full upload/download HTTP code

This commit is contained in:
Damien Elmes 2020-05-27 19:32:05 +10:00
parent 4fcb10bfa9
commit 529e89f48e
3 changed files with 206 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ unicode-normalization = "0.1.12"
tempfile = "3.1.0"
serde = "1.0.104"
serde_json = "1.0.45"
tokio = "0.2.11"
tokio = { version = "0.2.11", features = ["fs"] }
serde_derive = "1.0.104"
zip = "0.5.4"
serde_tuple = "0.4.0"
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ rand = "0.7.3"
num-integer = "0.1.42"
itertools = "0.9.0"
flate2 = "1.0.14"
pin-project = "0.4.17"
async-compression = { version = "0.3.4", features = ["stream", "gzip"] }
version = "0.23.1"
@ -57,12 +59,15 @@ version = "0.23.1"
features = ["trace", "functions", "collation", "bundled"]
reqwest = { version = "0.10.1", features = ["json", "socks", "native-tls-vendored"] }
reqwest = { version = "0.10.1", features = ["json", "socks", "stream", "native-tls-vendored"] }
reqwest = { version = "0.10.1", features = ["json", "socks"] }
reqwest = { version = "0.10.1", features = ["json", "socks", "stream" ] }
prost-build = "0.6.1"
fluent-syntax = "0.9.2"
env_logger = "0.7.1"

