browsing-any-cards-mapped-to-nothing-will = Any cards mapped to nothing will be deleted. If a note has no remaining cards, it will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?
browsing-any-flag = Any Flag
browsing-browser-appearance = Browser Appearance
browsing-browser-options = Browser Options
browsing-buried = Buried
browsing-card = Card
browsing-card-list = Card List
browsing-card-state = Card State
browsing-cards-cant-be-manually-moved-into = Cards can't be manually moved into a filtered deck.
browsing-change-deck = Change Deck
browsing-change-deck2 = Change Deck...
browsing-change-note-type = Change Note Type
browsing-change-note-type2 = Change Note Type...
browsing-change-to = Change { $val } to:
browsing-clear-unused = Clear Unused
browsing-clear-unused-tags = Clear Unused Tags
browsing-created = Created
browsing-ctrlandshiftande = Ctrl+Shift+E
browsing-current-deck = Current Deck
browsing-current-note-type = Current note type:
browsing-delete-notes = Delete Notes
browsing-delete-tags = Delete Tags
browsing-duplicate = duplicate
browsing-ease = Ease
browsing-end = End
browsing-enter-tags-to-add = Enter tags to add:
browsing-enter-tags-to-delete = Enter tags to delete:
browsing-filter = Filter...
browsing-filtered = (filtered)
browsing-find = <b>Find</b>:
browsing-find-and-replace = Find and Replace
browsing-find-duplicates = Find Duplicates
browsing-first-card = First Card
browsing-flag = Flag
browsing-font = <b>Font</b>:
browsing-font-size = <b>Font Size</b>:
browsing-found-as-across-bs = Found %(a)s across %(b)s.
browsing-home = Home
browsing-ignore-case = Ignore case
browsing-in = <b>In</b>:
browsing-interval = Interval
browsing-last-card = Last Card
browsing-learning = (learning)
browsing-line-size = <b>Line Size</b>:
browsing-manage-note-types = Manage Note Types...
browsing-move-cards = Move Cards
browsing-move-cards-to-deck = Move cards to deck:
browsing-nd-names = %(n)d: %(name)s
browsing-new = (new)
browsing-new-note-type = New note type:
browsing-no-flag = No Flag
browsing-note = Note
browsing-notes-tagged = Notes tagged.
browsing-nothing = Nothing
browsing-only-new-cards-can-be-repositioned = Only new cards can be repositioned.
browsing-optional-filter = Optional filter:
browsing-override-back-template = Override back template:
browsing-override-font = Override font:
browsing-override-front-template = Override front template:
browsing-place-at-end-of-new-card = Place at end of new card queue
browsing-place-in-review-queue-with-interval = Place in review queue with interval between:
browsing-please-give-your-filter-a-name = Please give your filter a name:
browsing-please-select-cards-from-only-one = Please select cards from only one note type.