45 lines
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45 lines
1.6 KiB
tell application "Finder"
set theDisk to a reference to (disks whose URL = "DEPLOY_VOLUME_URL")
open theDisk
set theWindow to a reference to (container window of disks whose URL = "DEPLOY_VOLUME_URL")
set current view of theWindow to icon view
set toolbar visible of theWindow to false
set statusbar visible of theWindow to false
-- size of window should fit the size of background
set the bounds of theWindow to {346, 100, 920, 500}
set theViewOptions to a reference to the icon view options of theWindow
set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
set icon size of theViewOptions to 128
set background picture of theViewOptions to POSIX file "DEPLOY_BG_FILE"
-- Create alias for install location
make new alias file at POSIX file "DEPLOY_VOLUME_PATH" to POSIX file "DEPLOY_INSTALL_LOCATION" with properties {name:"DEPLOY_INSTALL_LOCATION"}
set allTheFiles to the name of every item of theWindow
set xpos to 120
repeat with theFile in allTheFiles
set theFilePath to POSIX path of theFile
set appFilePath to POSIX path of "/DEPLOY_TARGET"
if theFilePath is "DEPLOY_INSTALL_LOCATION" then
-- Position install location
set position of item theFile of theWindow to {430, 170}
else if theFilePath ends with appFilePath then
-- Position application or runtime
set position of item theFile of theWindow to {140, 170}
-- Position all other items in a second row.
set position of item theFile of theWindow to {xpos, 290}
set xpos to xpos + 150
end if
end repeat
update theDisk without registering applications
delay 5
close (get window of theDisk)
end tell