View File

@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
// License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
use super::*;
use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::Stream;
use reqwest::Body;
static SYNC_VERSION: u8 = 10;
pub struct HTTPSyncClient<'a> {
pub struct HTTPSyncClient {
hkey: Option<String>,
skey: String,
client: Client,
endpoint: &'a str,
endpoint: String,
@ -68,14 +71,15 @@ struct SanityCheckIn {
struct Empty {}
impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
pub fn new<'a>(endpoint: &'a str) -> HTTPSyncClient<'a> {
impl HTTPSyncClient {
pub fn new<'a>(endpoint_suffix: &str) -> HTTPSyncClient {
let client = Client::builder()
let skey = guid();
let endpoint = endpoint(&endpoint_suffix);
HTTPSyncClient {
hkey: None,
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
async fn json_request<T>(&self, method: &str, json: &T) -> Result<Response>
async fn json_request<T>(&self, method: &str, json: &T, timeout_long: bool) -> Result<Response>
T: serde::Serialize,
@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
let part = multipart::Part::bytes(gz.finish()?);
self.request(method, part).await
self.request(method, part, timeout_long).await
async fn json_request_deserialized<T, T2>(&self, method: &str, json: &T) -> Result<T2>
@ -102,14 +106,19 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
T: Serialize,
T2: DeserializeOwned,
self.json_request(method, json)
self.json_request(method, json, false)
async fn request(&self, method: &str, data_part: multipart::Part) -> Result<Response> {
async fn request(
method: &str,
data_part: multipart::Part,
timeout_long: bool,
) -> Result<Response> {
let data_part = data_part.file_name("data");
let mut form = multipart::Form::new()
@ -120,12 +129,16 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
let url = format!("{}{}", self.endpoint, method);
let req = self.client.post(&url).multipart(form);
let mut req = self.client.post(&url).multipart(form);
if timeout_long {
req = req.timeout(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60));
async fn login(&mut self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result<()> {
pub(crate) async fn login(&mut self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result<()> {
let resp: HostKeyOut = self
.json_request_deserialized("hostKey", &HostKeyIn { username, password })
@ -138,7 +151,7 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
async fn meta(&mut self) -> Result<ServerMeta> {
pub(crate) async fn meta(&self) -> Result<ServerMeta> {
let meta_in = MetaIn {
sync_version: SYNC_VERSION,
client_version: sync_client_version(),
@ -146,49 +159,168 @@ impl HTTPSyncClient<'_> {
self.json_request_deserialized("meta", &meta_in).await
async fn start(&mut self, input: &StartIn) -> Result<Graves> {
self.json_request_deserialized("start", input).await
pub(crate) async fn start(
minimum_usn: Usn,
minutes_west: i32,
client_is_newer: bool,
) -> Result<Graves> {
let input = StartIn {
client_graves: None,
self.json_request_deserialized("start", &input).await
async fn apply_graves(&mut self, chunk: Graves) -> Result<()> {
pub(crate) async fn apply_graves(&self, chunk: Graves) -> Result<()> {
let input = ApplyGravesIn { chunk };
let resp = self.json_request("applyGraves", &input).await?;
let resp = self.json_request("applyGraves", &input, false).await?;
async fn apply_changes(&mut self, changes: Changes) -> Result<Changes> {
pub(crate) async fn apply_changes(&self, changes: Changes) -> Result<Changes> {
let input = ApplyChangesIn { changes };
self.json_request_deserialized("applyChanges", &input).await
async fn chunk(&mut self) -> Result<Chunk> {
pub(crate) async fn chunk(&self) -> Result<Chunk> {
self.json_request_deserialized("chunk", &Empty {}).await
async fn apply_chunk(&mut self, chunk: Chunk) -> Result<()> {
pub(crate) async fn apply_chunk(&self, chunk: Chunk) -> Result<()> {
let input = ApplyChunkIn { chunk };
let resp = self.json_request("applyChunk", &input).await?;
let resp = self.json_request("applyChunk", &input, false).await?;
async fn sanity_check(&mut self, client: SanityCheckCounts) -> Result<SanityCheckOut> {
pub(crate) async fn sanity_check(&self, client: SanityCheckCounts) -> Result<SanityCheckOut> {
let input = SanityCheckIn { client };
self.json_request_deserialized("sanityCheck2", &input).await
async fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let resp = self.json_request("finish", &Empty {}).await?;
pub(crate) async fn finish(&self) -> Result<()> {
let resp = self.json_request("finish", &Empty {}, false).await?;
async fn abort(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let resp = self.json_request("abort", &Empty {}).await?;
pub(crate) async fn abort(&self) -> Result<()> {
let resp = self.json_request("abort", &Empty {}, false).await?;
async fn download_inner(
) -> Result<(
impl Stream<Item = std::result::Result<Bytes, reqwest::Error>>,
)> {
let resp: reqwest::Response = self.json_request("download", &Empty {}, true).await?;
let len = resp.content_length().unwrap_or_default();
Ok((len as usize, resp.bytes_stream()))
/// Download collection into a temporary file, returning it.
/// Caller should persist the file in the correct path after checking it.
pub(crate) async fn download<P>(&self, folder: &Path, progress_fn: P) -> Result<NamedTempFile>
P: Fn(&FullSyncProgress),
let mut temp_file = NamedTempFile::new_in(folder)?;
let (size, mut stream) = self.download_inner().await?;
let mut progress = FullSyncProgress {
transferred_bytes: 0,
total_bytes: size,
while let Some(chunk) = stream.next().await {
let chunk = chunk?;
progress.transferred_bytes += chunk.len();
async fn upload_inner(&self, body: Body) -> Result<()> {
let data_part = multipart::Part::stream(body);
let resp = self.request("upload", data_part, true).await?;
pub(crate) async fn upload<P>(&mut self, col_path: &Path, progress_fn: P) -> Result<()>
P: Fn(&FullSyncProgress) + Send + Sync + 'static,
let file = tokio::fs::File::open(col_path).await?;
let total_bytes = file.metadata().await?.len() as usize;
let wrap1 = ProgressWrapper {
reader: file,
progress: FullSyncProgress {
transferred_bytes: 0,
let wrap2 = async_compression::stream::GzipEncoder::new(wrap1);
let body = Body::wrap_stream(wrap2);
use futures::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::pin::Pin;
use tokio::io::AsyncRead;
struct ProgressWrapper<S, P> {
reader: S,
progress_fn: P,
progress: FullSyncProgress,
impl<S, P> Stream for ProgressWrapper<S, P>
S: AsyncRead,
P: Fn(&FullSyncProgress),
type Item = std::result::Result<Bytes, std::io::Error>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let mut buf = vec![0; 16 * 1024];
let this = self.project();
match ready!(this.reader.poll_read(cx, &mut buf)) {
Ok(0) => Poll::Ready(None),
Ok(size) => {
buf.resize(size, 0);
this.progress.transferred_bytes += size;
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))),
fn endpoint(suffix: &str) -> String {
if let Ok(endpoint) = std::env::var("SYNC_ENDPOINT") {
} else {
format!("https://sync{}.ankiweb.net/sync/", suffix)
@ -197,10 +329,8 @@ mod test {
use crate::err::SyncErrorKind;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
static ENDPOINT: &'static str = "https://sync.ankiweb.net/sync/";
async fn http_client_inner(username: String, password: String) -> Result<()> {
let mut syncer = HTTPSyncClient::new(ENDPOINT);
let mut syncer = HTTPSyncClient::new("");
syncer.login("nosuchuser", "nosuchpass").await,
@ -223,20 +353,13 @@ mod test {
let input = StartIn {
minimum_usn: Usn(0),
minutes_west: 0,
client_is_newer: true,
client_graves: None,
let _graves = syncer.start(&input).await?;
let _graves = syncer.start(Usn(1), 0, true).await?;
// aborting should now work
// start again, and continue
let _graves = syncer.start(&input).await?;
let _graves = syncer.start(Usn(0), 0, true).await?;
@ -268,6 +391,21 @@ mod test {
use tempfile::tempdir;
let dir = tempdir()?;
let out_path = syncer
.download(&dir.path(), |progress| {
println!("progress: {:?}", progress);
.upload(&out_path.path(), |progress| {
println!("progress {:?}", progress);
@ -280,6 +418,7 @@ mod test {
let pass = std::env::var("TEST_SYNC_PASS").unwrap();
let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(http_client_inner(user, pass))

