136 lines
4.4 KiB
136 lines
4.4 KiB
Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
<script lang="ts">
import Checkbox from "../../components/CheckBox.svelte";
import DropdownItem from "../../components/DropdownItem.svelte";
import DropdownMenu from "../../components/DropdownMenu.svelte";
import { withButton } from "../../components/helpers";
import IconButton from "../../components/IconButton.svelte";
import Shortcut from "../../components/Shortcut.svelte";
import WithDropdown from "../../components/WithDropdown.svelte";
import type { SurroundFormat } from "../../domlib/surround";
import type { MatchType } from "../../domlib/surround";
import * as tr from "../../lib/ftl";
import { altPressed } from "../../lib/keys";
import { getPlatformString } from "../../lib/shortcuts";
import { context as noteEditorContext } from "../NoteEditor.svelte";
import { editingInputIsRichText } from "../rich-text-input";
import { Surrounder } from "../surround";
import type { RemoveFormat } from "./EditorToolbar.svelte";
import { context as editorToolbarContext } from "./EditorToolbar.svelte";
import { eraserIcon } from "./icons";
import { arrowIcon } from "./icons";
const { focusedInput } = noteEditorContext.get();
const surrounder = Surrounder.make();
let disabled: boolean;
$: if (editingInputIsRichText($focusedInput)) {
surrounder.richText = $focusedInput;
disabled = false;
} else {
disabled = true;
const { removeFormats } = editorToolbarContext.get();
removeFormats.update((formats) =>
name: "simple spans",
show: false,
active: true,
format: {
matcher: (
element: HTMLElement | SVGElement,
match: MatchType<never>,
): void => {
if (
element.tagName === "SPAN" &&
element.className.length === 0 &&
element.style.cssText.length === 0
) {
surroundElement: document.createElement("span"),
let activeFormats: SurroundFormat<any>[];
$: activeFormats = $removeFormats
.filter((format) => format.active)
.map((format) => format.format);
let inactiveFormats: SurroundFormat<any>[];
$: inactiveFormats = $removeFormats
.filter((format) => !format.active)
.map((format) => format.format);
let showFormats: RemoveFormat<any>[];
$: showFormats = $removeFormats.filter((format) => format.show);
function remove(): void {
surrounder.remove(activeFormats, inactiveFormats);
function onItemClick<T>(event: MouseEvent, format: RemoveFormat<T>): void {
if (altPressed(event)) {
for (const format of showFormats) {
format.active = false;
format.active = !format.active;
$removeFormats = $removeFormats;
const keyCombination = "Control+R";
tooltip="{tr.editingRemoveFormatting()} ({getPlatformString(keyCombination)})"
{@html eraserIcon}
<Shortcut {keyCombination} on:action={remove} />
<div class="hide-after">
<WithDropdown autoClose="outside" let:createDropdown --border-right-radius="5px">
{@html arrowIcon}
<DropdownMenu on:mousedown={(event) => event.preventDefault()}>
{#each showFormats as format (format.name)}
<DropdownItem on:click={(event) => onItemClick(event, format)}>
<Checkbox bind:value={format.active} />
<span class="d-flex-inline ps-3">{format.name}</span>
<style lang="scss">
.hide-after {
display: contents;
:global(.dropdown-toggle::after) {
display: none;