Remove unused backend methods & formatting

This commit is contained in:
abdo 2021-01-09 17:48:34 +03:00
parent 5919d9273f
commit 0b5bb711a1
2 changed files with 137 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -66,167 +66,162 @@ message DeckConfigID {
int64 dcid = 1;
message TagID {
int64 tid = 1;
// New style RPC definitions
service BackendService {
rpc LatestProgress (Empty) returns (Progress);
rpc SetWantsAbort (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc LatestProgress(Empty) returns (Progress);
rpc SetWantsAbort(Empty) returns (Empty);
// card rendering
// card rendering
rpc ExtractAVTags (ExtractAVTagsIn) returns (ExtractAVTagsOut);
rpc ExtractLatex (ExtractLatexIn) returns (ExtractLatexOut);
rpc GetEmptyCards (Empty) returns (EmptyCardsReport);
rpc RenderExistingCard (RenderExistingCardIn) returns (RenderCardOut);
rpc RenderUncommittedCard (RenderUncommittedCardIn) returns (RenderCardOut);
rpc StripAVTags (String) returns (String);
rpc ExtractAVTags(ExtractAVTagsIn) returns (ExtractAVTagsOut);
rpc ExtractLatex(ExtractLatexIn) returns (ExtractLatexOut);
rpc GetEmptyCards(Empty) returns (EmptyCardsReport);
rpc RenderExistingCard(RenderExistingCardIn) returns (RenderCardOut);
rpc RenderUncommittedCard(RenderUncommittedCardIn) returns (RenderCardOut);
rpc StripAVTags(String) returns (String);
// searching
// searching
rpc NormalizeSearch (String) returns (String);
rpc SearchCards (SearchCardsIn) returns (SearchCardsOut);
rpc SearchNotes (SearchNotesIn) returns (SearchNotesOut);
rpc NegateSearch (String) returns (String);
rpc ConcatenateSearches (ConcatenateSearchesIn) returns (String);
rpc ReplaceSearchTerm (ReplaceSearchTermIn) returns (String);
rpc FindAndReplace (FindAndReplaceIn) returns (UInt32);
rpc NormalizeSearch(String) returns (String);
rpc SearchCards(SearchCardsIn) returns (SearchCardsOut);
rpc SearchNotes(SearchNotesIn) returns (SearchNotesOut);
rpc NegateSearch(String) returns (String);
rpc ConcatenateSearches(ConcatenateSearchesIn) returns (String);
rpc ReplaceSearchTerm(ReplaceSearchTermIn) returns (String);
rpc FindAndReplace(FindAndReplaceIn) returns (UInt32);
// scheduling
// scheduling
rpc LocalMinutesWest (Int64) returns (Int32);
rpc SetLocalMinutesWest (Int32) returns (Empty);
rpc SchedTimingToday (Empty) returns (SchedTimingTodayOut);
rpc StudiedToday (Empty) returns (String);
rpc StudiedTodayMessage (StudiedTodayMessageIn) returns (String);
rpc UpdateStats (UpdateStatsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc ExtendLimits (ExtendLimitsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CountsForDeckToday (DeckID) returns (CountsForDeckTodayOut);
rpc CongratsInfo (Empty) returns (CongratsInfoOut);
rpc RestoreBuriedAndSuspendedCards (CardIDs) returns (Empty);
rpc UnburyCardsInCurrentDeck (UnburyCardsInCurrentDeckIn) returns (Empty);
rpc BuryOrSuspendCards (BuryOrSuspendCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc EmptyFilteredDeck (DeckID) returns (Empty);
rpc RebuildFilteredDeck (DeckID) returns (UInt32);
rpc ScheduleCardsAsReviews (ScheduleCardsAsReviewsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc ScheduleCardsAsNew (ScheduleCardsAsNewIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SortCards (SortCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SortDeck (SortDeckIn) returns (Empty);
rpc LocalMinutesWest(Int64) returns (Int32);
rpc SetLocalMinutesWest(Int32) returns (Empty);
rpc SchedTimingToday(Empty) returns (SchedTimingTodayOut);
rpc StudiedToday(Empty) returns (String);
rpc StudiedTodayMessage(StudiedTodayMessageIn) returns (String);
