# Example config for testing in VirtualBox # FQDN=domain.name.of.this.host.de # STATIC_IP= # IPV6_CAPABLE=1 HOSTNAME=yodaTest USERNAME=yoda # one should rather enter these interactively than saving in this cfg USER_PWD=test LUKS_PWD=test # if unset, then USER_PWD will be used for ROOT_PWD # ROOT_PWD=test TARGET_BLOCK_DEVICE=/dev/sda BOOT_PART_SIZE=500 # MiB FS=BTRFS FS_ADDITIONAL_MOUNT_OPTIONS=('noatime') # If not booted into the target system, these values should be set: # CPU_VENDOR: "autodetect", "amd", "intel" or "none" CPU_VENDOR=autodetect # BOOT_FIRMWARE: "autodetect", "uefi" or "bios" BOOT_FIRMWARE=uefi # If set to "1", then the data, boot and luks partitions # will be left mounted/opened for manual inspection # after the installation LEAVE_MOUNTED=1 PACSTRAP_INTERACTIVE=1 ############## ADDITIONAL_PKGS from here on ############## ADDITIONAL_PKGS=() # Specify the preferred providers for initramfs, de-p1st-kernel, de-p1st-ucode, de-p1st-sddm-theme ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('mkinitcpio' 'de-p1st-kernel-lts' 'de-p1st-ucode-placeholder' 'de-p1st-sddm-theme-nordic') # VBox guest additions ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('virtualbox-guest-utils') # XFCE4 desktop with HiDPI ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('de-p1st-gpu-generic' 'de-p1st-xfce4-hidpi' 'de-p1st-sddm-tablet') # If your network is unsafe, e.g. if you live in Germany, then include a VPN client ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('riseup-vpn') # Smartcard (e.g. Nitrokey or Yubikey) ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('de-p1st-smartcard') # Other programs ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('firefox' 'signal-desktop' 'nextcloud-client' 'keepassxc' 'xournalpp' 'zotero') # Development ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('intellij-idea-ultimate-edition' 'intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre') # Document viewer ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('evince') # Gallery / image viewer ADDITIONAL_PKGS+=('nomacs' 'qt5-imageformats')