from pathlib import Path from typing import List import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # TODO from datetime import datetime from langfingaz import loadData from langfingaz import parseMeetings from langfingaz.parseMeetings import BbbStatus, Meeting from langfingaz.util import fileUtil def plotMeetings(folder: Path): bbbStati: List[BbbStatus] = [] for file in folder.iterdir(): if".xml"): dataStr, t = loadData.loadData(file) meetings: List[Meeting] = parseMeetings.parseMeetingsData(dataStr) bbbStati.append(parseMeetings.BbbStatus(meetings, t)) doPlotMeetings(bbbStati) def doPlotMeetings(bbbStati: List[BbbStatus]): time = [] # x-axis: time participants = [] # yAxis (1) videos = [] # yAxis (2) voices = [] # yAxis (3) for bbbStatus in bbbStati: time.append(bbbStatus.pointOfTime) participants.append(bbbStatus.participantCount) videos.append(bbbStatus.videoCount) voices.append(bbbStatus.voiceParticipantCount) # Note that even in the OO-style, we use `.pyplot.figure` to create the figure. fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Create a figure and an axes. ax.plot(time, participants, label='participants') # Plot some data on the axes. ax.plot(time, videos, label='video') # Plot more data on the axes... ax.plot(time, voices, label='voice') # ... and some more. ax.set_xlabel('time') # Add an x-label to the axes. ax.set_ylabel('numbers') # Add a y-label to the axes. ax.set_title("BigBlueButton Statistics") # Add a title to the axes. ax.legend() # Add a legend. fig.savefig(fileUtil.setDatetimePrefix(fileUtil.getProjectBaseDir().joinpath("plot"), if __name__ == '__main__': plotMeetings(fileUtil.getProjectBaseDir().joinpath("data"))