rpc UpdateStats(UpdateStatsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc ExtendLimits(ExtendLimitsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CountsForDeckToday(DeckID) returns (CountsForDeckTodayOut);
rpc CongratsInfo(Empty) returns (CongratsInfoOut);
rpc RestoreBuriedAndSuspendedCards(CardIDs) returns (Empty);
rpc UnburyCardsInCurrentDeck(UnburyCardsInCurrentDeckIn) returns (Empty);
rpc BuryOrSuspendCards(BuryOrSuspendCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc EmptyFilteredDeck(DeckID) returns (Empty);
rpc RebuildFilteredDeck(DeckID) returns (UInt32);
rpc ScheduleCardsAsReviews(ScheduleCardsAsReviewsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc ScheduleCardsAsNew(ScheduleCardsAsNewIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SortCards(SortCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SortDeck(SortDeckIn) returns (Empty);
// stats
// stats
rpc CardStats (CardID) returns (String);
rpc Graphs(GraphsIn) returns (GraphsOut);
rpc CardStats(CardID) returns (String);
rpc Graphs(GraphsIn) returns (GraphsOut);
// media
// media
rpc CheckMedia (Empty) returns (CheckMediaOut);
rpc TrashMediaFiles (TrashMediaFilesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc AddMediaFile (AddMediaFileIn) returns (String);
rpc EmptyTrash (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc RestoreTrash (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc CheckMedia(Empty) returns (CheckMediaOut);
rpc TrashMediaFiles(TrashMediaFilesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc AddMediaFile(AddMediaFileIn) returns (String);
rpc EmptyTrash(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc RestoreTrash(Empty) returns (Empty);
// decks
// decks
rpc AddOrUpdateDeckLegacy (AddOrUpdateDeckLegacyIn) returns (DeckID);
rpc DeckTree (DeckTreeIn) returns (DeckTreeNode);
rpc DeckTreeLegacy (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetAllDecksLegacy (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckIDByName (String) returns (DeckID);
rpc GetDeckLegacy (DeckID) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckNames (GetDeckNamesIn) returns (DeckNames);
rpc NewDeckLegacy (Bool) returns (Json);
rpc RemoveDeck (DeckID) returns (Empty);
rpc AddOrUpdateDeckLegacy(AddOrUpdateDeckLegacyIn) returns (DeckID);
rpc DeckTree(DeckTreeIn) returns (DeckTreeNode);
rpc DeckTreeLegacy(Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetAllDecksLegacy(Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckIDByName(String) returns (DeckID);
rpc GetDeckLegacy(DeckID) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckNames(GetDeckNamesIn) returns (DeckNames);
rpc NewDeckLegacy(Bool) returns (Json);
rpc RemoveDeck(DeckID) returns (Empty);
// deck config
// deck config
rpc AddOrUpdateDeckConfigLegacy (AddOrUpdateDeckConfigLegacyIn) returns (DeckConfigID);
rpc AllDeckConfigLegacy (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckConfigLegacy (DeckConfigID) returns (Json);
rpc NewDeckConfigLegacy (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc RemoveDeckConfig (DeckConfigID) returns (Empty);
rpc AddOrUpdateDeckConfigLegacy(AddOrUpdateDeckConfigLegacyIn)
returns (DeckConfigID);
rpc AllDeckConfigLegacy(Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetDeckConfigLegacy(DeckConfigID) returns (Json);
rpc NewDeckConfigLegacy(Empty) returns (Json);
rpc RemoveDeckConfig(DeckConfigID) returns (Empty);
// cards
// cards
rpc GetCard (CardID) returns (Card);
rpc UpdateCard (Card) returns (Empty);
rpc AddCard (Card) returns (CardID);
rpc RemoveCards (RemoveCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SetDeck (SetDeckIn) returns (Empty);
