# SystemMaxFileSize: Defaults to one eighth of the values configured with SystemMaxUse= and RuntimeMaxUse=, so that usually seven rotated journal files are kept as history.
# MaxFileSec: To ensure that not too much data is lost at once when old journal files are deleted, it might make sense to change this value from the default of one month.
# `nixos-generate-config` does not detect mount options, so we add them here.
# https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Btrfs#Compression
# BTRFS scrub.
# Scrubbing is the process of checking file consistency.
# Scrubbing may be done "online", meaning you don't need to unmount a subvolume to scrub it.
# https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Btrfs#Scrubbing
# Btrfs scrub is "[a]n online filesystem checking tool. Reads all the data and metadata on the filesystem and uses checksums and the duplicate copies from RAID storage to identify and repair any corrupt data."
# https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/btrfs#Scrub
# The scrub command operates on a whole filesystem, not just individual subvolumes.