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<h1 class="header_h_item">Daniel Langbein</h1>
<h2 class="header_h_item">Share experience, increase knowledge</h2>
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2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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<li data-target="#main_section_container_3" id="header_nav_menu_item_3" class="header_nav_menu_item">BikeTripPlanner</li>
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<p>Hi there! I'm a software developer, passionate about open source, sustainable technology, and ethical software. I write programs and tools that are available for anyone to execute, study, modify, or redistribute.</p>
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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<p>I self-host multiple services on full-disk encrypted home servers. The primary server and the daily off-site backup are configured declaratively with NixOS. The containerized services are managed with Docker Compose. For this, I've created separate templates for each service with Jinja2. This part is not yet public.</p>
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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NixOS config
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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Jinja-Compose (coming soon ...)
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<p>As part of my bachelor thesis at my university's open source department, I created a multimodal bicycle and public transportation navigation system. For this, I combined various open source projects and attached an open data pipeline to them.</p>
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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<button class="main_small_button_item">Source Code</button>
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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Copyright © 2024 Daniel Langbein | The code is licensed under&nbsp;<a class="footer_a_item" href="https://github.com/ardacarofficial/links-website/blob/main/LICENSE">MIT</a>
2023-11-17 16:35:12 +03:00
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