version: '3.9' services: # 14 MB memory usage while idle webdav: build: dockerfile: Dockerfile command: sh -c "mkdir -p /data && httplz --port 8080 --auth username:secret-pwd --webdav --allow-write /data" ports: - '8080:8080/tcp' volumes: - ./data:/data # Alternative ways to use httplz # # 114 MB memory usage while idle # webdav: # image: archlinux # command: sh -c "pacman -Syu --noconfirm && pacman -S --needed --noconfirm httplz && mkdir -p /data && httplz --port 8080 --auth username:secret-pwd --webdav --allow-write /data" # ports: # - '8080:8080/tcp' # volumes: # - ./data:/data # # 447 MB memory usage while idle # webdav: # image: rust # command: sh -c "cargo install https && mkdir -p /data && httplz --port 8080 --auth username:secret-pwd --webdav --allow-write /data" # ports: # - '8080:8080/tcp' # volumes: # - ./data:/data # # 390 MB memory usage while idle # webdav: # image: rust:alpine # # openssl not found -> openssl and openssl-dev # # #include -> musl-dev # command: sh -c "apk add openssl openssl-dev musl-dev && cargo install --bin httplz https && mkdir -p /data && httplz --port 8080 --auth username:secret-pwd --webdav --allow-write /data" # ports: # - '8080:8080/tcp' # volumes: # - ./data:/data