text-fg: white;
--window-bg: #2f2f31;
--frame-bg: #3a3a3a;
--border: #777;
--faint-border: #29292B;
--link: #77ccff;
--review-count: #5CcC00;
--new-count: #77ccff;
--learn-count: #FF935B;
--zero-count: #444;
--slightly-grey-text: #ccc;
--highlight-bg: #77ccff;
--highlight-fg: white;
--disabled: #777;
--flag1-bg: #aa5555;
--flag2-bg: #aa6337;
--flag3-bg: #33a055;
--flag4-bg: #3581a9;
--suspended-bg: #aaaa33;
--marked-bg: #77c;