View File

@ -14,18 +14,20 @@ use crate::{
use flate2::write::GzEncoder;
use flate2::Compression;
use futures::StreamExt;
use reqwest::{multipart, Client, Response};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use serde_tuple::Serialize_tuple;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration};
use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path, time::Duration};
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct SyncProgress {}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ServerMeta {
pub struct ServerMeta {
#[serde(rename = "mod")]
modified: TimestampMillis,
#[serde(rename = "scm")]
@ -42,20 +44,20 @@ struct ServerMeta {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
struct Graves {
pub struct Graves {
cards: Vec<CardID>,
decks: Vec<DeckID>,
notes: Vec<NoteID>,
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
struct DecksAndConfig {
pub struct DecksAndConfig {
decks: Vec<DeckSchema11>,
config: Vec<DeckConfSchema11>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
struct Changes {
pub struct Changes {
#[serde(rename = "models")]
notetypes: Vec<NoteTypeSchema11>,
#[serde(rename = "decks")]
@ -70,18 +72,18 @@ struct Changes {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)]
struct Chunk {
pub struct Chunk {
done: bool,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty", default)]
revlog: Vec<ReviewLogEntry>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty", default)]
cards: Vec<CardEntry>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty", default)]
notes: Vec<NoteEntry>,
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ReviewLogEntry {
pub struct ReviewLogEntry {
id: TimestampMillis,
cid: CardID,
usn: Usn,
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ struct ReviewLogEntry {
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct NoteEntry {
pub struct NoteEntry {
id: NoteID,
guid: String,
#[serde(rename = "mid")]
@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ struct NoteEntry {
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct CardEntry {
pub struct CardEntry {
id: CardID,
nid: NoteID,
did: DeckID,
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ struct CardEntry {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct SanityCheckOut {
pub struct SanityCheckOut {
status: SanityCheckStatus,
#[serde(rename = "c")]
client: Option<SanityCheckCounts>,
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ enum SanityCheckStatus {
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct SanityCheckCounts {
pub struct SanityCheckCounts {
counts: SanityCheckDueCounts,
cards: u32,
notes: u32,
@ -165,8 +167,14 @@ struct SanityCheckCounts {
#[derive(Serialize_tuple, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct SanityCheckDueCounts {
pub struct SanityCheckDueCounts {
new: u32,
learn: u32,
review: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct FullSyncProgress {
transferred_bytes: usize,
total_bytes: usize,