* [Replicate your system with self-hosted Arch Linux metapackages](https://ownyourbits.com/2019/07/21/replicate-your-system-with-self-hosted-arch-linux-metapackages/)
## Setup
Install `de-p1st-repo` on your local machine as well as on
a remote server.
Adjust [/etc/de-p1st-repo/arch-repo.conf](arch-repo.cfg) according to your needs.
Run a webserver on the server to serve static content:
* [https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx/]() -> Hosting some simple static content
*`sudo docker run --name arch-repo -v /mnt/data/live/arch-repo:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx`
Add the newly created mirror to your `/etc/pacman.conf`:
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = https://arch.p1st.de
## Normal usage
### Check for AUR updates, build and push
Check remote repository for AUR packages that can be updated
Then build those packages locally and push changes to remote repository
# Build on local machine in clean chroot (or with an AUR helper), e.g.