importing-anki-files-are-from-a-very = .anki files are from a very old version of Anki. You can import them with add-on 175027074 or with Anki 2.0, available on the Anki website.
importing-anki2-files-are-not-directly-importable = .anki2 files are not directly importable - please import the .apkg or .zip file you have received instead.
importing-appeared-twice-in-file = Appeared twice in file: { $val }
importing-by-default-anki-will-detect-the = By default, Anki will detect the character between fields, such as a tab, comma, and so on. If Anki is detecting the character incorrectly, you can enter it here. Use \t to represent tab.
importing-change = Change
importing-colon = Colon
importing-comma = Comma
importing-empty-first-field = Empty first field: { $val }
importing-field-mapping = Field mapping
importing-field-of-file-is = Field <b>{ $val }</b> of file is:
importing-the-first-field-of-the-note = The first field of the note type must be mapped.
importing-the-provided-file-is-not-a = The provided file is not a valid .apkg file.
importing-this-file-does-not-appear-to = This file does not appear to be a valid .apkg file. If you're getting this error from a file downloaded from AnkiWeb, chances are that your download failed. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please try again with a different browser.
importing-this-will-delete-your-existing-collection = This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data in the file you're importing. Are you sure?
importing-unable-to-import-from-a-readonly = Unable to import from a read-only file.