# Maintainer: Daniel Langbein pkgbase="de-p1st-subpackage-test" pkgname=("${pkgbase}1" "${pkgbase}2") pkgver=0.0.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="for testing purposes only" arch=('any') license=('MIT') depends=('git') package_de-p1st-subpackage-test1 () { pkgdesc="for testing purposes only (1)" depends=("nano") # pkgver can not be set inside a package function # pkgrel can not be set inside a package function } package_de-p1st-subpackage-test2 () { pkgdesc="for testing purposes only (2)" depends=("vim") # pkgver can not be set inside a package function # pkgrel can not be set inside a package function }