{ config, pkgs, ... }: { users.users."yoda" = { packages = with pkgs; [ #gnome.gnome-terminal # Terminal emulator nautilus-open-any-terminal # For Nautilus (GNOME files) integration ]; }; # For Nautilus (GNOME files) integration programs.dconf.enable = true; home-manager.users."yoda" = { osConfig, config, pkgs, ... }: { dconf.settings = { # For Nautilus (GNOME files) integration "com/github/stunkymonkey/nautilus-open-any-terminal" = { terminal = "gnome-terminal"; }; }; programs.gnome-terminal.enable = true; programs.gnome-terminal.profile."74b90a31-5123-4a64-91a3-3cb31eb5cdb6" = { default = true; visibleName = "Yoda's Terminal"; font = "DejaVu Sans Mono 11"; audibleBell = false; # Theme: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-default-schemes/blob/master/default-light.yaml # Where to place theme values: https://github.com/knopki/devops-at-home/blob/307921320d6147347e830d2c709f142b809d55b4/home/modules/theme/theme-gnome-terminal.nix#L16-L41 colors = { backgroundColor = "#f8f8f8"; foregroundColor = "#383838"; cursor = { background = "#383838"; foreground = "#f8f8f8"; }; palette = [ "#f8f8f8" "#ab4642" "#a1b56c" "#f7ca88" "#7cafc2" "#ba8baf" "#86c1b9" "#383838" "#b8b8b8" "#dc9656" "#e8e8e8" "#d8d8d8" "#585858" "#282828" "#a16946" "#181818" ]; }; }; }; }