#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import configparser import subprocess import re from pathlib import Path from typing import NamedTuple orientations = ['normal', 'right', 'inverted', 'left'] class Screen(NamedTuple): name: str devices: list[str] def main(): rotate_clockwise() def rotate_clockwise(): cfg = get_cfg() # screens from cfg that are connected screens = [Screen(name=name, devices=list(cfg[name].values())) for name in cfg if name != cfg.default_section and is_connected(name)] if len(screens) == 0: raise Exception('None of the configured screens are connected.') current_orientation = get_current_orientation(screens[0].name) next_orientation = orientations[(orientations.index(current_orientation) + 1) % len(orientations)] for screen in screens: rotate(screen, next_orientation) def get_cfg() -> configparser.ConfigParser: config: configparser.ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(get_cfg_path()) return config def get_cfg_path() -> Path: global_path = Path('/etc/rotate-screen.cfg') if global_path.exists(): return global_path local_path = Path('example.cfg') if local_path.exists(): return local_path raise Exception('No configuration file found.') def rotate(screen: Screen, orientation): execute(['xrandr', '--output', screen.name, '--rotate', orientation]) for device in screen.devices: execute(['xrandr', '--map-to-output', device, screen.name]) def get_current_orientation(screen: str): """ @precond: is_connected(screen) = True Example: - stdout includes line: eDP connected primary 2880x1620+0+0 (0x55) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm - screen: eDP - returns: normal Example: - stdout includes line: eDP-1 connected 1920x1280+0+0 (0x46) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 222mm x 148mm - screen: eDP-1 - returns: normal """ stdout = execute(['xrandr', '--query', '--verbose']) # pattern = re.compile(rf'^{re.escape(screen)} .* \([^\)]+\) (\S+) \([^\)]+\) .*$', flags=re.MULTILINE) pattern = re.compile(rf'^{re.escape(screen)} connected [^\(]+ \([^\)]+\) (\S+) \([^\)]+\) [^\(]+$', flags=re.MULTILINE) match = pattern.search(stdout) if match is None: raise Exception(f'Did not find screen {screen} in stdout:\n{stdout}') return match.group(1) def is_connected(screen: str): """ Example: - stdout includes line: eDP connected primary 2880x1620+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm - returns: True """ stdout = execute(['xrandr']) pattern = re.compile(rf'^({re.escape(screen)}\sconnected\s.*)$', flags=re.MULTILINE) match = pattern.search(stdout) return match is not None def execute(command: list[str]) -> str: """ :return: stdout of command execution """ completed: subprocess.CompletedProcess = subprocess.run( command, capture_output=True, text=True, ) if completed.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Exit Code: {completed.returncode}\n' f'Stdout:\n{completed.stdout}\n' f'Stderr:\n{completed.stderr}') return completed.stdout if __name__ == '__main__': main()