{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  imports =




  #foo = throw "NixOS rebuild boot required to update to 24.05";

  networking.hostName = "yodaYoga";
  boot.initrd.luks.devices."luks-a8521407-e25b-4f26-8e7a-a56fcbfd2e35".allowDiscards = true;
  yoda.btrfsFileSystems = ["/"];
  #yoda.btrfsMounts = yoda.btrfsFileSystems;

  boot.kernelParams = [
    # Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS), see https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/hw-vuln/mds.html#mitigation-control-on-the-kernel-command-line
  boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages;

  # Most users should never change this value after the initial install, for any reason, even if you've upgraded your system to a new NixOS release.
  system.stateVersion = "23.05";