rpc GetCard(CardID) returns (Card);
rpc UpdateCard(Card) returns (Empty);
rpc AddCard(Card) returns (CardID);
rpc RemoveCards(RemoveCardsIn) returns (Empty);
rpc SetDeck(SetDeckIn) returns (Empty);
// notes
// notes
rpc NewNote (NoteTypeID) returns (Note);
rpc AddNote (AddNoteIn) returns (NoteID);
rpc UpdateNote (Note) returns (Empty);
rpc GetNote (NoteID) returns (Note);
rpc RemoveNotes (RemoveNotesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc AddNoteTags (AddNoteTagsIn) returns (UInt32);
rpc UpdateNoteTags (UpdateNoteTagsIn) returns (UInt32);
rpc GetNoteTags(GetNoteTagsIn) returns (GetNoteTagsOut);
rpc ClozeNumbersInNote (Note) returns (ClozeNumbersInNoteOut);
rpc AfterNoteUpdates (AfterNoteUpdatesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc FieldNamesForNotes (FieldNamesForNotesIn) returns (FieldNamesForNotesOut);
rpc NoteIsDuplicateOrEmpty (Note) returns (NoteIsDuplicateOrEmptyOut);
rpc CardsOfNote (NoteID) returns (CardIDs);
rpc NewNote(NoteTypeID) returns (Note);
rpc AddNote(AddNoteIn) returns (NoteID);
rpc UpdateNote(Note) returns (Empty);
rpc GetNote(NoteID) returns (Note);
rpc RemoveNotes(RemoveNotesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc AddNoteTags(AddNoteTagsIn) returns (UInt32);
rpc UpdateNoteTags(UpdateNoteTagsIn) returns (UInt32);
rpc GetNoteTags(GetNoteTagsIn) returns (GetNoteTagsOut);
rpc ClozeNumbersInNote(Note) returns (ClozeNumbersInNoteOut);
rpc AfterNoteUpdates(AfterNoteUpdatesIn) returns (Empty);
rpc FieldNamesForNotes(FieldNamesForNotesIn) returns (FieldNamesForNotesOut);
rpc NoteIsDuplicateOrEmpty(Note) returns (NoteIsDuplicateOrEmptyOut);
rpc CardsOfNote(NoteID) returns (CardIDs);
// note types
// note types
rpc AddOrUpdateNotetype (AddOrUpdateNotetypeIn) returns (NoteTypeID);
rpc GetStockNotetypeLegacy (GetStockNotetypeIn) returns (Json);
rpc GetNotetypeLegacy (NoteTypeID) returns (Json);
rpc GetNotetypeNames (Empty) returns (NoteTypeNames);
rpc GetNotetypeNamesAndCounts (Empty) returns (NoteTypeUseCounts);
rpc GetNotetypeIDByName (String) returns (NoteTypeID);
rpc RemoveNotetype (NoteTypeID) returns (Empty);
rpc AddOrUpdateNotetype(AddOrUpdateNotetypeIn) returns (NoteTypeID);
rpc GetStockNotetypeLegacy(GetStockNotetypeIn) returns (Json);
rpc GetNotetypeLegacy(NoteTypeID) returns (Json);
rpc GetNotetypeNames(Empty) returns (NoteTypeNames);
rpc GetNotetypeNamesAndCounts(Empty) returns (NoteTypeUseCounts);
rpc GetNotetypeIDByName(String) returns (NoteTypeID);
rpc RemoveNotetype(NoteTypeID) returns (Empty);
// collection
// collection
rpc OpenCollection (OpenCollectionIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CloseCollection (CloseCollectionIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CheckDatabase (Empty) returns (CheckDatabaseOut);
rpc OpenCollection(OpenCollectionIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CloseCollection(CloseCollectionIn) returns (Empty);
rpc CheckDatabase(Empty) returns (CheckDatabaseOut);
// sync
// sync
rpc SyncMedia (SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
rpc AbortSync (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc AbortMediaSync (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc BeforeUpload (Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc SyncLogin (SyncLoginIn) returns (SyncAuth);
rpc SyncStatus (SyncAuth) returns (SyncStatusOut);
rpc SyncCollection (SyncAuth) returns (SyncCollectionOut);
rpc FullUpload (SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
rpc FullDownload (SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
rpc SyncMedia(SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
