2022-02-03 05:52:11 +01:00
Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
<script lang="ts">
/* import type { SlotHostProps } from "../sveltelib/dynamic-slotting"; */
import dynamicSlotting, {
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setSlotHostContext as defaultContext,
} from "../sveltelib/dynamic-slotting";
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import type ButtonGroupItem from "./ButtonGroupItem.svelte";
import type Item from "./Item.svelte";
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function id<T>(value: T): T {
return value;
* This should be a Svelte component that accepts `id` and `hostProps`
* as their props, only mounts a div with display:contents, and retrieves
* its props via .getProps().
* For a minimal example, have a look at `Item.svelte`.
export let slotHost: typeof Item | typeof ButtonGroupItem;
* We cannot properly type these right now.
export let createProps: any /* <T extends SlotHostProps>() => T */ =
defaultProps as any;
export let updatePropsList: any /* <T extends SlotHostProps>(list: T[]) => T[] */ =
export let setSlotHostContext = defaultContext;
export let createInterface = defaultInterface;
const { slotsInterface, resolveSlotContainer, dynamicSlotted } = dynamicSlotting(
export let api: Partial<Record<string, unknown>>;
Object.assign(api, slotsInterface);
<div class="dynamically-slottable" use:resolveSlotContainer>
<slot />
{#each $dynamicSlotted as { component, hostProps } (component.id)}
<svelte:component this={slotHost} id={component.id} {hostProps}>
<svelte:component this={component.component} {...component.props} />
<style lang="scss">
.dynamically-slottable {
display: contents;