rpc AbortSync(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc AbortMediaSync(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc BeforeUpload(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc SyncLogin(SyncLoginIn) returns (SyncAuth);
rpc SyncStatus(SyncAuth) returns (SyncStatusOut);
rpc SyncCollection(SyncAuth) returns (SyncCollectionOut);
rpc FullUpload(SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
rpc FullDownload(SyncAuth) returns (Empty);
// translation/messages
// translation/messages
rpc TranslateString (TranslateStringIn) returns (String);
rpc FormatTimespan (FormatTimespanIn) returns (String);
rpc I18nResources (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc TranslateString(TranslateStringIn) returns (String);
rpc FormatTimespan(FormatTimespanIn) returns (String);
rpc I18nResources(Empty) returns (Json);
// tags
// tags
rpc RegisterTags (RegisterTagsIn) returns (Bool);
rpc AllTags (Empty) returns (AllTagsOut);
rpc GetTag (String) returns (Tag);
rpc UpdateTag (Tag) returns (Bool);
rpc SetTagCollapsed (SetTagCollapsedIn) returns (Bool);
rpc ClearTag (String) returns (Bool);
rpc TagTree (Empty) returns (TagTreeNode);
rpc RegisterTags(RegisterTagsIn) returns (Bool);
rpc AllTags(Empty) returns (AllTagsOut);
rpc SetTagCollapsed(SetTagCollapsedIn) returns (Bool);
rpc ClearTag(String) returns (Bool);
rpc TagTree(Empty) returns (TagTreeNode);
// config/preferences
// config/preferences
rpc GetConfigJson (String) returns (Json);
rpc SetConfigJson (SetConfigJsonIn) returns (Empty);
rpc RemoveConfig (String) returns (Empty);
rpc SetAllConfig (Json) returns (Empty);
rpc GetAllConfig (Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetPreferences (Empty) returns (Preferences);
rpc SetPreferences (Preferences) returns (Empty);
rpc GetConfigJson(String) returns (Json);
rpc SetConfigJson(SetConfigJsonIn) returns (Empty);
rpc RemoveConfig(String) returns (Empty);
rpc SetAllConfig(Json) returns (Empty);
rpc GetAllConfig(Empty) returns (Json);
rpc GetPreferences(Empty) returns (Preferences);
rpc SetPreferences(Preferences) returns (Empty);
// Protobuf stored in .anki2 files
@ -794,23 +789,23 @@ message RegisterTagsIn {
message AllTagsOut {
repeated Tag tags = 1;
repeated Tag tags = 1;
message SetTagCollapsedIn {
string name = 1;
bool collapsed = 2;
string name = 1;
bool collapsed = 2;
message TagConfig {
bool browser_collapsed = 1;
bool browser_collapsed = 1;
message Tag {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
sint32 usn = 3;
TagConfig config = 4;
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
sint32 usn = 3;
TagConfig config = 4;
message GetChangedTagsOut {
@ -818,11 +813,11 @@ message GetChangedTagsOut {
message TagTreeNode {
int64 tag_id = 1;
string name = 2;
repeated TagTreeNode children = 3;
uint32 level = 5;
bool collapsed = 4;
int64 tag_id = 1;
string name = 2;
repeated TagTreeNode children = 3;
uint32 level = 5;
bool collapsed = 4;
message SetConfigJsonIn {
@ -932,11 +927,11 @@ message UpdateNoteTagsIn {
message GetNoteTagsIn {
repeated int64 nids = 1;
repeated int64 nids = 1;
message GetNoteTagsOut {
repeated string tags = 1;
repeated string tags = 1;
message CheckDatabaseOut {

View File

@ -1300,23 +1300,6 @@ impl BackendService for Backend {
Ok(pb::AllTagsOut { tags })
fn get_tag(&self, name: pb::String) -> BackendResult<pb::Tag> {
self.with_col(|col| {
if let Some(tag) = {
} else {
fn update_tag(&self, tag: pb::Tag) -> BackendResult<pb::Bool> {
self.with_col(|col| {
Ok(pb::Bool { val: true })
fn set_tag_collapsed(&self, input: pb::SetTagCollapsedIn) -> BackendResult<pb::Bool> {
self.with_col(|col| {
let name = &;